Larceny (Advertisements) Act 1870

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Larceny (Advertisements) Act 1870 [1]
Act of Parliament
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (variant 1, 1952-2022).svg
Long title An Act to amend the Law relating to Advertisements respecting Stolen Goods.
Citation 33 & 34 Vict. c. 65
Royal assent 9 August 1870
Commencement 9 August 1870 [2]
Other legislation
Repealed by Theft Act 1968
Status: Repealed
Text of statute as originally enacted

The Larceny (Advertisements) Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 65) was an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. According to its preamble, the purpose of this Act was to discourage vexatious proceedings, at the instance of common informers, against printers and publishers of newspapers, under section 102 of the Larceny Act 1861.


This Act was repealed by section 33(3) of, and Part II of Schedule 3 to, the Theft Act 1968.

This Act was retained for the Republic of Ireland by section 2(2)(a) of, and Part 4 of Schedule 1 to, the Statute Law Revision Act 2007.

Section 1 - Short title

This section authorised the citation of this Act, and the Larceny Act 1861, by their short titles, and by a collective title.

Section 2 - Definition of "newspaper"

This section read:

In this Act the term "newspaper" means a newspaper as defined for the purposes of the Acts for the time being in force relating to the carriage of newspapers by post.

Section 3 - Limitation of actions for advertisements of reward for return of stolen property

This section read:

Every action against the printer or publisher of a newspaper to recover a forfeiture under section one hundred and two of The Larceny Act, 1861, shall be brought within six months after the forfeiture is incurred, and no such action against the printer or publisher of a newspaper shall be incurred, and no such action shall be brought unless the assent in writing of Her Majesty's Attorney General or Solicitor General for England, if the action is brought in England, or for Ireland, if the action is brought in Ireland, has been first obtained to the bringing of such action.

Section 4 - Stay of proceedings in action brought before the passing of this Act

This section was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act 1883 (46 & 47 Vict c 39)

See also

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  1. The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of this Act. Due to the repeal of this Act, it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
  2. This Act came into force on the date on which it received royal assent because no other date was specified: The Acts of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793