Graduate student employees unions are labor unions that represent graduate students who are employed by their college or university as research assistants, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, or similar.
As of July 2023, at least 156 active graduate student employee bargaining units had publicized their unionization in the United States (as counted in the table below). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
State | School | Unit Name | Unit Nickname | Status [b] | Union Local |
DC | American University | Graduate Student Workers Union [19] | - | contracted | SEIU 500 |
AZ | Arizona State University | United Campus Workers of Arizona [20] [21] | - | contracted | CWA 7065 |
AL | Auburn University | United Campus Workers of Alabama at Auburn University [22] [23] | UCW Auburn | contracted | CWA 3965 |
TN | Austin Peay State University | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [24] [25] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
MA | Boston College | Boston College Graduate Employees Union [26] [27] | BCGEU | certified | UAW #(?) |
MA | Boston University | Boston University Graduate Workers Union [28] [29] | BUGWU | certified | SEIU 509 |
MA | Brandeis University | Graduate Student Union? [30] [31] | - | contracted | SEIU 509 |
RI | Brown University | Graduate Labor Organization [32] [33] | GLO | contracted | AFT 6516 |
CA | California State University System | Academic Student Employees [34] [35] [36] | ASE | contracted | UAW 4123 |
MI | Central Michigan University | Graduate Student Union [37] | GSU | contracted | AFT 6522 |
TN | Chattanooga State Community College | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [38] [25] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
NY | City University of New York (CUNY) | Graduate Center Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress [39] | PSC GC | contracted | AFT 2334 |
MA | Clark University | Clark University Graduate Workers United, [40] | CUGWU | contracted | IBT 170 |
VA | College of William & Mary | United Campus Workers of Virginia [41] | - | restricted | CWA 2265 |
CO | Colorado State University | Graduate Workers Organizing Cooperative [42] | GWOK | independent | independent |
NY | Columbia University | Student Workers of Columbia [43] | SWC | contracted | UAW 2710 |
GA | Columbus State University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [44] | - | restricted | CWA 3265 |
NY | Cornell University | Cornell Graduate Students United [45] | - | certified | UE #tbd |
NH | Dartmouth College | Graduate Organized Laborers at Dartmouth [46] | GOLD | certified | UE 261 |
NC | Duke University | Duke Graduate Students Union [47] | - | certified | SEIU 27 |
TN | East Tennessee State University | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [38] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
KY | Eastern Kentucky University | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [48] | UCWKY-EKU (?) | contracted | CWA 3365 |
MA | Emerson College | Emerson College Student Union [49] | ECSU | independent | independent |
GA | Emory University | EmoryUnite! [50] | - | certified | SEIU 29 |
FL | Florida A&M University | Graduate Assistants United [51] | GAU | contracted | NEA/AFT #(?) |
FL | Florida State University | Graduate Assistants United [52] | GAU | contracted | NEA/AFT #(?) |
NY | Fordham University | Fordham Graduate Student Workers [53] | FGSW | certified | CWA 1104 |
DC | George Washington University | Graduate Workers United [54] | GWU | contracted | (?) |
DC | Georgetown University | Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees [55] | GAGE | contracted | AFT 6440 |
GA | Georgia College & State University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [56] | UCWGA-GCSU | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia Gwinnett College | United Campus Workers of Georgia [57] | UCWGA-GGC | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech) | United Campus Workers of Georgia [58] | UCWGA-GT | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia Southern University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [59] | - | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia Southwestern State University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [60] | UCWGSW | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia State University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [61] | UCWGA-GSU | restricted | CWA 3265 |
GA | Georgia State University Perimeter College | United Campus Workers of Georgia [62] | - | restricted | CWA 3265 |
MA | Harvard University | Harvard Undergraduate Workers Union [63] | HUWU | contracted | UAW 5118 |
MA | Harvard University | Harvard Graduate Students Union [64] | HGSU | contracted | UAW 5118 |
NY | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | Sinai Student Workers [65] | SSW | unionizing | UAW #tbd |
IL | Illinois State University | Graduate Workers Union [66] | GWU | contracted | SEIU 73 |
IN | Indiana University - Bloomington | Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition [67] | - | unionizing | UE #(?) |
FL | Jacksonville State University | (?) [68] | To be decided (?) | unionizing | (?) |
MD | Johns Hopkins University | Teachers and Researchers United [69] | TRU | certified | UE 197 |
GA | Kennesaw State University | United Campus Workers of Georgia [70] | UCWGA-KSU | restricted | CWA 3265 |
KY | Kentucky Community & Technical College System | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [71] | - | contracted | CWA 3365 |
TN | Lemoyne-Owen College | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [72] | - | unionizing | CWA 3865 |
LA | Louisiana State University | United Campus Workers of Louisiana [73] | - | contracted | CWA 3465 |
IL | Loyola University Chicago | Loyola Graduate Workers' Union [74] | LGWU | contracted | SEIU 73 |
MA | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Graduate Student Union [75] | GSU | contracted | UE 256 |
MI | Michigan State University | Graduate Employees Union [76] | GEU | contracted | AFT 6196 |
MI | Michigan Technological University | United Campus Workers Michigan [77] | - | unionizing | CWA #(?) |
TN | Middle Tennessee State University | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [24] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
MS | Mississippi State University | United Campus Workers of Mississippi [78] | - | unionizing | CWA 3565 |
MT | Montana State University | Graduate Employee Organization [79] | GEO | contracted | AFT 7756 |
KY | Morehead State University | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [80] | - | unionizing | CWA 3365 |
KY | Murray State University | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [81] | - | contracted | CWA 3365 |
NJ | New Jersey Institute of Technology | Graduate Student & Research Employee Unit [82] | GSRE | contracted | AFT/AAUP 6323(?) |
NM | New Mexico State University | Graduate Workers United [83] | GWU | contracted | UE 1498 |
NY | New York University (NYU) | Graduate Student Organizing Committee [84] | GSOC | contracted | UAW 2110 |
NC | North Carolina State University | NC State Graduate Workers Union [85] | - | restricted | UE 150 |
MA | Northeastern University | Graduate Employees of Northeastern University [86] | GENU | contracted | UAW #(?) |
AZ | Northern Arizona University | University Union of Northern Arizona [87] | UUNA | contracted | AFT 5196 |
IL | Northwestern University | Northwestern University Graduate Workers [88] | NUGW | contracted | UE 1122 |
OR | Oregon Health & Science University | Graduate Researchers United [89] | GRU | contracted | AFSCME 402 |
OR | Oregon State University | Coalition of Graduate Employees [90] | CGE | contracted | AFT 6069 |
TN | Pellissippi State Community College | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [38] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
PA | Pennsylvania State University | Coalition of Graduate Employees at Pennsylvania State University [91] | CGEPSU | unionizing | To be decided |
OR | Portland State University | Graduate Employees Union [92] | GEU | contracted | AFT/AAUP 6666 |
NJ | Princeton University | Princeton Graduate Students United [93] | PGSU | unionizing | UE #(?) |
IN | Purdue University | Graduate Rights and Our Well-Being [94] | GROW | unionizing | (?) |
NJ | Rutgers University | Rutgers AAUP-AFT Academic Worker Union [95] | Rutgers AAUP | contracted | AFT/AAUP 6323 |
IL | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale | Graduate Assistants United, [96] [97] | GA United | contracted | NEA #(?) |
IL | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | SIUE Graduate Workers Forward (?) [98] | - | contracted | SEIU 73 |
TN | Southwest Tennessee Community College | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [72] | - | unionizing | CWA 3865 |
CA | Stanford University | Stanford Graduate Workers Union [99] | SGWU | certified | UE 1043 |
NY | State University of New York (SUNY) | Graduate Student Employees Union [100] | GSEU | contracted | CWA 1104 |
NY | Stony Brook University | Research Assistants Union [101] | RA Union | contracted | CWA 1104 |
NY | Syracuse University | Syracuse Graduate Employees United [102] | SGEU | certified | SEIU 200 United |
PA | Temple University | Temple University Graduate Students' Association [103] | TUGSA | contracted | AFT 6290 |
TN | Tennessee State University | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [24] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
TN | Tennessee Tech University | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [24] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
NY | The New School | Student Employees at The New School [104] | SENS | contracted | UAW 7902 |
AL | Troy University | name? [68] | - | unionizing | To be decided |
LA | Tulane University | Solidarity Tulane, [105] [106] | SolTul | independent | independent |
MA | Tufts University | Tufts University Graduate Workers Union [107] | TUGWU | contracted | SEIU 509 |
AL | University of Alabama | United Campus Workers of Alabama - University of Alabama [108] | UCWAL - UA | contracted | CWA 3965 |
AL | University of Alabama at Birmingham | (?) [68] | - | unionizing | To be decided |
AK | University of Alaska | Alaskan Graduate Workers Association [109] [110] | AGWA | certified | UAW #tbd |
AZ | University of Arizona | United Campus Workers of Arizona [111] | - | contracted | CWA 7065 |
AR | University of Arkansas | Fayetteville Education Association [112] | - | restricted | NEA 965 |
CA | University of California system | Academic Student Employees [113] | ASE | contracted | UAW 2865 |
CA | University of California system | Student Researchers (aka Student-Workers Union?) [113] | SR | contracted | UAW 2865 |
IL | University of Chicago | Graduate Students United [114] | GSU | contracted | UE 1103 |
IL | University of Chicago | Student Library Employee Union [115] | SLEU | contracted | IBT 743 |
CO | University of Colorado Boulder | United Campus Workers Colorado [116] | - | unionizing | CWA 7799 |
CT | University of Connecticut (UConn) | Graduate Employee & Postdoc Union [117] | GEU | contracted | UAW 6950 |
FL | University of Florida | Graduate Assistants United [118] | GAU | contracted | NEA/AFT #(?) |
GA | University of Georgia | United Campus Workers of Georgia [119] | UCWGA-UGA | restricted | CWA 3265 |
HI | University of Hawai'i at Mānoa | Academic Labor United [120] | To be decided | restricted | To be decided |
IL | University of Illinois Chicago | Graduate Employees Organization [121] | GEO | contracted | AFT 6297 |
IL | University of Illinois Springfield | Association of Graduate Employees, [122] [123] | AGE | contracted | AFT 4100 |
IL | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Graduate Employees' Organization [124] [125] | GEO | contracted | AFT 6300 |
IA | University of Iowa | Campaign to Organize Graduate Students [126] | COGS | contracted | UE 896 |
KS | University of Kansas | Graduate Teaching Assistants Coalition [127] [128] | GTAC | contracted | AFT 6403 |
KY | University of Kentucky | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [129] [130] | - | contracted | CWA 3365 |
KY | University of Louisville | United Campus Workers of Kentucky [131] | - | contracted | CWA 3365 |
ME | University of Maine | University of Maine Graduate Workers Union [132] | UMGWU | certified | UAW #tbd |
MD | University of Maryland, College Park | University of Maryland Graduate Labor Union [133] | UMD-GLU | restricted | UAW #tbd |
MA | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Graduate Employee Organization [134] | GEO | contracted | UAW 2322 |
MA | University of Massachusetts Boston | Graduate Employee Organization [135] | GEO | contracted | UAW 1596 |
MA | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | name in progress since 4/27/2023 [136] | nickname in progress since 4/27/2023 | certified | AFT 6350 |
MA | University of Massachusetts Lowell | Graduate Employee Organization [137] | GEO | contracted | UAW 1596 |
TN | University of Memphis | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [72] | - | unionizing | CWA 3865 |
FL | University of Miami | Graduate Workers Union [138] | GWU (?) | unionizing | To be decided |
MI | University of Michigan | Graduate Employees' Organization [139] | GEO | contracted | AFT 3550 |
MN | University of Minnesota | Graduate Labor Union [140] | GLU | certified | UE 1105 |
MS | University of Mississippi | United Campus Workers of Mississippi, [141] | unionizing | CWA 3565 | |
MO | University of Missouri - Kansas City | Graduate Rights Organization, [142] | GRO | independent | independent |
NE | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Unionize UNL [143] | - | unionizing | To be decided |
NH | University of New Hampshire | Graduate Employees United [144] [145] | UNH-GEU-UAW | certified | UAW #tbd |
NM | University of New Mexico | United Grad Workers [146] | UGW | contracted | UE 1466 |
LA | University of New Orleans | United Campus Workers of Louisiana [147] | - | unionizing | CWA 3465 |
NC | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | The Workers Union at UNC [148] | - | restricted | UE 150 |
NC | University of North Carolina Charlotte | (?) [149] | - | restricted | UE 150 |
NC | University of North Carolina Greensboro | (?) [149] | - | restricted | UE 150 |
GA | University of North Georgia | United Campus Workers of Georgia [150] | UCWGA-UNG | restricted | CWA 3265 |
OR | University of Oregon | Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation [151] | GTFF | contracted | AFT 3544 |
PA | University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) | Graduate Employees Together at the University of Pennsylvania [152] | GET-UP | certified | UAW #tbd |
RI | University of Rhode Island | Graduate Assistants United [153] | GAU | contracted | NEA #(?) |
SC | University of South Carolina | United Campus Workers of South Carolina [154] | - | restricted | CWA 3765 |
FL | University of South Florida | Graduate Assistants United [155] [156] | GAU | contracted | NEA/AFT #(?) |
CA | University of Southern California | Graduate Student Worker Organizing Committee [157] | GSWOC | contracted | UAW #(?) |
MS | University of Southern Mississippi | United Campus Workers of Mississippi [78] | - | unionizing | CWA 3565 |
TN | University of Tennessee at Martin | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [72] [158] | - | unionizing | CWA 3865 |
TN | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [38] [158] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
TN | University of Tennessee Health Science Center | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [72] [158] | - | unionizing | CWA 3865 |
TN | University of Tennessee Knoxville | United Campus Workers of Tennessee [38] [158] | - | restricted | CWA 3865 |
TX | University of Texas at Austin | Underpaid At UT, [159] | Underpaid@UT | restricted | none, independent |
VT | University of Vermont | Graduate Students United [160] | GSU | certified | UAW 2322 |
VA | University of Virginia | United Campus Workers of Virginia [161] | - | restricted | CWA 2265 |
WA | University of Washington | Research Coordinators & Research Consultants [162] | To be decided | unionizing | To be decided |
WA | University of Washington | Researchers United [163] | UW Researchers United (?) | contracted | UAW 4121 |
GA | University of West Georgia | United Campus Workers of Georgia [164] | UCWGA-UWG | restricted | CWA 3265 |
WI | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee | AAUP // UW-Milwaukee Chapter [165] | UWM-AAUP | contracted | AAUP #(?) |
WI | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Teaching Assistants' Association [166] | TAA | contracted | AFT 3220 |
TN | Vanderbilt University | Vanderbilt Graduate Workers United [167] | VGWU | unionizing | UAW #(?) |
VA | Virginia Commonwealth University | United Campus Workers of Virginia [168] | - | restricted | CWA 2265 |
WA | Washington State University | Coalition of Academic Student Employees [169] | CASE | contracted | UAW 4121 |
MO | Washington University in St. Louis | Washington University Undergraduate and Graduate Workers' Union [170] | WUGWU | independent | independent |
MI | Wayne State University | Graduate Employees Organizing Committee [171] | GEOC | contracted | AFT 6123 |
MI | Western Michigan University | Teaching Assistants Union [172] | TAU | contracted | AFT 1729 |
WA | Western Washington University | Western Academic Workers United Educational Student Employees [173] | WAWU ESEs | contracted | UAW #(?) |
WA | Western Washington University | Western Academic Workers United Operational Student Employees [174] | WAWU OSEs | contracted | UAW #(?) |
NC | Winston Salem State University | (?) [149] | - | restricted | UE 150 |
MA | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI-MIT Joint Program) | Graduate Student Union [175] | GSU | unionizing | UE #tbd |
MA | Worcester Polytechnic University (WPI) | Graduate Workers Union [176] | WPI-GWU | contracted | UAW 2322 |
CT | Yale University | Local 33 [177] | Local 33 | contracted | UNITE HERE! 33 |
MO | Saint Louis University | Graduate Workers SLU Union | SLUUnion | unionizing | UAW #(?) |
![]() | This section possibly contains original research .(August 2023) |
As of July 2023, at least 14 active graduate student employee bargaining units had publicized their unionization in Canada (as counted in the table below). [178]
Province | School | Unit Name | Unit Nickname | Status [b] | Union Local |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (L’Association des étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s employé.e.s de McGill) [179] | AGSEM (AEEDEM) Unit 1 | contracted | CSN |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (L’Association des étudiant.e.s diplômé.e.s employé.e.s de McGill) [180] | AGSEM (AEEDEM) Unit 2 | Contracted | CSN |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | Association of McGill University Research Employees (Association des employées et employés de recherche de l’université McGill) [181] | AMURE (AERUM) Unit 1 | Contracted | PSAC 17601 |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | Association of McGill University Support Employees (Le syndicat des employé.e.s occassionel.le.s de l’Université McGill) [182] | AMUSE (SEOUM) Unit 1 | Contracted | PSAC 17600 |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | Association of McGill University Support Employees (Le syndicat des employé.e.s occassionel.le.s de l’Université McGill) [183] | AMUSE (SEOUM) Unit 2 | Contracted | PSAC 17600 |
QC | McGill University (Université McGill) | McGill Course Lecturers and Instructors Union (Syndicat des chargé(e)s de cours et instructeurs(trices) de McGill) [184] | MCLIU (SCCIM) | Contracted | CSN |
AB | University of Calgary | Graduate Labour Union Calgary [185] | GLU Calgary | Contracted | N/A |
AB | University of Alberta | Graduate Student Association Labour Relations Committee [186] | GSA | Contracted | N/A |
BC | Simon Fraser University | Teaching Support Staff Union [187] | TSSU | Independent | Independent |
BC | University of British Columbia | CUPE 2278 [188] | - | Contracted | CUPE 2278 |
ON | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto | Education Workers Unit 7 [189] | - | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | Queen's University | Graduate Teaching Assistants, Graduate Teaching Fellows, Graduate Research Assistants and JD and MD Teaching Assistants at Queen's University [190] | PSAC 901 Unit 1 | Contracted | PSAC 901 |
ON | Queen's University | Postdoctoral Fellows at Queen's University [191] | PSAC 901 Unit 2 | Contracted | PSAC 901 |
ON | University of St. Michael's College | Education Workers Unit 4 [192] | - | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | University of Toronto | Education Workers Unit 1 [193] | - | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | University of Toronto | Education Workers Unit 3 [194] | CUPE 3902 U3 | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | University of Toronto New College International Programs | Education Workers Unit 6 [195] | - | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | Victoria University | Education Workers Unit 2 [196] | - | Contracted | CUPE 3902 |
ON | Western University | Teaching Assistants' and Postdoctoral Associates' Union at Western University [197] | PSAC 601 | Contracted | PSAC 601 |
The Canadian Labour Congress, or CLC is a national trade union centre, the central labour body in Canada to which most Canadian labour unions are affiliated.
William Julian Usery Jr. was an American labor union activist and government appointee who served as United States secretary of labor in the Ford administration.
Local 33–UNITE HERE, formerly the Graduate Employees and Students Organization, is a union of graduate student teachers and researchers at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Local 33 is affiliated with the international union UNITE HERE, which also represents Yale University's service, maintenance, clerical, and technical workers. After more than three decades of organizing, Yale graduate workers submitted over 3,000 signed union authorization cards to the Hartford, Connecticut, office of the National Labor Relations Board, or NLRB, representing the greatest number of graduate workers who have ever supported unionizing. On January 9, 2023, Yale graduate workers won their union, with 1,860 members voting in favor and 179 voting against, a 10.4 to 1 ratio in favor of unionization. The proposed worker bargaining unit of about 4,000 graduate and professional school workers was the second largest election filing in the country in 2022.
The Graduate Student Organizing Committee (GSOC) is a labor union representing graduate teaching and research assistants at New York University (NYU).
The Temple University Graduate Students Association (TUGSA) is a graduate employee union that is located at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States.
The Federation of Hospital And University Employees is a coalition of labor unions in New Haven, Connecticut, United States, which represents thousands of workers at Yale University and Yale New Haven Hospital. The federation currently includes recognized unions UNITE HERE Locals 34 and 35, which represent university food service, maintenance, and custodial workers, and clerical and technical workers, respectively. UNITE HERE has also, for the last fifteen years, supported the organizing efforts of graduate student teachers and researchers in the Graduate Employees and Students Organization. Finally, the Federation also includes the 150 dietary workers at Yale New Haven Hospital who are members of Local 1199NE of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Since 1998, this union has conducted an organizing campaign of about 1,800 other blue-collar service workers at the hospital. On March 22, 2006, the union and hospital agreed to an agreement governing the conduct of both parties in a neutral election process by which hospital employees will be able to vote on whether to unionize.
Graduate student employee unionization, or academic student employee unionization, refers to labor unions that represent students who are employed by their college or university to teach classes, conduct research and perform clerical duties. As of 2014, there were at least 33 US graduate employee unions, 18 unrecognized unions in the United States, and 23 graduate employee unions in Canada. By 2019, it is estimated that there were 83,050 unionized student employees in certified bargaining units in the United States. As of 2023, there were at least 156 US graduate student employee unions and 23 graduate student employee unions in Canada.
The Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP) is a labor union in Pennsylvania that represents about 8,300 nurses and allied health professionals.
The Graduate Employees' Organization at UIUC (GEO) is a labor union created to defend and extend the bargaining and employment rights of Graduate Employees at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
Graduate Employees Together – University of Pennsylvania (GET-UP) is a group of graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania that is trying to become recognized as a union. The group, first formed in the spring of 2001, and affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). In 2004, according to exit polling by The Daily Pennsylvanian, the limited set of University of Pennsylvania graduate student employees included in the bargaining unit voted for unionization; however, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), before the votes were counted, decided that graduate students in private universities are not employees, while graduate students in public universities may be employees. The group began to re-form in 2016, and re-affiliated with AFT in October 2016. On March 2, 2017 the group once again decided to go public with their unionization campaign. The group has not been recognized by the University as a union for the purposes of collective bargaining.
The Teaching Assistants Association (TAA) is a graduate student employee union formed at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1966. It is credited as the first graduate student labor union. Following voluntary recognition by the university as the teaching assistants' bargaining agent in 1969, negotiations resulted in a 1970 strike, which secured "bread-and-butter" gains such as job security alongside grievance procedures. Their major unmet demand from their strike—the inclusion of teaching assistants and students in the course planning process—went unfulfilled. The TAA struck again in 1980 and lost its union recognition until 1986. The union's protest at the Wisconsin State Capitol building began the 2011 Wisconsin protests.
Members-only unionism, also known as minority unionism, is a model for trade unions in which local unions represent and organize workers who voluntarily join rather than the entire workforce of a place of employment. In such a model, a union election is not held by the entire workforce to determine whether a majority wishes for the workforce to be represented by a local branch of a national union, but a union can nonetheless exist to support members who pay dues.
The Harvard Graduate Students Union (HGSU), officially known as Harvard Graduate Students Union United Auto Workers (HGSU-UAW), is a labor union representing graduate students, teaching assistants, and other student employees at Harvard University. The bargaining unit comprises about 5,000 student employees, including graduate students working as research assistants and teaching fellows as well as several hundred undergraduate students holding teaching positions. Contract negotiations with the university are scheduled to begin in Fall 2018. HGSU is affiliated with the United Auto Workers labor union, whose 400,000 members include 45,000 graduate students and 30,000 academic workers.
The 2020 Santa Cruz graduate students' strike was a wildcat strike launched against the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
The 2021–2022 Columbia University strike was a labor strike involving graduate student workers at Columbia University in New York City. The strike began on March 15, 2021, and ended on May 13, 2021. However, additional strike action commenced on November 3 and lasted until January 7, 2022, when a tentative agreement with the university was reached. The strike was organized by the Graduate Workers of Columbia–United Auto Workers Local 2110 (SWC–UAW), a labor union representing student workers at the university. The goals of the strike were an increase in wages, increased healthcare and childcare coverage, and third-party arbitration in cases of discrimination and sexual harassment.
The 1979 Boston University strike was a labor strike involving employees at Boston University, a private university in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. The strike was participated by faculty members, clerical workers, and librarians, which began on April 5 up to April 23.
Tesla, Inc. is an American electric car manufacturer which employs over 140,000 workers across its global operations as of January 2024, almost none of which are unionized. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has commented negatively on trade unions in relation to Tesla. Despite allegations of high injury rates, long hours, and below-industry pay, efforts to unionize the workforce have been largely unsuccessful. There are active labor disputes with Tesla in the United States, Germany and Sweden.
Student Researchers United-UAW (SRU-UAW) was a union representing student researchers at the University of California (UC). It was part of the United Auto Workers. The union was composed of more than 17,000 people who work across 10 UC campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. They were the largest 2021 addition to the UAW, accounting for 0.1% of union members in the US, and, according to organizers, were "the largest academic student employee union in US history." The union later joined UAW 2865 and ceased to be an independent entity.
The 2022 University of California academic workers' strike was a labor strike at all campuses of the University of California (UC) system, including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. On November 14, some 48,000 academic workers went on strike for better pay and benefits. Led by the United Auto Workers (UAW) labor union, it was the largest strike in the United States in 2022; union organizers describe it as the largest strike in all of U.S. higher education.
The 2024 Boston University strikes were labor strikes in Boston, Massachusetts by graduate students and residential life workers at Boston University. The first strike began on March 25, 2024, ending October 17, 2024, and was organized by the Boston University Graduate Workers Union (BUGWU) labor union, which is affiliated with the Service Employees International Union Local 509. It was the longest strike the university has experienced since a 1979 strike which lasted two weeks and four days. A concurrent strike by the Boston University Residence Life Union labor union, also affiliated with SEIU 509, ran for four days starting on April 12, 2024. The ResLife Union would begin another strike on August 31, 2024, starting a second concurrent strike with BUGWU, and concluding on September 6. On August 20, 2024, the BUGWU strike would become the longest higher education student worker strike in the past decade, surpassing the previous 147-day record set by University of Michigan graduate students in 2023, and reported by BUGWU to be the longest graduate strike in American history.