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Klaus Hulek (born 19 August 1952 in Hindelang)[ citation needed ] is a German mathematician, known for his work in algebraic geometry and in particular, his work on moduli spaces.
Klaus Hulek studied Mathematics from 1971 at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich graduating in 1976 with his Diplom. In 1974/75 he studied at Brasenose College of the University of Oxford, where he obtained a master's degree.
He obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Wolf Barth at the University of Erlangen–Nuremberg in 1979. His thesis was "Stable rank 2 vector bundles on with odd first Chern class". [1] In 1982/83 he held a post-doctorate position at Brown University and after that he returned to Erlangen as a research scientist, where he completed his habilitation in 1984, gaining the title Privatdozent.
From 1985, Hulek was a professor at the University of Bayreuth, and in 1990 he moved to Leibniz University Hannover, where he was also vice-president for research from 2005 to January 2015.
Hulek is an editor of the journal Mathematische Nachrichten . Since 2016 he has been editor in chief of zbMATH (formerly Zentralblatt für Mathematik). Hulek was vice president of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) from January 2019 to May 2020.
His former doctoral students include Andreas Gathmann and Matthias Schütt.
David Bryant Mumford is an American mathematician known for his work in algebraic geometry and then for research into vision and pattern theory. He won the Fields Medal and was a MacArthur Fellow. In 2010 he was awarded the National Medal of Science. He is currently a University Professor Emeritus in the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University.
In mathematics, a complex analytic K3 surface is a compact connected complex manifold of dimension 2 with а trivial canonical bundle and irregularity zero. An (algebraic) K3 surface over any field means a smooth proper geometrically connected algebraic surface that satisfies the same conditions. In the Enriques–Kodaira classification of surfaces, K3 surfaces form one of the four classes of minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension zero. A simple example is the Fermat quartic surface
In mathematics, an abelian surface is a 2-dimensional abelian variety.
Yuri Ivanovich Manin was a Russian mathematician, known for work in algebraic geometry and diophantine geometry, and many expository works ranging from mathematical logic to theoretical physics.
In algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a rational surface is a surface birationally equivalent to the projective plane, or in other words a rational variety of dimension two. Rational surfaces are the simplest of the 10 or so classes of surface in the Enriques–Kodaira classification of complex surfaces, and were the first surfaces to be investigated.
In mathematics, a Hilbert modular surface or Hilbert–Blumenthal surface is an algebraic surface obtained by taking a quotient of a product of two copies of the upper half-plane by a Hilbert modular group. More generally, a Hilbert modular variety is an algebraic variety obtained by taking a quotient of a product of multiple copies of the upper half-plane by a Hilbert modular group.
Wolf Paul Barth was a German mathematician who discovered Barth surfaces and whose work on vector bundles has been important for the ADHM construction. Until 2011 Barth was working in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.
In mathematics, a hyperelliptic surface, or bi-elliptic surface, is a surface whose Albanese morphism is an elliptic fibration. Any such surface can be written as the quotient of a product of two elliptic curves by a finite abelian group. Hyperelliptic surfaces form one of the classes of surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0 in the Enriques–Kodaira classification.
In algebraic geometry, a Humbert surface, studied by Humbert (1899), is a surface in the moduli space of principally polarized abelian surfaces consisting of the surfaces with a symmetric endomorphism of some fixed discriminant.
In mathematics, a Kodaira surface is a compact complex surface of Kodaira dimension 0 and odd first Betti number. The concept is named after Kunihiko Kodaira.
In mathematics, Dolgachev surfaces are certain simply connected elliptic surfaces, introduced by Igor Dolgachev (1981). They can be used to give examples of an infinite family of homeomorphic simply connected compact 4-manifolds, no two of which are diffeomorphic.
In mathematics, a Beauville surface is one of the surfaces of general type introduced by Arnaud Beauville. They are examples of "fake quadrics", with the same Betti numbers as quadric surfaces.
In mathematics, a Campedelli surface is one of the surfaces of general type introduced by Campedelli. Surfaces with the same Hodge numbers are called numerical Campedelli surfaces.
In mathematics, a Catanese surface is one of the surfaces of general type introduced by Fabrizio Catanese (1981).
In algebraic geometry, the Barth–Nieto quintic is a quintic 3-fold in 4 dimensional projective space studied by Wolf Barth and Isidro Nieto (1994) that is the Hessian of the Segre cubic.
In homological algebra, a monad is a 3-term complex
Alan Trinler Huckleberry is an American mathematician who works in complex analysis, Lie groups actions and algebraic geometry. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Ruhr University Bochum and Wisdom Professor of Mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen in Germany.
Gudrun Kalmbach is a German mathematician and educator known for her contributions in the field of quantum logic and for the educational programmes she developed.
In mathematics, a Siegel modular variety or Siegel moduli space is an algebraic variety that parametrizes certain types of abelian varieties of a fixed dimension. More precisely, Siegel modular varieties are the moduli spaces of principally polarized abelian varieties of a fixed dimension. They are named after Carl Ludwig Siegel, the 20th-century German number theorist who introduced the varieties in 1943.
Frank-Olaf Schreyer is a German mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry and algorithmic algebraic geometry.