[permanent dead link]"}]]}" id="mwnw">http://www.kira-online.de/gallery.asp%5B%5D Retrieved September 30, 2007. The "Live Fotos" section of Kira's web site listed her major gigs. This link is now dead, but an older version of Kira's web site, which lists many of her pre-Goldfisch gigs, was archived; see, for example, https://web.archive.org/web/20041205141227/http://www.kira-online.de/ , retrieved December 2, 2008.
↑ This press release was included in the promo version of the first single from Goldfisch, "Wenn du den Himmel nicht aufmachst". Its text is included verbatim on the Kira section of Grönland's web site (http://www.groenland.com/2006/german/artists_kira.aspArchived 2008-06-10 at the Wayback Machine ) and the "Über Kira" section of Kira's own web site (http://www.kira-online.de), both retrieved on September 30, 2007. Note: The Kira web site link is now dead; the press release was not carried over to the new site's kira-online.net domain.
↑ http://www.groenland.com/2006/german/artists_kira.aspArchived 2008-06-10 at the Wayback Machine The Kira section of Grönland's web site. Kira's original German: "Für mich sind diese zwei Alben wie zwei komplett verschiedene Welten, die fast gar nichts miteinander zu tun haben. Beiden liegt ein ganz und gar unterschiedliches Lebensgefühl zugrunde."
↑ http://www.kira-online.de/gallery.asp%5B%5D The "Live Fotos" section of Kira's web site, retrieved September 30, 2007. Note: This link is now dead and was not archived on archive.org.
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