List of Bucknell Bison in the NFL draft

Last updated

This is a list of Bucknell Bison football players in the NFL draft.



BBackK Kicker NT Nose tackle
C Center LB Linebacker FB Fullback
DB Defensive back P Punter HB Halfback
DE Defensive end QB Quarterback WR Wide receiver
DT Defensive tackle RB Running back G Guard
E End T Offensive tackle TE Tight end


Selections as of the 2017 NFL Draft. [1]

193911292 Lou Tomasetti Pittsburgh Steelers B
193173 Bill Lane Cleveland Rams B
19403318 George Kiick Pittsburgh Steelers B
7252 Hal Pegg Philadelphia Eagles C
174154 Frank Funair Brooklyn Dodgers B
1944181176 Walt Szot Chicago Cardinals T
19459177 Etling Johnson Brooklyn Dodgers B
291297 Ralph Grant Pittsburgh Steelers B
1946216196 Ralph Grant Green Bay Packers B
224204 George Kochins Chicago Bears T
1947292267 Tom Rodgers Boston Yanks T
1951137154 Bill Szabo Pittsburgh Steelers T
1952261302 George Young New York Yanks T
364305 Bob Albert Philadelphia Eagles B
1953911108 Brad Myers Los Angeles Rams B
211242 Frank Kirby Baltimore Colts T
243280 Stan Butterworth Washington Redskins B
1955207236 Bob Anowiak Green Bay Packers B
263304 Marion Minker Baltimore Colts T
298345 Ron Lloyd Philadelphia Eagles T
196187105 Paul Terhes Baltimore Colts B
1969825207 Sam Havrilak Baltimore Colts RB/WR
2017424130 Julién Davenport Houston Texans T

Notable Undrafted Players

2018 Abdullah Anderson Chicago Bears DE
