List of artwork at the Minnesota State Capitol

Last updated

A comprehensive but not complete list of artworks at the Minnesota State Capitol. [1]


TypeImageDate CompletedName/
ArtistDate PlacedLocation
Sculpture Etoile du Nord Minnesota State Capitol.jpg
Reverse side of L'Etoile du Nord in Senate Hearing Room.jpg
1904 L'Étoile du Nord Cass Gilbert (Designer)1904Rotunda and Senate Hearing Room
Sculpture Marble Angel keystone-closeup.jpg UnknownMarble angel keystoneUnknownUnknownSouth Entrance (Exterior)
Sculpture MN State Capitol - relief sculpture of train.jpg UnknownMarble relief of trainUnknownUnknownNorth Entrance (Exterior)
Sculpture MN State Capitol - relief sculpture of ship.jpg UnknownMarble relief of shipUnknownUnknownNorth Entrance (Exterior)
Mural Contemplative Spirit of the East-2021.jpg 1904Contemplative Spirit of the East Kenyon Cox 1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Winnowing.png 1904Livestock farming/winnowing lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Commerce.png 1904Commerce lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Stone-Cutting.png 1904Stonecutting lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Milling.png 1904Milling lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Mining.png 1904Mining lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Shipping.png 1904Shipping/navigation lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904East Grand Staircase
Mural MN State Capitol-Senate-mural-Courage.png 1904CourageArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904Senate Chamber
Mural MN State Capitol-Senate-mural-Equality.png 1904EqualityArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904Senate Chamber
Mural MN State Capitol-Senate-mural-Justice.png 1904JusticeArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904Senate Chamber
Mural MN State Capitol-Senate-mural-Freedom.png 1904FreedomArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904Senate Chamber
Mural Discovers and Civilizers Led to the Source of the Mississippi.jpg 1905Discoverers and Civilizers Led to the Source of the Mississippi Edwin H. Blashfield 1905Senate Chamber, North Wall
Mural Minnesota- Granary of the World.jpg 1905Minnesota: Granary of the WorldEdwin H. Blashfield1905Senate Chamber, South Wall
Mural The Sacred Flame (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)-2021.jpg 1903The Sacred Flame (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) Henry Oliver Walker 1905West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Horticulture.png 1904Horticulture lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Hunting.png 1904Hunting/huntress lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Logging.png 1904Logging lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Fur trading.png 1904Fur trading/pioneer lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Agriculture.png 1904Agriculture/sowing lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Lunette-Dairy.png 1904Dairy farming lunetteArthur Willett (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904West Grand Staircase
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-Summer mural.jpg 1904SummerElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor South Corridor Ceiling
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-Autumn mural.jpg 1904AutumnElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor West Corridor Ceiling
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-Winter mural.jpg 1904WinterElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor West Corridor Ceiling
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-Spring-mural.jpg 1904SpringElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor West Corridor Ceiling
Mural Hamilton Quote-MN State Capitol.jpg 1904Alexander Hamilton quoteElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor South Corridor
Mural Davis Quote-MN State Capitol.jpg 1904Cushman K. Davis quoteElmer Garnsey (Design)19043rd Floor North Corridor
Mural1904Minnesota FloraElmer Garnsey (Design)1904House Retiring Room
Mural Mural-The Home of General Sibley.jpg 1904The Home of General SibleyUnknown1904House Chamber West Corridor
Mural Mural-The First Church in St. Paul.jpg 1904The First Church in St. PaulUnknown1904House Chamber West Corridor
Mural Mural-The Round Tower Ft. Snelling.jpg 1904The Round Tower Ft. SnellingUnknown1904House Chamber West Corridor
Mural Mural-The Old Block House Ft. Snelling.jpg 1904The Old Block House Ft. SnellingUnknown1904House Chamber West Corridor
Mural Mural-The River Navigators.jpg 1904The River NavigatorsUnknown1904House Chamber East Corridor
Mural Mural-The Rugged Men of the Pine.jpg 1904The Rugged Men of the PineUnknown1904House Chamber East Corridor
Mural Mural-Kittson the First Representative.jpg 1904Kittson the First RepresentativeUnknown1904House Chamber East Corridor
Mural Mural-The Famous Red River Carts.jpg 1904The Famous Red River CartsUnknown1904House Chamber East Corridor
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-aquarius.png 1904Zodiac lunette-AquariusElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-capricorn.png 1904Zodiac lunette-CapricornElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-sagittarius.png 1904Zodiac lunette-SagittariusElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnnesota State Capitol-scorpio.png 1904Zodiac lunette-ScorpioElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-libra.png 1904Zodiac lunette-LibraElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnnesota State Capitol-virgo.png 1904Zodiac lunette-VirgoElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-leo.png 1904Zodiac lunette-LeoElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-cancer.png 1904Zodiac lunette-CancerElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnnesota State Capitol-gemini.png 1904Zodiac lunette-GeminiElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-taurus.png 1904Zodiac lunette-TaurusElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-aries.png 1904Zodiac lunette-AriesElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Minnesota State Capitol-pisces.png 1904Zodiac lunette-PiscesElmer Garnsey (Design)1904Dome
Mural Civilization of the Northwest-panel-1.png 1904Civilization of the Northwest: The American GeniusEdward Simmons1905Rotunda, Southwest Corner
Mural Civilization of the Northwest-panel-2.png 1904Civilization of the Northwest: The American GeniusEdward Simmons1905Rotunda, Northwest Corner
Mural Civilization of the Northwest-panel-3.png 1904Civilization of the Northwest: The American GeniusEdward Simmons1905Rotunda, Northeast Corner
Mural Civilization of the Northwest-panel-4.png 1904Civilization of the Northwest: The American GeniusEdward Simmons1906Rotunda, Southeast Corner
Mural Moral and Divine Law-02.jpg 1903Moral and Divine Law John La Farge 1905Supreme Court Chamber, East Wall
Mural The Adjustment of Conflicting Interests by John La Farge.png 1905The Adjustment of Conflicting InterestsJohn La Farge1906Supreme Court Chamber, South Wall
Mural The Relation of the Individual to the State by John La Farge.png 1905The Relation of the Individual to the StateJohn La Farge1906Supreme Court Chamber, West Wall
Mural Recording of Precedents by John La Farge.png 1905Recording of PrecedentsJohn La Farge1906Supreme Court Chamber, North Wall
Mural1935Old Fort Charlotte on the Pigeon RiverState Emergency Relief Administration (SERA ) artist, Unknown1935B-22 (Former Governor's Dining)
Mural1936River fishing sceneCarl Olson1936B-27 (Former Justice's Dining Room)
Painting Pyle-The Battle of Nashville-After-Restoration - 50862051112.jpg 1906The Battle of Nashville Howard Pyle 1906Governor's Reception Room
Painting Millet-The Fourth Minnesota Entering Vicksburg After-Restoration.jpg 1904The Fourth Minnesota Entering Vicksburg Francis David Millet 1906Governor's Reception Room
Painting Volk-The Second Minnesota Regiment at Missionary Ridge After-Restoration.jpg 1906The Second Minnesota at Mission Ridge Stephen A. Douglas Volk 1906Governor's Reception Room
Painting Fairchild Zogbaum-The Battle of Gettysburg After-Restoration.jpg 1906The Battle of Gettysburg Rufus F. Zogbaum 1907Governor's Reception Room
Painting Arthurs-The Third Minnesota Entering Little Rock-After-Restoration - 50862050097.jpg 1910The Third Minnesota Entering Little RockStanley M. Arthurs1910Governor's Ante Room
Painting Blashfield-The Fifth Minnesota at Corinth After-Restoration.jpg 1912The Fifth Minnesota at CorinthEdwin H. Blashfield1912Governor's Ante Room
Painting Father Hennepin at the Falls of St. Anthony.jpg 1905Father Hennepin at St. Anthony FallsStephen A. Douglas Volk1905Originally Governor's Reception Room

Moved to 3rd Floor Gallery [2]

Painting Treaty of Traverse des Sioux.jpg 1905Treaty of Traverse des Sioux Francis Davis Millet 1905Originally Governor's Reception Room

Moved to 3rd Floor Gallery [2]

AOEberhart-official.jpg 1917 Adolph Olson Eberhart Arvid F. Nyholm 19441st Floor, East Dome Corridor
RamseyOilCrop.jpg 1873 Alexander Ramsey Carl Gutherz 19441st Floor, West Corridor
AndrewMcgill.jpg 1889 Andrew R. McGill Carl Gutherz19441st floor, West Stair Corridor North
CushmanDavisOil.jpg 1882 Cushman K. Davis Carl Gutherz19441st floor, West Stair Corridor South
DavidClough.jpg 1893 David M. Clough Herbert G. Conner19441st Floor, North Dome Corridor
1939 Elmer Benson Carl Bohnen19441st Floor, East Corridor
Painting of Governor Floyd B. Olson.jpg 1936 Floyd B. Olson Carl Bohnen19441st Floor, East Corridor
HaroldStassenOfficialOil.jpg 1943 Harold E. Stassen Carl Bohnen19441st Floor, East Corridor
HASwift-official.jpg 1871 Henry A. Swift Unknown19441st Floor, West Corridor
HHSibley-official.jpg c.1860 Henry Hastings Sibley John P. Bligh19441st Floor, West Corridor
Hjalmar Petersen.jpg 1937 Hjalmar Petersen Carl Bohnen19441st Floor, East Corridor
Horace Austin (1873).jpg 1873 Horace Austin Carl Gutherz 19441st Floor, West Stair Corridor South
JacobPreus.jpg 1927 Jacob A.O. Preus Carl Bohnen19441st Floor, East Stair Corridor
JohnJohnson.jpg 1907 John A. Johnson Nicholas Brewer19441st Floor, East Dome Corridor
John Lind, governor of Minnesota.jpg 1902 John Lind Max Bohm 19441st Floor, North Dome Corridor
WinfieldSHammond.jpg 1915Winfield HammondNicholas Brewer19441st Floor, East Stair Corridor
c.1947 Edward J. Thye Theodore Sohner19471st Floor, East Corridor
c.1955 Clyde Elmer Anderson Edward V. Brewer1955Ground Floor, West Dome Corridor
c.1961 Orville L. Freeman Elizabeth Mihalyi1961Ground Floor, West Dome Corridor
c.1963 Elmer L. Anderson Edward V. Brewer1963Ground Floor, North Dome Corridor
1964 Luther W. Youngdahl Louis A. Grendahl19641st Floor, East Corridor
1967 Karl F. Rolvaag Frances Cranmer Greenman 1967Ground Floor, North Dome Corridor
1971 Harold Levander Barbara Brewer Peet1971Ground Floor, North Dome Corridor
1981 Wendell R. Anderson Richard Lack1982Ground Floor, North Dome Corridor
1985 Albert Quie Richard Lack1984Ground Floor, East Dome Corridor
1999 Arne Carlson Stephen Gjertson1999Ground Floor, South Dome Corridor
2000 Rudy Perpich Mark Balma2000Ground Floor, East Dome Corridor
2003 Jesse Ventura Stephen Cepello (1949-)2003Ground Floor, South Dome Corridor
2011 Tim Pawlenty Rossin2011Ground Floor, S. Corridor, Great Hall
Portrait1931 Abraham Lincoln Edward V. Brewer1932House Chamber
Portrait1988Gordon RosenmeierCharles Caspner1990G17
Portraitc.1890 Charles Gilman Vera Clark Placec.1920223
PortraitUnknown George Washington Unknownc.1960125
Portrait1890 Joe Rolette Unknownc.1907112
Portrait Portrait of Gordon Rosenmeier.jpg 1972 Gordon Rosenmeier Jerome RyanUnknown122
Statue Virtue-Bounty.jpg 1905Bounty (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Virtue-Courage.jpg 1905Courage (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Virtue-Integrity.jpg 1905Integrity (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Virtue-Prudence.jpg 1905Prudence (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Virtue-Truth.jpg 1905Truth (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Virtue-Wisdom.jpg 1905Wisdom (Virtue)Daniel Chester French1905South Attic (Exterior)
Statue Quadriga (2487899275).jpg 1906Progress of the State (Quadriga)Daniel Chester French / Edward Potter1906South Drum Terrace (Exterior)
Statue Statue William Colvill.jpg 1909 William Colvill Catherine Backus19092nd Floor, Rotunda
Statue Alexander Wilkin.JPG 1910 Alexander Wilkin John Karl Daniels 19102nd Floor, Rotunda
Statue John B Sanborn.JPG 1911 John Sanborn John Karl Daniels19112nd Floor, Rotunda
Statue Major General James Shields.JPG 1914 James Shields Fredrick C. Hibbard 19142nd Floor, Rotunda
Statue Minnesota Spirit of Government-House Chamber, Minnesota State Capitol.jpg 1938Minnesota Spirit of GovernmentBrioschi Studios1938House Chamber
Statue Entries Vestibules.jpg 1925German Pioneers Albert Jaegers 19591st Floor, North Entrance Vestibule
Bust Bust-Henry Rice,1906.jpg 1906 Henry Rice Luella Varney 1910Senate Chamber
Bust1895 Knute Nelson Jacob Fjelde 1915Senate Chamber
Bust Bust-Cass Gilbert in nook.jpg 1925 Cass Gilbert Edmond Thomas Quinn (1868-1929)19261st Floor, West Dome Corridor
BustUnknown William Windom Unknown19441st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Bust1860Henry Hastings Sibley Henry Dexter 19741st Floor, North Dome Corridor
Bust1901 Ignatius Donnelly John Karl Daniels 19741st Floor, North Dome corridor
Bust1891 William Watts Folwell Jacob Fjelde19741st Floor, North Dome Corridor
Bust Bust-Hubert Humphrey.jpg 1977 Hubert H. Humphrey George Norbert Bassett (1925-2023)19771st Floor, West Grand Staircase
Bust Bust-Nicholas D. Coleman.jpg 1983Nicholas D. Coleman Paul T. Granlund 19831st Floor, West Dome Corridor
Bust Bust of Warren Burger MN Supreme Court lobby.jpg 1984 Warren Burger Walker Hancock 19842nd Floor, Supreme Court Foyer
Bust1985 Sigurd Olson George Norbert Bassett (1925-2023)19811st Floor, North Corridor
Bust Bust-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in the Minnesota State Capitol.jpg 1985 Martin Luther King, Jr. George Norbert Bassett (1925-2023)19861st Floor, East Grand Staircase
Bust Bust-Chief Wabasha III-c1800-1876.jpg 1985 Wabasha III JoAnne Bird (1945-)19861st Floor, East Dome Corridor
Bust Bust of Edward Burdick.jpg 1990 Edward Burdick Paul T. Granlund1990House of Representatives Lobby
Bust Bust of Cushman Davis.jpg Unknown Cushman Davis I.G. TrentanoveUnknownSenate Chamber
Bust Bust of William Washburn, Minnesota Senate Chamber.jpg 1906 William Washburn Franklin SimmonsUnknownSenate Chamber, SE corner
Bust Bust-Winfield Scott Hammond.jpg 1926 Winfield Scott Hammond Bryant BakerUnknown1st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Plaque Plaque-Capitol Commissioners.jpg 1907Board of Capitol CommissionersCass Gilbert / G.A. Carsley (Designers)19071st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Plaque Plaque-MN Capitol Dedication.jpg 1907Capitol dedicationCass Gilbert / G.A. Carsley (Designers)19071st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Plaque Plaque-MN Capitol Description.jpg 1907Capitol descriptionCass Gilbert / G.A. Carsley (Designers)19071st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Plaque Plaque-Minnesota Capitol Restoration.jpg 2019Capitol restoration20191st Floor, South Dome Corridor
Plaque Minnesota senate retiring room-plaque.jpg 190734th Senate of the State of MinnesotaCass Gilbert1908Senate Retiring Room
Plaque Plaque-1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment.jpg 1911 1st Minnesota Infantry Regiment Catherine Backus/Fredrick C. Hibbard19111st Floor, Rotunda
Plaque Plaque-Clara Ueland.jpg Unknown Clara Ueland Louis Gross19271st Floor, Rotunda
Plaque Plaque-Alexander Ramsey.jpg 1928Alexander RamseyCass Gilbert (Design)19291st Floor, West Corridor
Plaque Monument to Floyd B. Olson, Minnesota State Capitol 2018-01-19.jpg 1937Floyd B. OlsonCharles Brioschi19381st Floor, West Corridor
Plaque Plaque-Dr. Martha Ripley.jpg 1938 Martha Ripley Charles S. Wells19391st Floor, Rotunda
Plaque Plaque-Old Northwest Territory.jpg 1938Old Northwest TerritoryUnknownc.19391st Floor, Rotunda
Plaque Plaques-13th Minnesota Infantry Regiment and Philippine-American War.jpg 1943-194813th Minnesota Infantry RegimentBrioschi Studios19481st Floor, Rotunda
Plaque Plaque to Roscoe Pound.jpg 1964 Roscoe Pound Unknownc.19642nd Floor, East Corridor 
Plaque Plaques-13th Minnesota Infantry Regiment and Philippine-American War.jpg 2002 Philippine-American War Ann  Klefstad20021st Floor, Rotunda 

List of Removed Artwork

TypeImageDate CompletedNameArtistDate PlacedLocationDate RemovedReason
Mural Cartoon for Records-Minnesota State Capitol.jpg 1904Records William Andrew MacKay (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904House of Representatives Chamber1938(still in existence but covered) [3]
Mural Cartoon for History-Minnesota State Capitol.jpg 1904HistoryWilliam Andrew MacKay (Artist)
Elmer Garnsey (Design)
1904House of Representatives Chamber1938(still in existence but covered) [3]
Painting The Eighth Minnesota Infantry (Mounted) in the Battle of Ta-Ha-Kouty (Killdeer Mountain).jpg 1910Battle of Ta-Ha-Kouty (Killdeer Mtn.) Carl L. Boeckmann 19143172016Removed [2]
Painting 1904paintingAttackNewUlmAntonGag.jpg 1904Attack on New Ulm Anton Gag c.19231182016Removed [2]

See also

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The current Minnesota State Capitol in Saint Paul was constructed from 1896 to 1905; shortly after the previous Capitol opened, it proved to be unsuitable due to overcrowding, a lack of adequate fireproofing, and poor ventilation. State officials began planning a grander, more-efficient Capitol. In 1893, Governor Knute Nelson appointed the seven-member Board of State Capitol Commissioners to oversee the construction of a new Capitol following the state legislature's recommendation. The commissioners selected local architect Cass Gilbert's design and chose a site at Wabasha Hill that was bounded by Park Avenue, University Avenue, Cedar and Wabasha Streets, and Central Avenue. Although it was the most expensive option, the chosen site was the largest of the four shortlisted sites, and the commission concluded it was the best location for the building.

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  1. "Inventory of Art in the Minnesota State Capitol" (PDF). Minnesota Department of Administration. December 2015. Retrieved 2021-02-28.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Reconciling History". Minnesota Historical Society. Retrieved 2021-02-27.
  3. 1 2 O'Sullivan, Thomas (1994). North Star Statehouse: An Armchair Guide to the Minnesota State Capitol. Pogo Press. p. 52. ISBN   1-880654-07-5.