Golden Kamuy is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Satoru Noda. It is set in Hokkaido, Japan, and follows Saichi "Immortal" Sugimoto, a Japanese soldier surviving the Russo-Japanese War, trying to provide for his dead comrade's wife, and Asirpa, an Ainu girl searching for her father's murderer. The two search for a hidden stash of Ainu gold, stolen by a criminal group, which also is targeted by the 7th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army.
The manga was serialized in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Jump from 2014 to 2022. Its chapters have been collected in tankōbon volumes, published by Shueisha in Japan since 2015 and by Viz Media in North America since 2017; 31 volumes have been released in Japanese, and 29 in English.
102. "The Lightning Thief and Viper O-Gin" (稲妻強盗と蝮のお銀, Inazuma gōtō to mamushi no o-gin)
103. "Anglerfish Hot Pie" (あんこう鍋, Ankō nabe)
104. "The Giant Serpent of the Hokkaido Wilderness! A Battle Against Fatal Poison!" (恐怖の猛毒大死闘!北海道奥地に巨大蛇は存在した!, Kyōfu no mōdoku dai shitō! Hokkaidō okuchi ni kyodai hebi wa sonzai shita!)
105. "The Bugs of Summer" (夏の虫, Natsu no mushi)
106. "Faster than Bullets" (弾より速く, Tama yori hayaku)
311. "Asirpa's Choice" (アシㇼパの選択, Ashiripa no Sentaku)
312. "Share" (分け前, Wakemae)
313. "Last Stop" (終着, Shūchaku)
314. "Finale" (大団円, Daidanen)
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Golden Kamuy is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Satoru Noda. It was serialized in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Jump from August 2014 to April 2022, with its chapters collected in thirty-one tankōbon volumes. The story follows Saichi Sugimoto, a veteran of the early twentieth-century Russo-Japanese War, and his quest to find a huge fortune of gold of the Ainu people, helped by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa. The Ainu language in the story is supervised by Hiroshi Nakagawa, an Ainu language linguist from Chiba University.
Supinamarada! is a Japanese sports manga series written and illustrated by Satoru Noda. The series follows a figure skater who, after moving to Hokkaido following the death of his mother, begins playing ice hockey.
Satoru Noda is a Japanese manga artist. He is best known as the creator of the manga series Golden Kamuy, for which he won the 2016 Manga Taishō and the 2018 Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize.
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The first season of the Golden Kamuy anime television series is based on Satoru Noda's manga series of the same name and adapts from the 1st volume to the 7th. The anime was announced in July 2017 in Weekly Young Jump. The series was directed by Hitoshi Nanba and written by Noboru Takagi, with music by Kenichiro Suehiro, art direction by Atsushi Morikawa, and CG direction by Yuuko Okumura and Yasutaka Hamada. Kenichi Ohnuki is adapting the character designs for animation, while Koji Watanabe designs firearms, Shinya Anasuma designs the props, and Ryō Sumiyoshi designs the animals. Like with the manga, Hiroshi Nakagawa, an Ainu language linguist from Chiba University, works on the anime as an Ainu language supervisor. The series premiered from April 9 to June 25, 2018, on Tokyo MX, ytv, STV, and BS11 and ran for 12 episodes. The series' opening theme is "Winding Road" performed by Man with a Mission while the ending theme is "Hibana" performed by The Sixth Lie.
The second season of the Golden Kamuy anime television series is based on Satoru Noda's manga series of the same name and adapts from the 8th volume to the 14th. At the conclusion of the first season broadcast, a second season was announced and aired from October 8 to December 24, 2018. The staff and cast returned to reprise their roles.
The third season of the Golden Kamuy anime television series is based on Satoru Noda's manga series of the same name and adapts from the 15th volume to the 20th. In July 2019, it was announced that the series would receive a third season. The staff and cast returned to reprise their roles. On March 13, 2020, it was announced that the third season would premiere in October 2020. The series premiered on October 5, 2020 and ran for 12 episodes. The opening theme is "Grey" by Fomare while the ending theme is "Yūsetsu" by The Sixth Lie.
7thGarden is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mitsu Izumi. It was serialized in Shueisha's Jump Square from August 2014 to March 2017. It was later announced that the manga would be moved to the Jump SQ. website. However, no new chapter has been released since then. In North America, the series is licensed for English language release by Viz Media.
The fourth season of the Golden Kamuy anime television series is based on Satoru Noda's manga series of the same name and adapts from the 21st volume to the beginning of the 25th volume. In December 2021, it was announced that the anime series would receive a fourth season. Brain's Base produced the season, replacing Geno Studio. Shizutaka Sugahara replaced Hitoshi Nanba as chief series director, while Takumi Yamakawa replaced Kenichi Ōnuki as character designer. Noboru Takagi returned to write the scripts. The season premiered on October 3, 2022.
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