Latha Venkataraman

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Latha Venkataraman
Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alma mater Harvard University
Scientific career
Fields Applied physics, chemistry
Institutions Columbia University
Thesis Electronic properties of one-dimensional conductors: A study of molybdenum selenide molecular wires  (1999)
Doctoral advisor Charles Lieber

Latha Venkataraman is a physicist. She is a professor of applied physics and chemistry at Columbia University.



Venkataraman completed her BSc in Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993, followed by Masters and PhD degrees at Harvard University. [1] Her thesis was titled Electronic properties of one-dimensional conductors: A study of molybdenum selenide molecular wires and was completed under Charles Lieber. [2]

She worked at Vytran Corporation before moving to Columbia University in 2003, [3] where she is currently the Lawrence Gussman Professor of Applied Physics [4] and Professor of Chemistry. Venkataraman served as Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs from January 2019 through June 2022. [1]


Venkataraman researches fundamental properties of single-molecule devices, combining physics, chemistry, and engineering.

Honours and awards


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