List of Only Fools and Horses home video releases

Last updated

Only Fools and Horses DVDs have been sold in Regions 1, 2 and 4. Only Fools and Horses started in 1981 and ended in 2003. 64 episodes were broadcast in total. Six shorts were made, four of which were broadcast commercially but none of them have been released on official DVDs.


This is a rough guide to the various cuts made to episodes of Only Fools and Horses released on DVD in the UK. Despite the BBC's claim that many of these edits have been made with the cooperation of John Sullivan's family, his son Jim has criticised them:

The large majority of these [edits] were truly awful, with little, or in most cases no, consideration whatsoever given to story coherence or gags. Many were so bad and poorly executed that they really had to be seen to be believed. Still many more were completely baffling. For example, Del Boy saying "Mönchengladbach" to Anna in the episode "From Prussia with Love" had been removed – our only conclusion being that some bright spark at the BBC, unsure of what this actually means, but gripped by the sheer terror of possibly, perhaps, just maybe offending somebody, decided it best to be safe than sorry. We found the BBC’s attitude towards these edits, and the show in general, to be careless, lazy and indifferent. It was made perfectly clear to us that the BBC has no concern whatsoever for quality and precision; only a bizarre obsession with whether or not they may be offending certain people. Sadly, I expect that the fact that they are, in taking this approach, actually offending a lot of people, has never even crossed their minds. When Dad first envisioned and wrote Only Fools, it was his intention to explore and express the vibrant, multicultural face of (what was then) modern London. Why the BBC has such a problem with this and is so afraid of it that it resorts to censorship is beyond me. All I do know is that they are extremely determined to create problems where there aren’t any.[ citation needed ]

Most cuts date back to the initial VHS releases starting in the early 1990s and were often made due to licensing issues of the music played in the background. Licensing was done separately for broadcast and then, often at a much later date, home video. This meant that sometimes the music granted for use in the broadcast was later refused for use in the home video release.

Some of the edits were made subtly by replacing music, but some were made by removing entire conversations or even scenes. These edited versions are still the only versions available on DVD today.

In the late 2000s, changes in UK music licensing arrangements (also known as 'blanket licensing' deals) meant that music previously replaced for BBC DVD releases (such as the initial release of Doctor WhoRemembrance of the Daleks) could now be reinstated as originally broadcast. However, the BBC would first have to re-submit the episodes to the BBFC to be classified, so effectively although the law has changed, the BBC would still have to formally re-release any relevant episode, and could not simply quietly substitute the already existing DVDs on the shop shelves.

The currently available range of Only Fools And Horses DVDs often carry disclaimers such as on the reverse of The Complete Collection which states, 'For contractual reasons certain edits have been made.' Similar disclaimers can be seen on the reverse of To Hull and Back, Mother Nature's Son, Fatal Extraction and Heroes And Villains. However, there is sometimes no disclaimer where the DVD is known to have been edited.

The most noticeable cuts are detailed below.

Series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Specials: 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1996 1 | 1996 2 | 1996 3 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | Story of...


Series DVDs

Only Fools and Horses: Series 1

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 7 episodes
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (mono)
  • All series one episodes originally had a completely different opening and closing theme tune that was composed by Ronnie Hazlehurst. This was a saxophone type jazzy tune that writer John Sullivan wasn't happy with so he wrote and composed a new theme tune called Hookey Street. This was introduced from series 2 onwards. The original introduction and closing credit theme tunes by Ronnie Hazlehurst are now replaced by the more familiar Hookey Street John Sullivan theme tune. However, the original jazzy theme tune can still be heard as an instrumental tune mostly intact during the dialogue free 'wheeling and dealing' scene of the very first episode Big Brother when Del is trying to sell the dodgy briefcases around the market.
  • Cash and Curry :

MUSIC: "Money" by Pink Floyd is replaced with stock music over the photo montage sequence of Del selling all the Trotters' worldly goods.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

This has been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

MUSIC: "Xenon Lights" by Jane Fonda Walkout I is replaced with Wordy Rappinghood by Tom Tom Club.

The episode's title is also missing from all the DVDs.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
20 November 20003 May 20047 October 2003

Only Fools and Horses: Series 2

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 8 episodes
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
2 April 20013 May 20047 October 2003

Only Fools and Horses: Series 3

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 8 episodes
  • 1 disc set (double-sided)
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: The theme to the 1975 film Jaws has been replaced with a similar track when the policeman is walking towards the Trotter brothers in the marketplace.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

This has been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

Unfortunately, the iTunes and Amazon releases are still cut to keep in line with the running time. (The scene right at the start of the episode before we see the policeman walk towards the Trotters completely omits Del's dialogue about "Little Prince William having one of his puppies in his nursery in Buck's house").

The following dialogue has been cut, possibly due to sentimental reasons. (Actor Lennard Pearce died in 1984 during the filming of Series 4.)

DEL: In all that time he didn’t even know whether Grandad was alive or dead.

RODNEY: Well we’re never sure are we!

This has been restored on the iTunes, Google Play/YouTube release.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
4 June 20016 May 20057 October 2003

Only Fools and Horses: Series 4

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 7 episodes
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

The following lines have been cut, possibly due to sentimental reasons. (Actor David Jason's partner Myfanwy Talog died in 1995 from breast cancer.)

ALBERT: Some of them married now, are they?
DEL: A couple of 'em are dead.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

This has been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

The following dialogue has also been cut because of the song "Just the Way You Are".


DEL: Oi Orlando!

YVONNE: (starts singing): "I would not leave you in times of trouble."
DEL: Yeah that's beautiful Vonny, that is really lovely you know. Yeah you'll go a long way.
YVONNE: (still singing) "We never could have come this far. I took the good times."
DEL: That's really nice Vonny, that is yeah beautiful I love it.
YVONNE: (still singing) "I'll take the bad times"
DEL: Yeah super... Oi Orlando!
YVONNE: (still singing) "I love you just the way you are!"
DEL: Gordon Bennett, that’s my bloody earhole Vonny!
YVONNE: Sorry Presh!

DEL: Stone me, leave it out.

This has also been restored on the iTunes release.

This has also been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

Unfortunately, the iTunes and Amazon releases are still cut to keep in line with the running time. (The scene where Rodney is talking about Big Brenda being The Southern Area Shotput Champion has been completely omitted and two scenes at the end of the episode where Del walks through the front door of the flat is trimmed. We only see him enter the door into the flat and then Del's reaction when Rodney bursts through the door has also been trimmed).

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
1 October 20016 May 200512 October 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Series 5

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 6 episodes
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (mono)

There are numerous cuts in this episode for timing restrictions.

CUT 1.

RODNEY: I AM SORRY. Now can we just drop the matter?

ALBERT: Charming, innit. You fight and die for your Country and that's the thanks the younger generation gives ya.

CUT 2.

RODNEY: She did... she did look like her actually... from a distance!

DEL: Yeah that's right. Three miles and in a thick fog.

CUT 3.

RODNEY: No, come on, where are you going?

DEL: I'm going to Church.

CUT 4.

Rodney is in the garbage chute looking for Biffo's trumpet but 15 seconds have been cut after the slop falls on him. He picks up Albert's kipper, sniffs it and mutters to himself (ALBERT!!!).

CUT 5.

VICAR: I know that, I married her, here in this church. Your father wasn't a Catholic?

DEL: No, he was a black magic man, I think.

CUT 6.

ALBERT: He's got that consignment of orthopeadic sandals coming soon.

RODNEY: Yeah, so what?

ALBERT: Well, maybe he's got a franchise on a monastery.

RODNEY: Maybe.

(The timing restriction cuts listed above have not seen the light of day since the original TV broadcast and these are an extreme rarity.)

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when the Vicar and Del first see the statue weeping. This is the first of several episodes from which this piece of music has been cut.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

This has been restored on the Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

UK GOLD also show this scene uncut.

Dialogue cut: Various bits of dialogue have been cut when Del, Rodney and Lisa are sitting at the pub table.

Pub Cut 1

LISA (DVD): I was so impressed.
LISA (Cut): Oh I must be honest. I had a silly little crush on you then!
DEL (Cut): Did you really? (Lisa kisses Del on cheek) Oh-Ooh-Oooh.
RODNEY (Cut): Yeah well that's cos he was a much older man weren't he. I mean you was just a little kid.
DEL (Cut): Yes, Well of course Rodney is a year younger than you isn't he sweetheart.
LISA (Cut): Oh about that yeah.
LISA (DVD): Did you ever get the Mercedes?

Pub Cut 2

DEL (DVD): Listen, er you know, before you go home you ought to come round to the flat, you know and, we can have a chat about old times, and you know, you can stay for tea.
LISA (Cut): You mean dinner?
DEL (Cut): No, no, we get dinner down the market. You know, I meant tea. You know, proper tea.
LISA (DVD): Oh thanks, I'd love to.

Pub Cut 3

<Albert is on the stage at the piano>

LISA: Isn't that your uncle?
DEL: What's that soppy old duffer up to?
ALBERT: I'd like to sing a very special song for a very special lady who unfortunately ain't with me tonight. I like to think this song was named after my dear sick wife. It is that beautiful old ballad, "Ada".
DEL: "Ada"?
LISA: Is there a song called "Ada"?
RODNEY: Well there must be, he's about to sing it.

ALBERT: (singing) "Ada, you with the stars in your eyes, love never made a fool of you."

The Flat Cuts

Back at the flat when Albert has finished his tanning session, a line of Del's dialogue is cut:

ALBERT (DVD): I'm fed up with you, I'm going down the legion.
DEL (Cut): Yeah, well just make sure that you put on a pair of trousers first. A lot of stray dogs around the estate.

As Rodney starts his tanning session, a line of Albert's dialogue is cut:

ALBERT (DVD): I don't want to see that happen to you and Del.
ALBERT (Cut): Now I know this is going to come as a bit of a shock to you Rodney.
ALBERT (DVD): Rodney? Bloody kids!

Dinner with Lisa at the flat table.
(Note that Rodney offers Lisa some of the cheeses he brought in the transmitted episode but he puts it straight on the table in the DVD version)

RODNEY (DVD): Only when I smile.
DEL (Cut): It's wonderful how nature compensates.
LISA (Cut): How do you mean?
DEL (Cut): Well with a face like that he's nothing to smile about has he?
RODNEY (Cut): Here you are Lisa, we have a selection of cheeses. We got erm, cheddar, that's double Gloucester and that one's Cracker Barrel.
DEL (Cut): Pfff.
RODNEY (Cut): Well the Paki didn't have a lot of choice did he. And this ain't really Lymeswold territory you know.
LISA (Cut): Oh I'm sorry Rodney, I really couldn't eat another thing. It was a lovely meal, thank you both.
DEL (Cut): Oh that's alright.
DEL (DVD): Listen Rodney, I wouldn't stand about in that suit too long if I was you, not with your head.
LISA (DVD): Why not?
DEL (DVD): Well he looks like a Swan Vesta!
DEL (Cut): You've only got yourself to blame haven't you.
RODNEY (Cut): I didn't think the timer on that thing was faulty.
DEL (Cut): Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah.
RODNEY (Cut): I only wanted a thirty minute tone-up, two and a half hours I was under there, Derek.
DEL (Cut): Oh, It'll be alright, be alright, don't worry about it Rodney, cos in a couple of days time it goes all flaky and scabby, then it falls off and it'll all be gone, see.
RODNEY (DVD): How's your Mum these days Lisa?

All scenes have been restored on the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube releases.

UK GOLD also show the above scenes in full, however they still omit the racial slurs that were in the original broadcast.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
30 September 20024 August 200512 October 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Series 6

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 6 episodes
  • 2 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

Several cuts because of music

MUSIC: THE SPELL (GET DOWN WITH THE GENIE) – FUNKY WORM is cut completely from this episode which causes the following dialogue to be lost.

MICKEY: Jevon! Jevon!

JEVON: What?
MICKEY: See the blonde bird? I’ve had her! And her mate. See the black sort at the back there! She's crazy about me. Phones me all the time.
JEVON: You're a hell of a man, Mickey.
RODNEY: Mickey, are you doing all this for charity?
MICKEY: What do you mean?
RODNEY: Well, I just wondered whether it was sponsored bullshit.

MICKEY: I'm telling you the truth, Rodney!

Two attractive girls pass by. They stop and smile at Jevon.

JEVON: Watcher, darling.
GIRL IN DISCO: Not dancing tonight?
JEVON: Not at this precise moment in time. But being a creature of impulse, I am coiled like a spring, ready to move with sinuous grace when the music takes me. If either of you should be in the vicinity when this occurs, then who knows, it could be your lucky night.

JEVON: OK – I've given you two losers an audience, and now its time to do what I was put on this earth to do – to bring pleasure and excitement into the lives of attractive young women.

MUSIC: ENCHANTED LADY – THE PASADENAS is cut completely from this episode and changed with alternate music which causes the following dialogue to be lost.

Cassandra: Erm, was there something?

RODNEY: What? Oh yes. Would you like to dance, you know... with me?

CASSANDRA: Yes, thanks.

And the final lines of the scene are cut:

MICKEY: He's paid her, that's what he's done! He's offered her half the winnings!

JEVON: Mickey – shut up!

Yuppy Love has not been broadcast in its uncut state since the original TV broadcast on BBC in the late 80's. However, UK GOLD used to broadcast the uncut version before 2004 on their channel. Now though, they continue to show the same cut versions as all VHS and DVD releases. All other showings of this episode on iTunes, Netflix, UK GOLD (since 2004) NOW TV and BritBox are all the cut versions which makes this episode highly sought after in its uncut state as it's now an extreme rarity to get hold of.

MUSIC: In the original broadcast version, Simply Red's "It's Only Love" is playing in the background of the Nag's Head in the scene where Rodney and Albert are discussing their concerns for Del's health with Cassandra. In the DVD and video versions, this song has been removed, and no music plays, removing the whole emotion of the scene.

This scene has been restored on the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

The DVD release of this episode includes 8 minutes of additional footage that was not seen in the original broadcast version. An early cut of the episode was used for the DVD releases by mistake. Even though this seems like good news, unfortunately the DVD is still cut in two places and misses two scenes that were on the original broadcast version, which means the DVD isn't completely uncut either.

The following scenes are cut in the DVD.

1. (3 seconds are cut when Rodney hangs up the phone after his conversation with Cassandra).

We don't see him putting the phone down on the table.

2. (Del's conversation is briefly cut with Dr Robbie Meadows in the hospital.)

DR MEADOWS: (DVD) You've been given a warning Del. Nature's way of telling you to eat muesli for breakfast. Cut right down on the drink and the cigars.

DEL: (CUT) Whatever you say, Doc!

DR MEADOWS: (DVD) Eat wholesome real food, and above all else, learn to relax. Doctor's orders.

DEL: (DVD) Right, will do.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
22 September 20034 August 200511 October 2005

Only Fools and Horses: Series 7

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 6 episodes
  • 2 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

In the scene where Rodney is holding Trudy up against a car, 20 seconds have been cut after Cassandra drives away. In the original broadcast episode, Rodney walks away and leaves Trudy. She then slides down the side of the car drunk whilst laughing. She then calls for Rodney and this reply is also missing.

This scene has been restored on the iTunes release.

This scene has been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

MUSIC: "Mighty Quinn" by Manfred Mann, along with the whole scene of Del and the gang singing along drunkenly to the track has been cut.

This scene has been restored on the iTunes release.

This scene has been restored on the Amazon release.

This is edited on the Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

This rare scene can also be found on only one VHS tape (THE BEST OF ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES) which contains the following three episodes. (DANGER UXD, SICKNESS & WEALTH, & CLASS OF '62)

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when Rodney finds out the baby is a boy and a little later when Damien looks at Rodney for the first time. The replacement is noticeable as it covers the audience laughter.

This scene has been restored on the iTunes release.

This is edited on the Amazon/Google Play/YouTube release as per DVD.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
6 September 20044 May 200610 October 2006

Christmas special DVDs

Only Fools and Horses: To Hull and Back

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
12 November 2001

Only Fools and Horses: A Royal Flush (The 2004 Version)

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
For the UK DVD release the episode was heavily re-edited (including at least 18 minutes of cuts). An audience laughter track was also added. The back of the DVD release refers to this version as 'The 2004 Version'.

The reasons for this alternative edit were because of John Sullivan's dissatisfaction with the finished version as originally broadcast. The final transmitted episode was hastily edited, as it was being prepared for transmission on Christmas Day 1986 and there was not enough time to run the episode in front of a live studio audience. Also, Sullivan has stated that he felt in the scene where Del is drunk at dinner, he came across as too nasty.

The original 1998 UK video release did not contain an added laughter track and more accurately reflected the running time of the original 1986 broadcast version. The version released in the DVD partwork magazine collection (DISC 13) is the complete uncut version as it was released before John Sullivan had made the edits.

  • No laughter track was in the original broadcast.

  • Originally after Rodney said to Vicky in the car that he had contacts who got him the tickets, you see the drivers' eyes stare at Rodney and then shakes his head, now it cuts to their car arriving at the theatre.
  • Rodney's reaction at the expensive price of the theatre programmes "eight pounds?" for "Carmen" is cut.
  • The scene where Rodney escorts Vicky into the theatre auditorium is cut as Junie asks Del why he didn't get her a theatre programme for the opera and he replies that she can't read.
  • A number of short bits are cut from the theatre auditorium scene, including Junie and Del dropping litter on the floor, Del offering crisps to Vicky and Rodney, Del arguing with disgruntled patrons, Del whistling along to the opera singing and Junie becoming queasy.
  • A short scene outside the theatre between Del and Rodney which includes this line "it was alright until Junie did her psychedelic yodel" is cut.
  • A number of short scenes are cut from the Dinner sequence at Lord Melbury's, including Del running his finger around the rim of a glass, a discussion about the 'Shed' at Stamford Bridge football ground and the quality of a player, Del's dialogue following his line "They weren't his drugs", Del's "you thought I was going to say arse" joke and the ski-ing joke, Rodney saying he better not stay the night.
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
9 May 2005

Only Fools and Horses: The Frog's Legacy

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United Kingdom
20 November 2000

Only Fools and Horses: Dates

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
6 May 2002

Only Fools and Horses: The Jolly Boys' Outing

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: The beginning of the scene at the Mardi Gras Nightclub has been cut because of the song "Just the Way You Are" performed by Lee Gibson . This has resulted in a 4-5-minute cut in the video and DVD releases.

This scene is restored on the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

UK GOLD also show this scene uncut.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
6 November 2000

Only Fools and Horses: Rodney Come Home

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • A line about "shaking hands with Princess Di" has been cut.

DEL: I mean, you think about it... take one wrong move and you could be shaking hands with Princess Di.

UK GOLD show this scene uncut.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
14 February 2005

Only Fools and Horses: Miami Twice – The Movie (aka The 1998 Version)

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • Miami Twice was the name given to the two-part 1991 Christmas special episodes. Part 1 was a standard TV episode, whilst Part 2 was produced as a movie, recorded entirely on film and without a studio audience.

For the 1998 video release, the two episodes were edited together as one continuous episode, and a laughter track was added to the second part for consistency. This resulted in the removal of the end credits sequence of Part 1, and the omission of the beginning credits of Part 2 (which originally appeared over the "Summer in the City" track). The final credits were also amended to reflect the cast and crew for both parts.

This 1998 version was also the version released on DVD. The original 1991 'movie' version of Oh To Be in England without a laughter track has never been commercially released on home video or DVD, although it has been repeated in TV broadcasts.

  • Miami Twice Part 1: The American Dream

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when Rodney watches the Vicar christening Damien and also later on in the episode when Rodney sees Damien in his cot staring at him.

Closing shot where Del and Rodney enter plane has been cut from the 1998 video release.

DEL: Hey, hey! Come on Rodders! (Singing) Everything’s free in America, kippers for tea in America. (To stewardess) Have a nice day."

RODNEY: Oi! Pack it in and get on that aeroplane!"

DEL: Alright, alright.

All scenes are restored in the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

The American Dream is uncut on the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

  • Miami Twice Part 2: Oh To Be in England

MUSIC: "Rockin' All over the World" by Status Quo is replaced by "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears at the start of the episode where Del and Rodney are on the plane. Most dialogue is intact apart from a brief section when Del removes his headphones. On the TV broadcast, he says, 'Oh'. On the DVD, the sound of him laughing at the start of the scene is noticeably repeated in its place.

MUSIC: "Baby Baby" by Amy Grant is replaced with "Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul causing the following dialogue to be cut.

DEL: What was all that about?

RODNEY: God knows. Friendly sort of bloke wasn't he?

DEL: Yeah.

SAL: "Vacation".

RICO: "Oh vacation! Yeah, yeah, I thought as much. Well, welcome to America".

DEL: Yeah, "well thanks very much, son".

TONY: "We don’t get many Australians round here".

DEL: "Look, we are not Australian, right?”

RODNEY: "We are British".

RICO: "British! We love the British! Are you, erm, living locally?”

DEL: "Well no. No, we’ve got one of them camper things out there in the street, you know. We just whack our bags and what have you in the back and off we go. (Tony talks quietly to Lurch. Lurch leaves the club)”

PAULY: "It’s the best way to see the country".

DEL: "Yeah, well, I mean – you can’t whack it, can you?”

RICO: "No, like you say, you can’t whack it. So can I get you guys a drink".

DEL: "Er, well, er no… ”

SAL: ” I don’t think this is wise, Rico".

RODNEY: "You see the thing is, we’ve got to drive over to the camping-site…sorry the camper-park, before it closes see".

PAULY: "Oh come on, you must have time for one!”

DEL: "Well, we can have one, Rodney, what do you reckon, eh?”

RODNEY: "Yeah, go on then".

DEL: "Yeah we’ll have a drink with you – let’s introduce ourselves. This is my brother Rodney and my name’s Del – that’s er, short for Derek".

RICO: "Hi, Rodney…Derek. I’m Rico. This is my cousin Salvatore and our friend Pauly".

SAL: "Are you enjoying your stay so far?”

DEL: "Oh yes, er, great. No, we’re having a blinding time".

RICO: "Why don’t you join us?”

Above scenes are all restored on the iTunes, Amazon and Google Play/YouTube release.

Oh To Be in England is mostly intact on iTunes, Amazon and Google play/YouTube, but has scenes of dialogue cut on the plane.

1. Del mentioning to Rodney about Alex, the travel agent sorting out accommodation for them.

2. Scenes of dialogue cut when we first meet Don O'Chetti and he refers to Rico about living in San Quentin.

3. A brief cut after Barry Gibb says "I don't need all this". We don't see Del saying to Rodney "Yeah I think you are right, Rodney. It weren't him, it was probably the gardener". Rodney replies with "I told ya".

4. Scenes have been shortened in the en-suite when Rodney says to Del "How did you get in here"? "I came through that door, it's a blinding invention". It cuts straight to Rodney saying "How did you get changed so quickly"? These cuts are to keep with the running times, so unfortunately this episode is still cut on the iTunes release even though most scenes have been restored.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
19 May 2003

Only Fools and Horses: Mother Nature's Son

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when Rodney sees Damien's invisible reflection in the mirror at the start of the episode.

MUSIC: "Money – (That's What I Want)" by The Beatles – has been replaced by an instrumental tune.

These have both been restored on the iTunes release.

O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff Is replaced in both the Amazon and Google Play/YouTube versions as well as Money by The Beatles.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
24 May 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Fatal Extraction

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when Rodney & Cassandra see Damien at the foot of their bed.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

UK GOLD also show this scene uncut.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
12 July 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Heroes and Villains

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: O Fortuna from Carmina Burana by Carl Orff is replaced when (in the dream sequence) the adult Damien looks at Rodney and says "Uncle Rodney!" The replacement is noticeable as it covers the audience laughter.

This has been restored on the iTunes release.

UK GOLD also show this scene uncut.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
9 February 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Modern Men

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
9 February 2004

Only Fools and Horses: Time On Our Hands

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 4:3 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)

MUSIC: The original broadcast version features Our House by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. The DVD version replaces this with a version sung by Helen Reddy. Also, the lyrics "With two cats in the yard" is changed to "With two dogs in the yard".

UK GOLD show this scene uncut.

Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
9 February 2004

Only Fools and Horses: If They Could See Us Now

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
11 November 2002

Only Fools and Horses: Strangers on the Shore

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
17 November 2003

Only Fools and Horses: Sleepless in Peckham

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
4 October 2004

The Story of Only Fools and Horses

Set detailsDVD cuts
  • 1 episode
  • 1 disc set
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Subtitles: yes
  • English (stereo)
  • None
Release dates
United KingdomAustraliaUnited States
7 April 2003

Compilation DVDs

Three compilation DVDs were issued in 2004:

iTunes Downloads

Along with series 1-4 being released on iTunes (minus their Christmas specials), the following collections were also released. Some featured material that had previously been cut for VHS/DVD:

UK VHS Releases

Between 1991 and 2004, all the episodes and specials of Only Fools and Horses have been released on video cassettes by the BBC with some episodes and specials containing the same cuts as the DVD releases. All the video cassettes were finally out of print in 2006.

VHS TitleCatalogue NumberRelease DateEpisodes
Only Fools and Horses:
Big Brother
BBCV 46787 October 1991
  • "Big Brother"
  • "Go West Young Man"
  • "Cash and Curry"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Second Time Around
BBCV 46797 October 1991
  • "The Second Time Around"
  • "A Slow Bus to Chingford"
  • "The Russians Are Coming"
  • "Christmas Crackers"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Long Legs of the Law
BBCV 47024 November 1991
  • "The Long Legs of the Law"
  • "Ashes to Ashes"
  • "A Losing Streak"
  • "No Greater Love"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Yellow Peril
BBCV 47034 November 1991
  • "The Yellow Peril"
  • "It Never Rains"
  • "A Touch of Glass"
  • "Diamonds are for Heather"
Only Fools and Horses:
BBCV 47471 April 1992
  • "Homesick"
  • "Healthy Competition"
  • "Friday the 14th"
  • "Yesterday Never Comes"
Only Fools and Horses:
May the Force Be with You
BBCV 47481 April 1992
  • "May the Force be with You"
  • "Wanted"
  • "Who's a Pretty Boy"
  • "Thicker Than Water"
The Very Best of
Only Fools and Horses:
Tea for Three
BBCV 48495 October 1992
  • "Tea for Three"
  • "Happy Returns"
  • "The Longest Night"
  • "Sleeping Dogs Lie"
  • "From Prussia with Love"
The Very Best of
Only Fools and Horses:
Yuppy Love
BBCV 48555 October 1992
  • "Yuppy Love"
  • "The Unlucky Winner Is"
  • "Three Men, a Woman and a Baby"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 1
BBCV 49331993Part 1
  • "Big Brother"
  • "Go West Young Man"
  • "Cash and Curry"
Part 2
  • "The Second Time Around"
  • "A Slow Bus to Chingford"
  • "The Russians Are Coming"
  • "Christmas Crackers"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 2
BBCV 51371993Part 1
  • "The Long Legs of the Law"
  • "Ashes to Ashes"
  • "A Losing Streak"
  • "No Greater Love"
Part 2
  • "The Yellow Peril"
  • "It Never Rains"
  • "A Touch of Glass"
  • "Diamonds are for Heather"
The Very Best of
Only Fools and Horses:
Danger UXD
BBCV 51501 November 1993
  • "Danger UXD"
  • "Sickness and Wealth"
  • "The Class of 62"
Only Fools and Horses:
Chain Gang
BBCV 52966 June 1994
  • "Chain Gang"
  • "Little Problems"
  • "Stage Fright"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 3
BBCV 538819 September 1994Part 1
  • "Homesick"
  • "Healthy Competition"
  • "Friday the 14th"
  • "Yesterday Never Comes"
Part 2
  • "May the Force be with You"
  • "Wanted"
  • "Who's a Pretty Boy"
  • "Thicker Than Water"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Jolly Boys Outing
BBCV 54217 November 1994
  • "The Jolly Boys Outing"
Only Fools and Horses:
A Chance of a Lunchtime
BBCV 55701 October 1995
  • "Chance of a Lunchtime"
  • "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Uncle"
Only Fools and Horses:
To Hull and Back
BBCV 569730 October 1995
  • "To Hull and Back"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Frog's Legacy
BBCV 57991 October 1996
  • "The Frog's Legacy"
Only Fools and Horses:
BBCV 59091 October 1996
  • "Dates"
Only Fools and Horses:
Strained Relations
BBCV 61046 October 1997
  • Strained Relations
  • Hole in One
  • It's Only Rock and Roll
Only Fools and Horses:
Heroes and Villains
BBCV 63636 October 1997
  • "Heroes and Villains"
Only Fools and Horses:
Modern Men
BBCV 636420 October 1997
  • "Modern Men"
Only Fools and Horses:
Time on Our Hands
BBCV 63653 November 1997
  • "Time on Our Hands"
Only Fools and Horses:
A Royal Flush
BBCV 63702 February 1998
  • "A Royal Flush"
Only Fools and Horses:
Watching the Girls Go By
BBCV 62521 June 1998
  • "Watching the Girls Go By"
  • "As One Door Closes"
  • "The Miracle of Peckham"
  • "Video Nasty"
  • "Who Wants to be a Millionaire? "
Only Fools and Horses:
Miami Twice – The Movie
BBCV 659812 October 1998
  • "Miami Twice – The Movie"
Only Fools and Horses:
Rodney Come Home
BBCV 67071 February 1999
  • "Rodney Come Home"
  • "The Sky's the Limit"
Only Fools and Horses:
Fatal Extraction
BBCV 67167 June 1999
  • "Fatal Extraction"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 6
BBCV 68174 October 1999Part 1
  • "Yuppy Love"
  • "Danger UXD"
  • "Chain Gang"
Part 2
  • "The Unlucky Winner Is"
  • "Sickness and Wealth"
  • "Little Problems"
Only Fools and Horses:
Mother's Nature's Son
BBCV 679215 November 1999
  • "Mother Nature's Son"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 5
BBCV 69971 May 2000Part 1
  • "From Prussia with Love"
  • "The Miracle of Peckham"
  • "The Longest Night"
Part 2
  • "Tea for Three"
  • "Video Nasty"
  • "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 7
BBCV 701530 October 2000Part 1
  • "The Sky's the Limit"
  • "The Chance of a Lunchtime"
  • "Stage Fright"
Part 2
  • "The Class of '62"
  • "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Uncle"
  • "Three Men, a Woman and a Baby"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 1-7
BBCV 708230 October 2000Series 1, Part 1
  • "Big Brother"
  • "Go West Young Man"
  • "Cash and Curry"
Series 1, Part 2
  • "The Second Time Around"
  • "A Slow Bus to Chingford"
  • "The Russians Are Coming"
  • "Christmas Crackers"
Series 2, Part 1
  • "The Long Legs of the Law"
  • "Ashes to Ashes"
  • "A Losing Streak"
  • "No Greater Love"
Series 2, Part 2
  • "The Yellow Peril"
  • "It Never Rains"
  • "A Touch of Glass"
  • "Diamonds are for Heather"
Series 3, Part 1
  • "Homesick"
  • "Healthy Competition"
  • "Friday the 14th"
  • "Yesterday Never Comes"
Series 3, Part 2
  • "May the Force be with You"
  • "Wanted"
  • "Who's a Pretty Boy"
  • "Thicker Than Water"
Series 4, Part 1
  • "Happy Returns"
  • "Strained Relations"
  • "Hole in One"
  • "It's Only Rock and Roll"
Series 4, Part 1
  • "Sleeping Dogs Lie"
  • "Watching the Girls Go By"
  • "As One Door Closes"
Series 5, Part 1
  • "From Prussia with Love"
  • "The Miracle of Peckham"
  • "The Longest Night"
Series 5, Part 2
  • "Tea for Three"
  • "Video Nasty"
  • "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
Series 6, Part 1
  • "Yuppy Love"
  • "Danger UXD"
  • "Chain Gang"
Series 6, Part 2
  • "The Unlucky Winner Is"
  • "Sickness and Wealth"
  • "Little Problems"
Series 7, Part 1
  • "The Sky's the Limit"
  • "The Chance of a Lunchtime"
  • "Stage Fright"
Series 7, Part 2
  • "The Class of '62"
  • "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Uncle"
  • "Three Men, a Woman and a Baby"
Only Fools and Horses:
Selection Box
BBCV 705126 March 2001
  • "The Only Fools and Horses Selection Box"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Series 4
BBCV 70265 March 2001Part 1
  • "Happy Returns"
  • "Strained Relations"
  • "Hole in One"
  • "It's Only Rock and Roll"
Part 2
  • "Sleeping Dogs Lie"
  • "Watching the Girls Go By"
  • "As One Door Closes"
Only Fools and Horses:
If They Could See Us Now
BBCV 728911 November 2002
  • "If They Could See Us Now"
Only Fools and Horses:
The Complete Specials
The Story of
Only Fools and Horses
BBCV 743314 April 2003
  • "The Story of Only Fools and Horses"
Only Fools and Horses:
Strangers on the Shore
BBCV 729217 November 2003
  • "Strangers on the Shore"
Only Fools and Horses:
Sleepless in Peckham
BBCV 72934 October 2004
  • "Sleepless in Peckham"

See also

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