List of DC Comics characters: R

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Rama Kushna

Rama Kushna is a goddess of karma and guardian of Nanda Parbat who empowered Boston Brand to become Deadman and seek vengeance for his murder. Created by writer Arnold Drake and artist Carmine Infantino, she first appeared in Strange Adventures #205 (October 1967).


Rama Kushna in other media

Armando Ramon

First appearanceJustice League of America #233 (December 1984)
Created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton
AliasesReverb, Rupture, Hardline

Armando Ramon (also known as Reverb, [3] Rupture, [4] and Hardline) is the older brother of Cisco Ramon / Vibe and Dante Ramon. Created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton, the character first appeared in Justice League of America #233 (December 1984). He was the leader of a street gang in Detroit, but gave it up after being inspired by his brother's actions as the superhero Vibe of the Justice League of America. Like Vibe, Ramon has the metahuman power to manipulate sound waves. Ramon joined the corporate-sponsored Conglomerate superhero team.

Armando Ramon in other media

Dante Ramon

First appearanceJustice League of America's Vibe #1 (April 2013)
Created by Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns and Pete Woods

Dante Ramon is a brother of Cisco Ramon / Vibe and Armando Ramon. Created by Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, and Pete Woods, he first appeared in Justice League of America's Vibe #1 (April 2013).

Dante Ramon in other media

Characters based on Dante Ramon, amalgamated with Armando Ramon, appear in The Flash , portrayed by Nicholas Gonzalez.

Ranx the Sentient City

Ranx the Sentient City is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. It is a sentient planetoid and member of the Sinestro Corps.

Ranx the Sentient City in other media


Raptor is the name of several characters appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

Brotherhood of Quetzalcoatl member

The Raptor name was first used by an unnamed woman who is a member of the Brotherhood of Quetzalcoatl. [10]

Jace Lorens

Jace Lorens is a pharmaceutical technician who operated as Raptor. [11]


A man named Cunningham is the second person to become Raptor after the death of Jace Lorens. [12]


In 2016, DC Comics implemented another relaunch of its books called "DC Rebirth" which restored its continuity to a form much as it was prior to "The New 52". Richard is a freelance assassin who the Parliament of Owls sent after Nightwing. [13]




Razer is an original character created for Green Lantern: The Animated Series , voiced by Jason Spisak. [14] He was a Volkregian alien who joined the Red Lantern Corps after Atrocitus conquered his homeworld and killed his wife Ilana. After learning of this, Razer defects from the Red Lanterns and joins Hal Jordan and Kilowog in stopping them.

Throughout the series, Razer falls in love with Aya, an artificial intelligence created by Scar as an empathetic alternative to the Manhunters. In the episode "Cold Fury", Razer rejects Aya, causing her to steal the Anti-Monitor's body and take control of the Manhunters. However, after injuring Razer, Aya comes to her senses and sacrifices herself to stop the Manhunters, who each possess a part of her programming. Unable to accept that Aya is truly gone, Razer leaves Earth to find her, with a Blue Lantern ring following him.

Razer later appeared in the main comics continuity and was introduced in Green Lantern vol. 7, written by The Animated Series writer Jeremy Adams. [15] [16]

Razer in other media

Red Arrow

Roy Harper

Emiko Queen

Red Devil

Edward Bloomberg (currently known as Red Devil) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Alan Kupperberg, Dan Mishkin, and Gary Cohn, the character first appeared in Fury of Firestorm #24 (June 1984). [21] The character was originally codenamed Kid Devil and was the sidekick to fellow superhero Blue Devil, and wielded similar powers by way of a suit. Eventually, the character would later adopt his current code and act as a member of the Teen Titans shortly after acquiring demonic-like powers as a result of his metagene.

Fictional character biography

Eddie had the good fortune of being a gofer in his Aunt Marla's film company. He met Blue Devil on a film set, and became quite a fan of the hero, dreaming about one day becoming Blue's sidekick. Edward snuck into Blue Devil's workshop at night and, using his prodigious knowledge of electronics, created a battlesuit incorporating the designs of the Blue Devil suit. Even though Blue Devil did not want a sidekick, Eddie was determined to make a go at being a hero. As "Kid Devil", he assisted his hero in foiling an airplane hijacking, and later helped defeat one of his enemies, the Vanquisher. After these adventures, his parents left Eddie's education and supervision to professors at the Institute of Hypernormal Conflict Studies. After Eddie's Aunt Marla died in a helicopter crash, Eddie attempted to live up to her name and succeed in the movie business. His attempts failed, however, and Eddie continued to have adventures as Kid Devil. He helps Young Justice's assault on Zandia, a small country that has become a refuge for supervillains. [22]

Changes and Titans

Since the events in Infinite Crisis , Eddie has tried to join the Teen Titans with little success. Pulsar helps Eddie get into a project Lex Luthor has been using to give normal humans superpowers, but Eddie fails because of "psychological problems". One evening, Eddie is visited by a cloaked figure, who gives him a candle. Eddie then goes to find his friend, Zachary Zatara, a magician, who knows little about magic and tells Eddie that the candle is a "demon stick", forged in demon's blood. Zatara tells Eddie that if someone light it, it will take him to its creator (which could be anyone). Not knowing of Zatara's inability to teleport anyone anywhere, Eddie decides to light it and the two are taken to Neron. Neron makes a deal with Eddie, transforming him into a new Kid Devil. Neron's magic gives Eddie a new, demonic appearance and inherent superpowers. As part of the deal, Eddie will not lose his soul to Neron if he can still trust Blue Devil by his 20th birthday. Before Eddie leaves, Neron tells him that it is Blue Devil's fault that his Aunt Marla died. Zachary helps Eddie join the Teen Titans, they battle Kid Crusader, and Zachary promises to keep his secret. One Year Later, a rift has formed between Eddie and Zachary. Though Eddie is still friendly with Zachary, the boy magician wants nothing to do with Eddie or any of the other Titans. Eddie also forges a bond with Rose Wilson, as both new members feel like third-string Titans. For many months, Eddie tells the Titans of multiple daily phone calls to Blue Devil as his way of confirming that "everything is fine". [23] On a Titans mission, Eddie is disemboweled by Plasmus and the EMTs are unable to help him. The new Doom Patrol arrives and take Kid Devil to their HQ for treatment, where the Chief heals Eddie while also attempting to manipulate him into joining the Doom Patrol (as he has done to the other DP members). During the operation, the Chief revealed to Elasti-Girl that Kid Devil is not truly a demon by nature, but rather his powers are the result of metahuman gene manipulation. Robin calls Blue Devil, as he is on Kid Devil's emergency contact list, but finds that the number is out of order. Robin eventually tracks down Blue Devil and tells him the situation. Blue Devil tells Robin that he has not seen or spoken to Eddie in two years. When Robin confronts Eddie about his relationship with Blue Devil, Eddie confesses he was only pretending to better fit in with the Titans. The Chief's manipulation is stopped by both the Titans and the other members of the Doom Patrol, which makes Eddie feel as if he is finally accepted as a Titan since they stood up for him. He also tries rekindling his bond with Blue Devil, but the man does not show up to a meeting to which Eddie invited him. Later, Eddie finally finds and confronts Blue Devil who admits that he was to blame for his Aunt Marla's death and that it was an accident. As part of a deal with Neron for gaining fame and fortune, Blue Devil was asked to destroy an unmanned electrical power station. Despite Blue Devil's various precautions, a resulting power surge accidentally killed Marla, who was scouting the nearby area for a film. Eddie storms off before Blue Devil can explain further, telling Blue Devil to stay far away from him. Now having lost his trust in Blue Devil, Eddie knows that he will lose his soul to Neron. Still, Eddie decides to make the best of his remaining years by having a good time with his friends. He comforts himself by saying that, at least, he has Marla's memory and that Neron cannot take that away from him, but is later revealed that Neron is holding Marla's soul captive. [24] Kid Devil is attacked by Kid Crusader, who vows to "save" him from Neron by turning Eddie back into a human and killing him. Kid Crusader appears to succeed when he exorcizes the demon from Eddie and returns him to his human form, but the demon is now bound to Kid Crusader himself. When given the choice later to either return to his demonic form or stay human, Eddie chooses his demonic form, not wishing to damn anyone else (even his enemy) to his fate as Neron's protégé. [25]

Titans Tomorrow

In Teen Titans (vol. 3) #51, the Titans Tomorrow (a possible future version of the current Titans team) arrive in the present to aid the Teen Titans against Starro-controlled villains. Now known as Red Devil, Kid Devil is shown as part of the team. He claims that even though the loss of his soul to Neron at 20 was bad, the power he receives far outweighs the consequences. Eddie initially watches as Ravager battles alone against Rampage and Livewire, before betraying his older self to aid Rose. Later, Rose, Red Devil, and Eddie return to the Titan's Lair (home of the original Teen Titans), where they meet with Blue Beetle. There, Eddie learns that he is supposedly destined to murder the Blue Beetle some point in the future. Shortly after Eddie, Rose, and Jaime find themselves surrounded by an army of Titans led by Lex Luthor before they all battle against an invading army of Starros. Thanks in large part to Blue Beetle's powers and Robin and Wonder Girl managing to supposedly alter Robin's future (and thus alter the future of the Titans as a whole), the army of Titans is defeated. Prior to his vanishing, Red Devil warns Eddie against trusting Blue Beetle.

Terror Titans

In Teen Titans (vol. 3) #56, a group of supervillains under the leadership of the new Clock King began a systematic assault on the Titans. With Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Ravager, and Robin away and Miss Martian still reeling from the battle with her future counterpart (whose mind is revealed to have taken refuge in Megan's), Eddie decides to throw a party in Titans Tower and invites several Titans fans. The party quickly gets out of hand when the guests trash the place, go through personal items, and prank call Batman. Lectured by all members of the team (except Miss Martian, who had left for the week to resolve her own problems), Eddie goes into town with one of the guests, who reveals himself to be Dreadbolt, the son of Bolt. A fight ensues and the arrival of the rest of the Terror Titans puts a quick end to the battle. In the aftermath, Kid Devil finds himself chained to a wall and severely injured, captive of the Clock King, who then begins shattering his self-confidence telling him that Rose Wilson could not care less about his status, encouraging him to accept his place as a monster. Brought to the Dark Side Club as a challenger, he is imprisoned in the same cell in which Miss Martian is later brought, who finds him reduced to a rampaging, savage monster due to his physical and mental ordeal. M'Gann tries unsuccessfully to undo the damage, but Eddie is brought to face Hardrock in a death match.

Red Devil

After the crisis with the Terror Titans is settled, Kid Devil is saved, and with the help of the Teen Titans, is able to rebuild his mental sanity while he is nursed back to health. Still trying to prove himself, he begins searching for Shockwave, who is rampaging apparently without a pattern throughout America, deliberately hiding from Robin his suspicions to avoid burdening the decimated Titans with an apparent wild goose chase. He is forced then to accept the unwilling cooperation of Blue Beetle, who, demonstrating to be a better detective than he and a more seasoned fighter despite his later induction into heroics, goes on alone. In a fit of anger spurred by his inability to come in and fight Shockwave, he finally unlocks the full might of his demonic powers, as demonstrated by his future counterpart, teleporting effortlessly from Salt Lake City to Denver and melting off Shockwave's exoskeleton with a touch. Kid Devil is able to resolve his jealousy issues about Ravager when he learns that Blue Beetle had no interest in her at all. He then honors his newfound maturity by taking the sobriquet of Red Devil. Jaime happily teases Eddie about his new costume, hinting that while in the Tomorrow history they were sworn enemies; at present, they have a budding friendship signified by Eddie giving Jaime the playful nickname "Bug-Butt" which Jaime reciprocates by calling him "Sizzle-Shorts". Around this time the events of Final Crisis happen, Eddie becomes one of the last few super-powered resistance members operating out of the time-tossed Justice League Watchtower. The Miracle Machine restores everything back to normal. [26] Soon after Blue Beetle joins the team, Miss Martian, with whom Eddie had become increasingly closer, has opted to leave the team due in large part to her being merged with her evil future self. Still, Eddie appears to have become more content with his life amongst the Titans and has become closer to Blue Beetle and his girlfriend Traci 13. During a Christmas trip to New York, Miss Martian appeared to him to wish him a Merry Christmas and promised that she would return soon. Soon after, the Titans began having a membership drive, with Red Devil teleporting to each potential hero so as to offer them membership, but none seem available or willing to join. The stress of multiple 'ports eventually causes Eddie to pass out on his return to the tower. On the night that follows, Robin opts to leave the team shortly before Brother Blood returns from Hell. During the battle against him, Blood manages to absorb the demonic power from Eddie, leaving him human again and supposedly free of Neron's debt.


Eddie, now powerless, is offered by Kid Eternity a chance to travel to Hell and see his contract with Neron in an attempt to regain his powers. Learning that he had not signed the contract, he finds that Neron tapped into his metagene, which activated his demon-like powers. Blaze, having won the war in Hell, offers Eddie a new contract, with his demonic powers now irrevocable, but with the same price of servitude as Neron's contract. Kid Eternity intervenes and summons Eddie's Aunt Marla. Marla convinces Eddie not to take the contract. [27] Eddie continues to be a member of the team, but his ability to help is unclear. To add insult to injury, Eddie is asked by new Titan recruit Static if he is the "team janitor" due to his lack of abilities. [28] During the prelude to the Deathtrap crossover, Eddie dons his old mechanical costume to combat the Tower's defense mechanisms, which had been overridden by crazed former Titan Jericho. [29] His way of helping, which Bombshell repeatedly makes fun of, is to be the eyes and ears for the Teen Titans when the new Fearsome Five reform under the Calculator. However, he is also seen as helping the team through communications and coordinating missions at Titans Tower. He later died saving the city from a radioactive man who was about to explode while the other Titans were putting down a prison riot. This was all part of the Calculator's plan to get revenge at the Titans for the previous death of his son Marvin and the injury of his daughter Wendy. [30]

The New 52

In The New 52, Eddie Bloomberg first appears as the godson to Blue Devil. [31] Red Devil checked into Sanctuary and is among the heroes who were killed in an unexpected attack. [32] In The Flash #791, it was revealed that the hero Goldbug has replaced all of the dead heroes with clones from the 31st Century and that they were all actually alive.

Powers and abilities

Originally, Eddie wore a devil suit which gave him enhanced strength and agility, near impenetrable armor, a weapons system that included a bright light burst effect, exploding bubbles, night vision, and mini-gills. He also had a rocket trident which could propel him through the air for distances of up to several miles and could emit fire and electricity. After the events of Infinite Crisis and 52 , Neron transforms him into a demon-like metahuman with enhanced physical abilities, pyrokinesis, retractable patagia, and a prehensile tail.

Other versions

Red Lantern

Red Lantern is the name of two fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

Vladimir Sokov

Vladimir Sokov is a Russian soldier who wields an artificial red lantern and ring that harnesses the Crimson Flame. After scientists kidnap his daughter Ruby and attempt to experiment on her, Vladimir attacks their base and is presumed dead. [34] [35] However, he is later revealed to have survived and learns to use the Flame without his ring. [36]

Ruby Sokov

Ruby Sokov is Red Lantern's daughter and a member of the Justice Society of America who inherited his powers and gained red skin as a side effect. [34] [37] [38] [39]

Red Star

Red Tool

Wayne Wilkins, a.k.a. Red Tool, first appeared in Harley Quinn (vol. 2) #3 (April 2014). A parody of Wade Wilson / Deadpool, he is a vigilante who is obsessed with Harley Quinn, to the point of stalking and kidnapping her. However, they have since become friends and allies.

Powers and abilities of Red Tool

Red Tool does not feel pain after a surgery that removed a brain tumor and parts of his amygdala. He uses tools and hardware appliances for weapons and has a bionic arm.

Red Tornado


First appearanceSupergirl (vol. 6) #5 (March 2012)
Created by Michael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar

Reign is a Worldkiller, a genetically engineered Kryptonian supersoldier created by Zor-El, and an enemy of Supergirl. She possesses superhuman physical abilities and is an adept swordswoman and hand-to-hand combatant. [40]

Reign and four other Worldkillers survived Krypton's destruction, but her origin remained a mystery even to her. All she knew about herself is her name and her being a Worldkiller, and Krypton and Earth hold the answers to her origin. She battles Supergirl in an attempt to learn her past before being defeated and forced to retreat.

Reign in other media

Alberto Reyes

Alberto "Ernesto" Reyes is the father of Jaime Reyes (the third Blue Beetle). He is a mechanic living in El Paso, Texas who owns his own garage, a former soldier in the U.S. Army, and the husband of Bianca Reyes and the father of Milagro Reyes. Created by Keith Giffen, John Rogers, and Cully Hamner, the character first appeared in Blue Beetle (vol. 7) #1 (May 2006). [43]

Alberto Reyes in other media

Bianca Reyes

Bianca Reyes is the mother of Jaime Reyes (the third Blue Beetle). She is a paramedic living in El Paso, Texas, the wife of Alberto Reyes and the mother of Milagro Reyes. Created by Keith Giffen, John Rogers, and Cully Hamner, she first appeared in Blue Beetle (vol. 7) #1 (May 2006). [43]

Bianca Reyes in other media

Milagro Reyes

Milagro Reyes is the younger sister of Jaime Reyes (the third Blue Beetle). Created by Keith Giffen, John Rogers, and Cully Hamner, she first appeared in Blue Beetle (vol. 7) #1 (May 2006). [43]

Milagro Reyes in other media

Rip Roar

Rip Roar is a character in DC Comics. He first appeared in Young Justice (vol. 1) #2, created by Peter David and Todd Nauck.

Rip Roar was a four-armed New God of Apokolips in the distant past, who stole a New Genesis 'Super-Cycle' and imprinted himself onto it so that it would follow his commands, shortly before he was sealed away and trapped on Earth. He remained locked up for centuries until super-team Young Justice accidentally reactivate the Super-Cycle, which obeyed its last programmed function and released him from his imprisonment. Despite their best efforts, Superboy, Red Tornado and Impulse are unable to defeat him, but Robin is able to break his will by asking the Super-Cycle to choose between Robin and Rip Roar. Faced with the revelation that the Super-Cycle that had been imprinted with his own identity has rejected him – essentially meaning that he rejected himself – Rip Roar freezes himself into rock. [47]

Rip Roar in other media



Rock is the name of a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

Micah Flint was an astronaut who volunteered to participate in a program of genetic engineering that was intended to modify human physiology and anatomy in such a way as to render humans fit to sustain stays in outer space without much sophisticated technology. Although the program at first seemed to be a complete success it finally became clear that its success was achieved at a high price: as a consequence of the genetic experimentation he had been subjected to Flint's body gradually mutated into a rock-like creature. While retaining an anthropomorphic stature Flint's flesh picked up the consistency of rocks and his skin started to look like limestone. Blaming billionaire Lex Luthor, the owner of LexCorp and architect of the failed experiment, for his destiny, Flint – who now started calling himself Rock – raided Luthor's penthouse atop the LexCorp Headquarters in the LexCorp Tower. His attempt to slay Luthor was thwarted by Superman who defeated Rock in battle and handed him over to the authorities. [49]

After escaping from imprisonment during a detainee transport – and a brief run-in with the alien known as Scorn who was serving as Superman's substitute [50] – Rock was recruited into the Superman Revenge Squad by Morgan Edge. [51]

Together with Parasite, Barrage, and Baud, he formed the second line-up of the post-Crisis Squad. Even though the unlikely quartet managed to lure Superman into a trap and to press him hard, the Man of Steel finally managed to outwit them once again defeating and capturing Rock in the process. [52] [53]

Later on, Rock was among several villains manipulated by Manchester Black into seeking out and attacking Superman's friends and family. [54]

Rock later appeared as a member of the Injustice League Unlimited. [55]

During the "Salvation Run" storyline, Rock was among a multitude of supervillains banished to live in the penal colony on the planet Salvation by the US government. [56]

Rose Psychic

Rose Psychic is a DC Comics heroine affiliated with the company's first superhero, Doctor Occult. She was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and first appeared in More Fun Comics #19 (March 1937).

Betsy Ross

Betsy Ross is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

In "The New Golden Age", Elizabeth Rose is a school girl and the best friend of Molly Preacher. After seeing Miss America in action saving their school, they took on the costumed identities of Betsy Ross and Molly Pitcher to help her against a saboteur named Moth. The two acted as her sidekicks until the end of World War II, when they mysteriously vanished and were kidnapped by the Time Masters before being rescued by Stargirl. [34] [35] [57] [58] [59] [60]

Rough House

Rough House is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

In the 1940s, Rough House was a member of Moxie Mannheim's Intergang branch before being arrested and dying in prison. In the present day, Moxie Mannheim has Dabney Donovan clone Moxie and other gangsters into new bodies, with Rough House gaining superhuman strength. [61]

In "52", Rough House and Noose visit Black Adam in Kandaq on Intergang's behalf and give him Adrianna Tomaz as tribute. However, Black Adam kills him after he proposes expanding Intergang's smuggling operation between Africa and the Middle-East. [62]

Rough House in other media

Rough House appears in My Adventures with Superman , voiced by Vincent Tong.[ citation needed ] This version is an Asian member of Intergang whose real name is Albert and wields strength-enhancing Kryptonian gauntlets that he got from Livewire.

Cullen Row

Cullen Row is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. He debuted during "The New 52" reboot.

Cullen Row is the gay brother of Harper Row. When his bullies attacked him and Harper managed to tase one of them, Cullen was saved by Batman. Though the bullies managed to butcher Cullen's hair. [63]

Cullen Row in other media

Harper Row

Arisia Rrab

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  2. Couch, Aaron (July 21, 2021). "DC's 'Injustice' Sets Cast for Animated Movie (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
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  4. Justice League of America's Vibe #6
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  17. Miller, David (May 11, 2022). "Young Justice Just Set Up A Great Story For A Green Lantern TAS Revival". ScreenRant. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
  18. Morrison, Matt (April 21, 2022). "Young Justice Hints Green Lantern Animated Series Exists In Same Continuity". ScreenRant. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
  19. "Warner Bros. Entertainment on Twitter: "Gear up for the ultimate showdown. #JLCrisis PART THREE is coming soon."". Twitter. April 30, 2024. Retrieved April 30, 2024.
  20. Milligan, Mercedes (May 7, 2024). "WB Details Next DC Animated Chapter 'Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three'". Animation Magazine. Retrieved July 21, 2024.
  21. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Korte, Steve; Manning, Matt; Wiacek, Win; Wilson, Sven (2016). The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe. DK Publishing. p. 166. ISBN   978-1-4654-5357-0.
  22. Young Justice #49–50 (December 2002)
  23. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #34 (May 2006)
  24. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #42 (February 2007)
  25. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #43–44 (March–April 2007)
  26. Final Crisis #7 (2009)
  27. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #68 (March 2009)
  28. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #69 (April 2009)
  29. Teen Titans (vol. 3) Annual #1
  30. Teen Titans (vol. 3) #74 (August 2009)
  31. DC Presents #12
  32. Heroes in Crisis #3. DC Comics.
  33. Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons #3 (August 2011)
  34. 1 2 3 The New Golden Age #1. DC Comics.
  35. 1 2 Flashpoint Beyond #6. DC Comics.
  36. Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1-6. DC Comics.
  37. Justice Society of America Vol. 4 #1. DC Comics.
  38. Justice Society of America Vol. 4 #8. DC Comics.
  39. Justice Society of America Vol. 4 #9. DC Comics.
  40. Supergirl (vol. 6) #5 (March 2012)
  41. Stanhope, Kate (May 31, 2017). "'Supergirl' Taps Odette Annable as Major DC Villain for Season 3". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 10, 2024.
  42. Swift, Andy (February 14, 2020). "Supergirl First Look: Chris Wood Returns as Mon-El for 100th Episode (Plus, See Who Else Is Coming Back)". TVLine. Retrieved July 10, 2024.
  43. 1 2 3 Blue Beetle (vol. 7) #1–3
  44. 1 2 3 "Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017 Movie)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved March 10, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  45. 1 2 Gonzalez, Umberto (March 18, 2022). "'Blue Beetle' Cast Adds George Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elpidia Carrillo and Damián Alcázar (Exclusive)". TheWrap. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
  46. Gonzalez, Umberto (March 8, 2022). "'Blue Beetle': Bruna Marquezine, Belissa Escobedo and Harvey Guillén Join Cast of DC Movie (Exclusive)". TheWrap. Retrieved March 10, 2024.
  47. Young Justice (vol. 1) #2 (October 1998)
  48. Swift, Andy (October 31, 2019). "Supergirl Adds Shadowhunters Baddie as Formidable New Foe in Season 5". TVLine. Retrieved July 10, 2024.
  49. Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #8. DC Comics.
  50. Action Comics #734. DC Comics.
  51. Action Comics #736. DC Comics.
  52. Superman: The Man of Steel #71.
  53. Superman (vol. 2) #127. DC Comics.
  54. Superman: The Man of Steel #130. DC Comics.
  55. Justice League of America Wedding Special #1. DC Comics.
  56. Salvation Run #1. DC Comics.
  57. Stargirl: The Lost Children #3. DC Comics.
  58. Stargirl: The Lost Children #4. DC Comics.
  59. Stargirl: The Lost Children #5. DC Comics.
  60. Stargirl: The Lost Children #6. DC Comics.
  61. Adventures of Superman #544. DC Comics.
  62. 52 #3. DC Comics.
  63. Johnston, Rich (August 8, 2012). "A History Of Harpers Row In Batman #12". Bleeding Cool. Retrieved February 18, 2014.
  64. "Cullen Row Voice - Young Justice (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved March 10, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  65. Otterson, Joe (March 7, 2022). "'Gotham Knights' CW Pilot Casts Fallon Smythe, Tyler DiChiara (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Retrieved March 7, 2022.