List of North American chicken breeds

Last updated

This is a list of chicken breeds usually considered to originate in Canada and the United States. [1] [2] Some may have complex or obscure histories, so inclusion here does not necessarily imply that a breed is predominantly or exclusively from those countries.

Ameraucana Blue Ameraucana Cock.jpg
American Game American Game hen.jpg
Brahma Brahma hen an a lush green meadow.jpg
Buckeye Walter, Buckeye Rooster.jpg
California Gray California Gray chicken.jpg
Chantecler Canada Chantecler hen 1926.jpg
Delaware Speedy in repose.jpg
Dominique Dominique chicken.JPG
Iowa Blue
Java Black Java male, 1905.png
Jersey Giant Jersey Giant.JPG
Lamona 1933-Lamona pullet.jpg
New Hampshire New Hampshire Red Hen.jpg
Plymouth Rock Plymouth Rock Chicken.jpg
Rhode Island Red Rhode Island Red Rooster.JPG
Rhode Island White Rhode Island White hen.jpg
Wyandotte Wyandotte-001.JPG

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  1. Conservation Priority List: Chickens. The Livestock Conservancy. Accessed September 2017.
  2. Breeds reported by the United States: Chicken. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed September 2017.