Linda Skitka

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Linda Skitka
Linda Skitka.jpg
Alma mater
Scientific career
Fields Psychology
Institutions University of Illinois at Chicago

Linda J. Skitka is a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Skitka's research bridges a number of areas of inquiry including social, political, and moral psychology. [1] [2]



She has authored or co-authored papers for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , Social Justice Research , and Political Psychology. She is best known for her research into justice and fairness, [3] [4] [5] moral conviction, [6] [7] [8] and political reasoning. [9] [10]

A recent and highly-cited collaborative publication she provided research towards gave major insight into psychological responses to the pandemic, titled Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. It focuses on how to encourage behavior change in the public, manage the psychological effects of the pandemic, and promote effective communication and leadership during this period. [11]

Affiliations and recognition

She is the current president of the Midwestern Psychological Association, the president-elect for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, served as president of the International Society for Justice Research from 2006 to 2008, [12] served on the executive committee for the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, and was the founding chairperson of a consortium of professional societies that collaborated to launch the scholarly journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Skitka is also on numerous editorial boards for academic journals, has received research funding from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Templeton Foundation, and has won several awards for excellence in teaching, mentoring, service and research. [13]

See also

Related Research Articles

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Puritanical bias refers to the tendency to attribute cause of an undesirable outcome or wrongdoing by an individual to a moral deficiency or lack of self control rather than taking into account the impact of broader societal determinants. An example might be, "These people sit around all day in their apartments on welfare watching TV, but won't take the time to get out and find a job!" In this case, a selection of persons might have existed for some time under dire economic and/or socially oppressive circumstances, but individuals from that selection have been cognitively dis-empowered by these circumstances to decide or act on decisions to obtain a given goal.

Moral conviction refers to the perception that one's feelings about a given attitude are based on one's beliefs about right and wrong. Holding an attitude with moral conviction means that a person has attached moral significance to it.


  1. "Home Page - Linda J. Skitka, Ph.D."
  2. "Linda J. Skitka".
  3. Skitka, L. J., Aramovich, N., Lytle, B. L., & Sargis, E. (2009). Knitting together an elephant: an integrative approach to understanding the psychology of justice reasoning. In D. R. Bobocel, A. C. Kay, M. P. Zanna, & J. M. Olson (Eds.), The psychology of justice and legitimacy: The Ontario symposium (Vol. 11, pp. 1 - 26). Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.
  4. Skitka, L. J., Bauman, C. W., & Mullen, E. (2008). Morality and justice: An expanded theoretical perspective and review. In K. A. Hedgvedt & J. Clay-Warner (Eds.), Advances in Group Processes, Vol. 25 (pp. 1 - 27). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  5. Mullen, E., & Skitka, L. J. (2006). Exploring the psychological underpinnings of the moral mandate effect: Motivated reasoning, identification, or affect? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90, 629 - 643.
  6. Skitka, L. J., Bauman, C. W., & Sargis, E. G. (2005). Moral conviction: Another contributor to attitude strength or something more? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 895 - 917.
  7. Skitka, L. J., & Bauman, C. W. (2008). Moral conviction and political engagement. Political Psychology, 29, 29 - 54.
  8. Skitka, L. J., & Morgan, G. S. (2009). The double-edged sword of a moral state of mind. In D. Narvaez & D. K. Lapsley (Eds.), Moral self, identity, and character: Prospects for new field of study (pp. 355 - 374), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  9. Skitka, L. J., Mullen, E., Griffin, T., Hutchinson, S., & Chamberlin, B. (2002). Dispositions, ideological scripts, or motivated correction? Understanding ideological differences in attributions for social problems. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 470-487.
  10. Skitka, L. J., & Tetlock, P. E. (1993). Providing public assistance: Cognitive and motivational processes underlying liberal and conservative policy preferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1205 - 1223.
  11. Bavel, Jay J. Van; Baicker, Katherine; Boggio, Paulo S.; Capraro, Valerio; Cichocka, Aleksandra; Cikara, Mina; Crockett, Molly J.; Crum, Alia J.; Douglas, Karen M.; Druckman, James N.; Drury, John; Dube, Oeindrila; Ellemers, Naomi; Finkel, Eli J.; Fowler, James H. (May 2020). "Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response". Nature Human Behaviour. 4 (5): 460–471. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0884-z. ISSN   2397-3374.
  12. "International Society for Justice Research - Homepage of ISJR".
  13. "Vita | Linda J. Skitka, Ph.D".

Further reading