List of delegates of the 1st World Congress of the Communist International

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This is a list of delegates of the 1st World Congress of the Communist International. The founding congress that established the Communist International was held in Moscow from 2 March 1919 to 6 March 1919. [1]


Full delegates [1]

Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Six delegates shared five votes:

Communist Party of Germany

One delegate held five votes:

Socialist Labor Party of America

One delegate held five votes:

Communist Party of German Austria

Two delegates shared three votes:

Balkan Revolutionary Social Democratic Federation

One delegate held three votes:

Communist Party of Finland

Five delegates shared three votes:

Communist Party of Hungary

One delegate held three votes:

Norwegian Labour Party

One delegate held three votes:

Communist Party of Poland

One delegate held three votes:

Social Democratic Left Party of Sweden

One delegate held three votes:

Swiss Social Democratic Party (Opposition)

One delegate held three votes:

Communist Party of Ukraine

Two delegate shared three votes:

Communist Party of Armenia

One delegate held a single vote:

United Group of the Eastern Peoples of Russia

Five delegates shared a single vote:

Communist Party of Estonia

One delegate held a single vote:

Zimmerwald Left of France

One delegate held a single vote:

Communist Party of the German Colonists in Russia

One delegate held a single vote:

Communist Party of Latvia

One delegate held a single vote:

Communist Party of Lithuania and Belorussia

One delegate held a single vote:

Consultative delegates [1]

Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Bulgarian Communist Group

Central Bureau of Eastern Peoples

Chinese Socialist Workers Party

Czech Communist Group

French Communist Group

British Communist Group

Korean Workers League in Moscow

Dutch Social Democratic Group

Swiss Communist Group

Socialist Propaganda League of America

Yugoslav Communist Group

Zimmerwald Committee

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