List of Ultimate Fantastic Four story arcs

Last updated

Synopses of Ultimate Fantastic Four storylines and graphic novels are featured here. The first writers of the series were Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Millar for the first 6 issues. They were followed by Warren Ellis for 12 issues, Mike Carey for 2 issues before Mark Millar came back for a separate run of 13 issues, after which Carey came back for a longer run of 26 issues. The book ended with Joe Pokaski, writer of Heroes , for the remaining 3 issues, concluding through his Requiem story.


Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Millar

The Fantastic (#1–6)

Warren Ellis

Doom (#7–12)

N-Zone (#13–18)

Mike Carey

Think Tank (#19–20)

Mark Millar returning

Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1: Enter the Inhumans

Crossover (#21–23)

Tomb of Namor (#24–26)

President Thor (#27–29)

Frightful (#30–32)

Mike Carey returning

Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #2

God War (#33–38)

Devils (#39–41)

The Silver Surfer (#42–46)

Ghosts (#47–49)

Four Cubed (#50–53)

Salem's Seven (#54–57)

Joe Pokaski

Ultimatum (#58–60)

Ultimatum: Fantastic Four Requiem #1

Collected editions

Ultimate Fantastic Four has been collected in the following trade paperbacks:

Vol. #TitleMaterial collectedISBN
Volume 1The FantasticUltimate Fantastic Four #1–6 0-7851-1393-2
Volume 2DoomUltimate Fantastic Four #7–12 0-7851-1457-2
Volume 3N-ZoneUltimate Fantastic Four #13–18 0-7851-1495-5
Volume 4InhumanUltimate Fantastic Four #19-20, Annual #1 0-7851-1667-2
Volume 5CrossoverUltimate Fantastic Four #21–26 0-7851-1802-0
Volume 6FrightfulUltimate Fantastic Four #27–32 0-7851-2017-3
Volume 7God WarUltimate Fantastic Four #33-38 0-7851-2174-9
Volume 8DevilsUltimate Fantastic Four #39–41, Annual #2 0-7851-2450-0
Volume 9Silver SurferUltimate Fantastic Four #42–46 0-7851-2547-7
Volume 10GhostsUltimate Fantastic Four #47–53 0-7851-2898-0
Volume 11Salem's SevenUltimate Fantastic Four #54–57 0-7851-2447-0
N/AUltimatum: X-Men/Fantastic FourUltimate X-Men #98–100, Ultimate Fantastic Four #58-60 0-7851-3433-6

See also


  1. Bendis, Brian (2006-06-12). "BRIAN BENDIS PRESENTS..." Wizard Entertainment. Archived from the original on 2006-12-30. Retrieved 2007-01-05.
  2. Weiland, Jonah (2004-07-05). "LOOKING AT "ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR" #9 WITH STUART IMMONEN". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 2007-01-08.
  3. "Marvel Comics for December" (Press release). Marvel Comics. 2004-09-22. Retrieved 2007-01-11.
  4. 1 2 Taylor, Robert (2006-10-28). "REFLECTIONS: "ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR" AND "X-MEN" WITH MIKE CAREY". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 2007-01-08.
  5. Contino, Jennifer M. (2006-09-19). "MIKE CAREY'S ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR EXPERIENCE". Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2007-01-05.