Jerome Wakefield

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Jerome Wakefield
Jerome Carl Wakefield
Education Queens College
University of California, Berkeley
Known forWork on psychiatric nosology and the philosophy of psychiatry
Scientific career
Fields Social work
Institutions New York University
Thesis Do unconscious mental states exist? Freud, Searle, and the conceptual foundations of cognitive science  (2001)
Doctoral advisor John Searle

Jerome C. Wakefield is a professor of social work in the Silver School of Social Work at New York University. Much of his work is in the history and philosophy of psychiatry. He is noted for his "harmful dysfunction" analysis of mental illness, which he positions between the anti-psychiatry viewpoint of the social construction of mental illness and the conventional view in mainstream psychiatry that such illnesses can be objectively diagnosed based on a set of symptoms. His writings on mental illness have attracted considerable attention, including a 1999 issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology that was dedicated to his views on the topic. [1] In 2021, MSIT Press published the book Defining Mental Disorder: Jerome Wakefield and His Critics, in which philosophers discussed Dr. Wakefield's "harmful dysfunction" analysis with detailed responses from Wakefield himself. [2] He was elected a member of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare in 2020. [3] In 2022, he was ranked 14th among mental disorder scholars worldwide for lifetime productivity, quality, and impact, by ScholarsGPS [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Causes of mental disorders</span> Etiology of psychopathology

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Richard Bentall is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield in the UK.

Historically, mental disorders have had three major explanations, namely, the supernatural, biological and psychological models. For much of recorded history, deviant behavior has been considered supernatural and a reflection of the battle between good and evil. When confronted with unexplainable, irrational behavior and by suffering and upheaval, people have perceived evil. In fact, in the Persian Empire from 550 to 330 B.C., all physical and mental disorders were considered the work of the devil. Physical causes of mental disorders have been sought in history. Hippocrates was important in this tradition as he identified syphilis as a disease and was, therefore, an early proponent of the idea that psychological disorders are biologically caused. This was a precursor to modern psycho-social treatment approaches to the causation of psychopathology, with the focus on psychological, social and cultural factors. Well known philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, etc., wrote about the importance of fantasies, dreams, and thus anticipated, to some extent, the fields of psychoanalytic thought and cognitive science that were later developed. They were also some of the first to advocate for humane and responsible care for individuals with psychological disturbances.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare</span>

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  1. "Jerome C. Wakefield". Silver School of Social Work. Retrieved 2022-11-22.
  2. "Defining Mental Disorder: Jerome Wakefield and His Critics". MIT Press Direct.
  3. "Jerome Wakefield, PhD". American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. Retrieved 2022-11-22.
  4. "Highly Ranked Scholars | ScholarsGPS". ScholasGPS.