List of echinoderms of Venezuela

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List of echinoderms of Venezuela Equinodermos de Venezuela.jpg
List of echinoderms of Venezuela

The echinoderms of Venezuela are a strictly marine animal phylum comprising about 124 species of marine waters designated for Venezuelan Caribbean. [1] The first lists of species for Venezuelan coast date back to 1939 [2] and 1967. [3]


In Venezuela are five classes representatives living today: Crinoidea, Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Echinoidea and Holothuroidea. [4] In this list are listed 105 species for the territory Venezuelan. [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]

List of species identified for Venezuela

Crinoidea (Sea Lilies)

SpeciesCommon nameGlobal distributionDistribution by state [nota 1] Image
Antedon bifida (Pennant, 1777) [3] [7] Rosy Feather-star [8] Atlantic Ocean [9] Ar; Su; Va

Antedon bifida 01.jpg

Davidaster rubiginosus (Pourtàles, 1869) [3] Sea lily [3] [10] Caribbean Sea [11] Ar

Davidaster rubiginosa (Golden Crinoid Feather Star).jpg

Tropiometra carinata (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Black and White Sea Lily [12] Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean [13] Ar; Ca; Fa; DF; Su; Va

P4259296 Myzostomids at Percys Hole.JPG

Asteroidea (Starfishs)

SpeciesCommon nameGlobal distributionDistribution by stateImage
Anthenoides piercei Perrier, 1881 [5] Starfish [14] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [15] NE; Su Anthenoides peircei - NOAA Photo Library.jpg
Asterinides folium (Lütken, 1859) [2] [3] [7] Common Blunt Armed Sea Star [16] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [17] Su
Astropecten antillensis Lütken, 1859 [2] [3] [7] Starfish [14] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [18] Su; Zu
Astropecten brasiliensis Müller & Troschel (1842) [3] [7] Starfish [14] Western Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [19] An; Fa; Mi; NE; Su
Astropecten duplicatus Gray, 1840 [3] [7] [20] Two-spined Star Fish [21] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [22] NE; Su; Va; Zu Fish4527 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library.jpg
Astropecten marginatus Gray, 1840 [2] [3] [7] [20] Starfish [14] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [23] DA; Fa; NE; Su; Zu
Echinaster brasiliensis Müller & Troschel, 1842 [7] Starfish [14] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [24] Su
Echinaster echinophorus (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Starfish [14] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [25] DF; NE; Su
Goniaster tesellatus (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [5] [7] Starfish [14] Atlantic Ocean [26] NE; Su Goniaster tessellatus.jpg
Linckia guildingi Gray, 1840 [2] [3] [7] Yellow Starfish [14] Cosmopolitan [27] NE Guildings's sea star.jpg
Luidia alternata (Say, 1825) [3] Starfish [14] Caribbean Sea [28] NE; Su; Zu
Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825) [3] [7] Starfish [14] Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean [29] An; NE; Su; Zu Luidia clathrata.jpg
Luidia senegalensis (Lamarck, 1816) [2] [3] [7] [20] Nine-armed Sea Star [30] Northwesthern Atlantic Ocean [31] Mi; NE; Su Nine-armed Sea Star (Luidia senegalensis) (4338628827).jpg
Oreaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1858) [2] [3] [7] Orange Starfish [14] Cushion Sea Star [32] Caribbean Sea [33] Fa; Mi; Mo; NE; Su Starfish.JPG
Tethyaster vestitus (Say, 1825) [3] [7] Starfish [14] Caribbean Sea [34] DA; DF; Su

Ophiuroidea (Sea spiders and sea snakes)

SpeciesCommon nameGlobal distributionDistribution by stateImage
Amphiodia trychna H. L. Clark, 1918 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [35] An; Su
Amphioplus coniortodes H. L. Clark, 1918 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [36] An; NE; Su
Amphipholis januarii Ljungman, 1867 [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [37] Su
Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) [3] [7] Small Brittle Star [38] Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean [39] NE; Su Amphipholis squamata - 02.jpg
Amphiura palmeri T Lyman, 1882 [3] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [40] Su
Amphiura rathbuni Koehler, 1914 [3] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [41] NE
Amphiura stimpsonii Lútken, 1859 [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [42] Su
Asteronyx loveni Müller & Troschel, 1824 [3] Pipe-cleaner Brittlestar [43] Northern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [44] Fa Tu - Asteronyx loveni 1.jpg
Astrophyton muricatum (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] [20] Grifo [14] Giant Basket Star [45] Caribbean Sea [46] Ar; DF; NE; Su Astrophyton muriatum - Basket star.jpg
Microphiopholis atra (Stimpson, 1852) [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [47] An; DA; Mo; Su
Microphiopholis gracillima (Stimpson, 1852) [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [48] Su
Ophiactis muelleri Lütken, 1856 [3] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [49] Su
Ophiactis algicola H.L. Clark, 1933 [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [50] Su
Ophiactis savignyi (Müller & Troschel, 1842) [3] [7] Savigny's Brittle Star [51] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean [52] DF; Mi; NE; Su Tiny in-a-sponge brittle stars (Ophiactis savignyi).jpg
Ophiocnida scabriuscula (Lútken, 1859) [7] Lobate Brittle Star [53] Caribbean Sea [54] Su
Ophiocoma echinata (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Black Brittle Star [55] Caribbean Sea [56] Ar; DF; Fa; NE; Su Ophiocoma echinata on Agelas clathordes.jpg
Ophiocoma pumila Lütken, 1859 [3] [7] Banded Ophiocoma [57] Caribbean Sea [58] DF; Fa; Su; Va
Ophiocoma wendtii Müller & Troschel, 1842 [3] [7] Red Ophiocoma [59] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean [60] NE; Su
Ophiocomella ophiactoides (H. L. Clark, 1963) [3] [7] Coralline Brittle Star [61] Caribbean Sea [62] Ar; Su
Ophioderma appressa (Say, 1825) [3] [7] Harlequin Brittle Star [63] Caribbean Sea [64] DF; Mi; NE; Su
Ophioderma brevicauda Lütken, 1856 [2] [3] [7] Short Spined Ophioderma [65] Caribbean Sea [66] Ca; DF; Fa; Mi
Ophioderma brevispina (Say, 1825) [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [67] DF; Mi Ophioderma brevispina.jpg
Ophioderma cinerea Müller & Troschel, 1842 [7] Chocolate Brittle Star [68] Caribbean Sea [69] Su
Ophioderma rubicunda Lütken, 1856 [3] [7] Ruby Brittle Star [70] Caribbean Sea [71] Su Sanc0448 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library.jpg
Ophiolepis elegans Lütken, 1859 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [72] An; DF; Mi; NE; Su Opheiolepis elegans 600.jpg
Ophiolepis impressa Lütken, 1859 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [73] Mi; Su
Ophiolepis paucispina (Say, 1825) [7] Scaly Brittle Star [74] Caribbean Sea [75] Su
Ophiomyxa flaccida ( Say, 1825) [3] [7] Slimy Brittle Star [76] Caribbean Sea [77] DF; Su
Ophionereis olivacea H. L. Clark, 1901 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [78] Su
Ophionereis reticulata (Say, 1925) [3] [7] Reticulated Brittle Star [79] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [80] DF; NE; Su Reef2589.jpg
Ophionereis squamulosa Köehler, 1913 [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [81] Su
Ophiopsila hartmeyeri Koehler, 1913 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [82] Su
Ophiopsila riisei Lütken, 1859 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [83] Ar; DF; Su
Ophiophragmus wurdemani (Lyman, 1860) [3] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [84] Va
Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825) [3] [7] Angular Brittle Star [85] Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [86] DF; Mi; NE; Su Ophiothrix angulata.jpg
Ophiothrix brachyactis H. L. Clark, 1915 [3] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [87] Su
Ophiothrix oerstedii Lütken, 1856 [2] [3] [7] Oersted's Brittle Star [88] Caribbean Sea [89] DF; NE; Su
Ophiothrix suensonii Lütken, 1856 [3] [7] Suenson's Brittle Star [90] Caribbean Sea [91] NE; Su Sponge Brittle Stars.jpg
Ophiura acervata Lyman 1869 [3] [7] Sea spiders [4] [10] Caribbean Sea [92] DA; Mo; Su

Echinoidea (Sea urchins and sand dollar)

SpeciesCommon nameGlobal distributionDistribution by stateImage
Arbacia punctulata (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Purple Sea Urchin. [93] [94] Caribbean Sea [95] An; NE; Su Arbacia punctulata Flower Garden Banks.jpg
Brissopsis elongata Mortensen, 1907 [3] [7] Caribbean Sea [96] An; Su
Brissus unicolor (Leske, 1778) [3] Groove Burrowing Urchin [97] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Westhern Mediterranean Sea [98] An; DF; Su
Clypeaster cyclopylus H.L.Clark, 1941 [99] Venezuelan Caribbean Sea [100] DF (Archp. Los Testigos)
Clypeaster euclastus H.L.Clark, 1941 [7] [99] Caribbean Sea [101] An, Ca, DA, DF, Fa
Clypeaster lamprus H.L.Clark, 1914 [99] Caribbean Sea [102] Va
Clypeaster prostratus Ravenel, 1848 [99] Caribbean Sea [103] Fa, Zu
Clypeaster rosaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) [3] [99] Sea Biscuit [104] Caribbean Sea [105] Fa; DF; NE Clypeaster rosaceus (San Salvador Island, Bahamas) 3.jpg
Clypeaster subdepressus (Gray, 1825) [3] [7] [99] Sand Dollar [106] Caribbean Sea [107] An; Fa; NE; Su Clypeaster subdepressus.jpg
Diadema antillarum (Philippi & Agassiz, 1863) [3] [7] Long-spined Sea Urchin [108] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [109] Ar; Ca; DF; Mi; Su; Va Diadema antillarum Flower Garden Banks.jpg
Echinometra lucunter (Linnaeus, 1758) [3] [7] [110] Rock-boring Urchin [111] Caribbean Sea [112] An; Ar; Ca; DA; DF; Fa; Mi; Mo; NE; Su; Va; Zu Echinometra lucunter couple.jpg
Echinometra viridis Agassiz, 1863 [2] [3] [7] Green Urchin [14] Caribbean Sea [113] Ar; Ca; DF; Fa; Mi Echinometra viridis (Reef Urchin).jpg
Encope emarginata (Leske, 1778) [3] [7] [99] Sand Dollar, Cookie [14] Caribbean Sea [114] Ar; NE; Su Encope emarginata.jpg
Encope michelini Agassiz, 1841 [99] Notched Sand Dollar [115] Caribbean Sea [116] Ar; NE; Su
Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck, 1816) [2] [3] [7] Slate Pencil Urchin [117] Caribbean Sea [118] DF; Mi; NE; Su; Va; Zu Eucidaris tribuloides (Slate-pencil Urchin).jpg
Leodia sexiesperforata (Leske, 1778) [3] [7] [99] Six Holed Keyhole Urchin [119] Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [120] An; Ar; Ca; Mi; NE; Su; Va Mellita sexiesperforata (six-keyhole sand dollar) (San Salvador Island, Bahamas).jpg
Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck, 1816) [2] [3] [7] [121] Variegated Sea Urchin [122] Caribbean Sea [123] An; Ar; Ca; DA; DF; Fa; Mi; Mo; NE; su; Va; Zu Lytechinus variegatus.jpg
Mellita quinquiesperforata latiambulacra H. L. Clark, 1940 [2] [3] [7] [99] Dollar see; Cookie [124] Caribbean Sea [125] An; Ar; Ca; DA; Fa; Mi; Mo; NE; Su; Va; Zu Keyhole sand dollar 01.jpg
Meoma ventricosa (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Caribbean Sea [126] DF; NE
Moira atropos (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Caribbean Sea [127] Su;
Plagiobrissus grandis (Gmelin, 1788) [7] Caribbean Sea [128] An; DA; Su Plagiobrissus grandis.jpg
Schizaster orbignyanus Agassiz, 1980 [3] [7] Caribbean Sea [129] An; DA; Su
Tripneustes ventricosus (Lamarck, 1816) [3] [7] Sea Egg [130] Caribbean Sea [131] DF; Fa; Mi; NE; Su; Va Tripneustes ventricosus (West Indian Sea Egg) edit.jpg

Holothuroidea (Sea Cucumbers)

SpeciesCommon nameGlobal distributionDistribution by stateImage
Aslia pygmaea (Théel 1886) [2] [6] [7] Venezuelan Caribbean sea [132] NE
Aslia surinamensis (Semper 1868) [7] [133] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [133] NE
Astichopus multifidus (Sluter, 1910) [134] Fissured Sea Cucumber [135] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [136] DF
Chiridota rotifera (Pourtalès, 1851) [7] Worm Cucumber [137] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [138] Su
Euthyonacta solida (Deichmann, 1930) [7] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [139] Su
Holothuria arenicola Semper, 1868 [7] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean [140] Su Holothuria arenicola.jpg
Holothuria cubana Ludwig, 1875 [7] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [141] Su
Holothuria glaberrima Selenka, 1867 [7] Brown Rock Sea Cucumber [142] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [143] Su Holothuria glaberrima Selenka, 1867.jpg
Holothuria grisea (Selenka; 1867) [6] [7] Gray Sea Cucumber [144] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [145] Su
Holothuria impatiens (Forskaal, 1775) [6] [7] Impatient Sea Cucumber [146] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean [147] Su Holothuria impatiens.jpg
Holothuria mexicana Ludwig, 1875 [7] Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber [148] Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean [149] DF; Fa Reef1075 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library.jpg
Holothuria occidentalis Ludwig, 1875 [7] Caribbean Sea [150] Su
Holothuria parvula (Selenka, 1867) [7] Golden Sea Cucumber [151] Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean [152] Su
Holothuria princeps (Selenka, 1867) [6] [7] Caribbean Sea [153] Su
Holothuria surinamensis Ludwig, 1875 [2] [7] Surinam Sea Cucumber [154] Caribbean Sea [155] Zu Holothuria surinamensis Ludwig, 1875.jpg
Holothuria thomasi Pawson & Caycedo, 1980 [7] Tiger Tail Sea Cocumber [156] Caribbean Sea [157] su Holothuria thomasi.jpg
Isostichopus badionotus (Selenka, 1867) [6] [7] Three-rowed Sea Cucumber [158] Caribbean Sea [159] DF; Su Isostichopus badionotus 2.jpg
Lissothuria antillensis Pawson, 1967 [7] Venezuelan Caribbean Sea [160] Su
Lissothuria braziliensis (Théel, 1886) [7] Venezuelan Caribbean Sea [161] Su
Ocnus suspectus (Ludwig, 1874) [7] Caribbean Sea [162] Su
Pentamera pulcherrima Ayres, 1852 [7] Nortrwestern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea [163] Su
Pseudothyone belli (Luswig, 1887) [7] Caribbean Sea [164] Su Pseudothyone belli (Ludwig, 1887).jpg
Sclerodactyla briareus (Lesueur, 1824) [7] Caribbean Sea [165] Su Hairy sea cucumber.jpg
Thyone pseudofusus Deichmann, 1930 [7] Caribbean Sea [166] Su Thyone pseudofusus Deichmann, 1930.jpg
Thyonidium seguroensis (Deichmann, 1930) [7] Caribbean Sea [167] Su

See also


  1. The following codes are used:
    • An: Anzoátegui
    • Ar: Aragua
    • Ca: Carabobo
    • DA: Delta Amacuro
    • DF: Dependencias Federales
    • Fa: Falcón
    • Mi: Miranda
    • Mo: Monagas
    • NE: Nueva Esparta
    • Su: Sucre
    • Va: Vargas
    • Zu: Zulia

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