List of Trigun chapters

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Trigun 01 (Shonen Gahosha).png
Trigun Maximum 01.png
Cover of the first volume of Trigun (Shōnen Gahōsha edition) and the first volume of Trigun Maximum

Trigun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow. It revolves around a man known as "Vash the Stampede" and two Bernardelli Insurance Society employees, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, who follow him around in order to minimize the damages inevitably caused by his appearance. Nightow, first published a one-shot of Trigun in Tokuma Shoten's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Captain  [ ja ] in February 1995; [a] it began its regular serialization in the same magazine two months later in April. [b] Monthly Shōnen Captain ceased publication in January 1997, and the series was put on hiatus. [2] Tokuma Shoten collected the Trigun chapters in three tankōbon volumes, released from April 25, 1996, [4] to January 20, 1999; [5] Shōnen Gahōsha republished the Trigun chapters in two volumes, released on June 2, 2000. [6] [7]


The manga resumed its publication in Shōnen Gahōsha's seinen manga magazine Young King OURs , under the title Trigun Maximum (トライガンマキシマム, Toraigan Makishimamu), in October 1997. [2] [8] Trigun Maximum finished in March 2007. [9] Shōnen Gahōsha collected its chapters in fourteen tankōbon volumes, released from May 23, 1998, [10] to February 27, 2008. [11]

In North America, the manga was licensed by Dark Horse Comics, who announced its publication in June 2003; [12] they released the two volumes of Trigun, based on the Shōnen Gahosha's edition, on October 15, 2003, [13] and January 7, 2004. [14] In March 2004, Dark Horse Comics announced that they would also publish Trigun Maximum; [15] the fourteen volumes were released from May 26, 2004, [16] to April 8, 2009. [17] In September 2012, Dark Horse Comics announced that they would release the series in an omnibus edition; [18] Trigun was released in a single volume on October 9, 2013; [19] Trigun Maximum was released in five volumes from November 21, 2012, [20] to November 5, 2014. [21]

An anthology manga titled Trigun: Multiple Bullets, featuring short stories written by several manga artists such as Boichi, Masakazu Ishiguru, Satoshi Mizukami, Ark Performance, Yusuke Takeyama, Yuga Takauchi, and Akira Sagami, was released by Shōnen Gahosha in Japan on December 28, 2011. [22] [23] The volume was released by Dark Horse Comics on March 6, 2013. [18] [24]

Volume list


Original release

Published in three volumes by Tokuma Shoten

No.Release dateISBN
1 April 25, 1996 [4] 4-19-830127-1
  • 00.High Noon at July
  • 01.The 60,000,000,000.00$$ Man (600億$$の男, Roppyaku-oku Dabudoru no Otoko)
  • 02.Looney Tunes
  • 03.Hard Puncher
  • 04.Popo (ポポ)
  • 05.Assault (強襲, Kyōshū)
  • 06.Die Hards
  • 07.Rem (レム)
2 October 30, 1996 [25] 4-19-830144-1
  • 08.Duelist (デュエリスト)
  • 09.And Between Field and Sky (そして荒野と空の間を, Soshite kōya to sora no aida o)
  • 10.Little Arcadia (リトル・アルカディア)
  • 11.Son (息子, Musuko)
  • 12.River of Life (命の川, Inochi no kawa)
  • 13.Blood and Thunder
3 January 20, 1999 [5] 4-19-830185-9
  • 14.Diablo
  • 15.Fragile (フラジャイル)
  • 16.Scar (傷痕, Kizuato)
  • 17.Slaughtered Cafe
  • 18.Demon Squad (魔神集結す, Majin Shūketsusu)
  • 19.Invisible Eye (不可視の隻眼, Fukashi no Sekigan)
  • 20.Fifth Moon (フィフス・ムーン)


Reprinted in two volumes by Shōnen Gahōsha, translated by Dark Horse Comics and Digital Manga Publishing.

No.Original release dateOriginal ISBNEnglish release dateEnglish ISBN
1 June 2, 2000 [6] 4-7859-2005-X October 15, 2003 [13] 1-59307-052-7
  • 00.High Noon
  • 01.The $$60 Billion Double Dollar Man
  • 02.Looney Tunes
  • 03.Hard Puncher
  • 04.Popo
  • 05.Assault
  • 06.Die Hards
  • 07.Rem
  • 08.Duelist
  • 09.Then, Between The Wasteland and Sky
  • 10.Little Arcadia
  • 11.Son
  • 12.River of Life
2 June 2, 2000 [7] 4-7859-2006-8 January 7, 2004 [14] 1-59307-053-5
  • 13.Blood and Thunder
  • 14.Diablo
  • 15.Fragile
  • 16.Scars
  • 17.Slaughter Cafe
  • 18.Gathering of the Devils
  • 19.Eye of Invisibility
  • 20.Fifth Moon
  • Extra: Day In Day Out
  • Extra: Trigun Pilot

Trigun Maximum

Published by Shōnen Gahōsha, translated by Dark Horse Comics.

No.TitleOriginal release dateEnglish release date
1Hero ReturnsMay 23, 1998 [10]
May 26, 2004 [16]
  • 01. "Hero Reborn"
  • 02. "Lina" (リィナ, Rina)
  • 03. "Bravo, Girls!" (ガールズ・ブラボー!, Gāruzu Burabō)
  • 04. "Hero Returns"
  • 05. "Dancing Revolver"
  • 06. "Sin" (, Tsumi)
2Death BlueDecember 18, 1998 [26]
August 18, 2004 [27]
  • 07. "Return of the Blue Wing of Death" (死を運ぶ 蒼き風 再び, Shi o Hakobu Aokikaze Futatabi)
  • 08. "Resume our Business"
  • 09. "Samurai Showdown" (サムライショウダウン, Samurai Shoudaun)
  • 10. "Wolfwood" (ウルフウッド, Urufuddo)
  • 11. "Desperado"
  • 12. "Home Sweet Home" (ホーム・スィート・ホーム, Hōmu Su~īto Hōmu)
  • 13. "Darkness" (暗闇, Kurayami)
3His Life As A...October 27, 1999 [28]
October 20, 2004 [29]
  • 14. "Reservoir Dogs" (レザボア・ドッグス, Rezaboa Doggusu)
  • 15. "Cement" (セメント, Semento)
  • 16. "No Escape"
  • 17. "Emilio the Player" (エミリオ・ザ・プレイヤー, Emiro za Pureiyā)
  • 18. "Long Goodbye"
  • 19. "Families" (ファミリーズ)
  • 20. "His Life as a..."
4Bottom of the DarkJuly 27, 2000 [30]
February 23, 2005 [31]
  • 21. "Countdown"
  • 22. "Bluesy Killer Horn" (ブルージィ キラー ホーン, Burūji~i Kirā Hōn)
  • 23. "Bottom of the Dark"
  • 24. "Den of Thieves" (魔窟, Makutsu)
  • 25. "Crying Wild Bullet" (クライング ウイルド ブリッド, Kuraingu Uirudo Buriddo)
  • 26. "Those Who Stood Idly By" (かたわらに たたずむ ものたち, Katawarani Tatazumu Monotachi)
  • 27. "Doomed Sinner" (絶望の罪人, Zetsubou no Zainin)
5Break OutFebruary 24, 2001 [32]
May 11, 2005 [33]
  • 28. "The City And Then The Banquet of Dogs" (街 そして犬共の宴, Machi Soshite Inudomo no Utage)
  • 29. "Breakout" (ブレイクアウト, Bureikuauto)
  • 30. "Loss" (喪失, Sōshitsu)
  • 31. "Villain" (凶人, Kyoujin)
  • 32. "Death Deal" (デス ディール, Desu Dīru)
  • 33. "Let Us Walk the Path to Redemption" (せめて歩ませよ我が購いの道を, Semete Ayumaseyo Waga Aganai no Michi o)
6The GunslingerOctober 5, 2001 [34]
August 3, 2005 [35]
  • 34. "The Gunslinger" (ザ·ガンスリンガー, Za Gansuringā)
  • 35. "double team"
  • 36. "Cross X Assassins" (クロスXアサシンズ, Kurosu X Asashinzu)
  • 37. "Death Omen" (死兆, Shichō)
  • 38. "Colorless Expression" (色無き相貌, Ironaki Sōbō)
  • 39. "Seeds Voyaging to the Stars, A World Inside a Pod" (星を往く種子 莢の中の世界, Hoshi o Yuku Shushi Saya no Naka no Sekai)
7Happy DaysAugust 7, 2002 [36]
November 2, 2005 [37]
  • 40. "happy days."
  • 41. "Separate Ways" (セパレイトウェイズ, Separeito Uizu)
  • 42. "The King of Loneliness" (孤独の王, Kodoku no Ō)
  • 43. "Good For Nothing and the Blues" (ろくでなしとブルース, Rokudenashi to Burūsu)
  • 44. "When They Arrived, It Was Already the Beginning of the End" (辿り着けばそこはすでに終わりの始まり, Tadoritsukeba Sokowa Sudeni Owari no Hajimari)
  • 45. "Conflict" (コンフリクト, Konfurikuto)
8Silent RuinApril 25, 2003 [38]
February 1, 2006 [39]
  • 46. "Invasion" (侵攻, Shinkou)
  • 47. Silent Ruin
  • 48. "Counter-Attack!! (カウンターアタック!!, Kauntā Atakku)
  • 49. "Escape (脱出, Dasshutsu)
  • 50. "Separate Paths (それぞれの道, Sorezore no Michi)
  • 51. Wolfwood Spin Off - Freed Bird ([外伝] FREED BIRD, [Gaiden] Freed Bird)
9LROctober 24, 2003 [40]
July 26, 2006 [41]
  • 52. Home
  • 53. Gale
  • 54. LR
  • 55. Battle to the Death
  • 56. Prostrate Demon
  • 57. Fortitude
10WolfwoodDecember 27, 2004 [42]
November 8, 2006 [43]
  • 58. Reckless Conduct
  • 59. Sworn Friend
  • 60. Sudden Change
  • 61. Death Omen
  • 62. Final Battle
  • 63. Homecoming
  • 64. Wolfwood
  • 65. Final Farewell
11Zero HourDecember 27, 2004 [44]
January 17, 2007 [45]
  • 66. Zero Hour
  • 67. Slap Sticks Days
  • 68. Thunderstruck
  • 69. Return of the Wicked
  • 70. Get Ready, Get Set
  • 71. Someone to Defend
12The GunslingerJuly 2, 2006 [46]
January 16, 2008 [47]
  • 72. The Journey Ends - But Heavy Breathing Still Echoes
  • 73. Corrosive Thunder
  • 74. The Interceptor
  • 75. The Gunslinger
  • 76. + - 0
  • 77. resonance
  • 78. Run Livio Run
  • 79. Lantern
  • 80. Their Own World
13Double DuelNovember 9, 2007 [48]
December 1, 2008 [49]
  • 81. False Doppleganger
  • 82. Double Duel
  • 83. Demon Fire
  • 84. Black
  • 85. Battle of the Mystics
  • 86. Tag in a Person
  • 87. catch-as-catch-can
  • 88. Apex Wings (尖翼)
  • 89. VS
14Mind GamesFebruary 27, 2008 [11]
April 8, 2009 [17]
  • 90. When Conflict Comes to An End (相克果つる刻, Sōkoku hatsuru toki)
  • 91. overkill
  • 92. Side by Side (サイド・バイ・サイド)
  • 93. Never give up! Never surrender!
  • 94. Ticket to the Future (未来への切符, Mirai e no kippu)
  • 95. Mind Games
  • 96. Double Wings (双翼, Sōyoku)
  • 97. Never Ending Song


  1. The one-shot was released in the March 1995 issue (cover date), [1] released in February. [2]
  2. It started in the May 1995 issue (cover date), [3] released in April. [2]

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  49. "Trigun Maximum Volume 13: Double Duel TPB". Dark Horse Comics. Archived from the original on 2014-02-18. Retrieved 2014-02-02.