List of reptiles of Spain

Last updated

This is a list of all reptiles living in Spain, both in the Iberian Peninsula and other territories such as Ceuta, Melilla, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands (including marine reptiles that can be found on its shores). Both native and introduced species are included.


Order Testudines

Family Testudinidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation status [note 1] Image
Testudo graeca Spur-thighed tortoise Areale T. graeca3.jpg Testudo graeca02.jpg
Testudo hermanni Hermann's tortoise Areale Testudo hermanni.jpg Testudo hermanni hermanni Mallorca 02.jpg

Family Emydidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Emys orbicularis European pond turtle Rangemap cistude.PNG Emys.jpg
Trachemys scripta Pond slider Roodwangsierschildpad.jpg

Family Geoemydidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Mauremys leprosa Spanish pond turtle Mauremys leprosa range Map.png Mauremys leprosa 01.JPG

Family Dermochelyidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle Lieux pontes tortues luth.png LeatherbackTurtle.jpg

Family Cheloniidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Lieux pontes tortue caouanne.png Caretta caretta01.jpg
Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Green turtle nesting sites.svg Hawaii turtle 2.JPG
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill sea turtle Hawksbill turtle range map.png Hawksbill Turtle.jpg

Order Squamata

Family Chamaeleonidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Chamaeleo chamaeleon Common Chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon range Map.png Camaleon.jpg

Family Blanidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Blanus cinereus Iberian Worm Lizard Blanus cinereus distribution Map.png Iberian worm lizard.jpg
Blanus tingitanus - Blanus tingitanus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg

Family Agamidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Agama impalearis Bibron's agama Agama impalearis range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg

Family Anguidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Anguis fragilis Slowworm Mapa Anguis fragilis.png Anguidae.jpg

Gekkota (families Gekkonidae, Sphaerodactylidae, Phyllodactylidae)

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Mediterranean house gecko
Mapa Hemidactylus turcicus.png
Hemidactylus turcicus.jpg
Saurodactylus mauritanicus - Saurodactylus mauritanicus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Tarentola angustimentalis East Canary Gecko Tarentola angustimentalis range Map.png Perenquen Majorero.jpg
Tarentola boettgeri Boettger's Wall Gecko Tarentola boettgeri range Map.png Spiny gecko lanzarote.jpg
Tarentola delalandii Tenerife Gecko Tarentola delalandii range Map.png Tarentola delalandii.jpg
Tarentola gomerensis Gomero Wall Gecko Tarentola gomerensis range Map.png Tarentola gomerensis.JPG
Tarentola mauritanica Common or Moorish Wall Gecko, Salamanquesa, Crocodile gecko, European common gecko, Maurita naca gecko Tarentola mauritanica range map IUCN.png Tarentola mauritanica.jpg

Family Scincidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Chalcides bedriagai Bedriaga's Skink Chacides bedriagai range Map.png Chalcides bedriagai 01 by-dpc.jpg
Chalcides coeruleopunctatus - Chalcides coeruleopunctatus.png Skink von Gomera.jpg
Chalcides colosii Riffian Skink, Colosi's Cylindrical Skink Chalcides colosii range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides mauritanicus Two-Fingered Skink Chalcides mauritanicus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides minutus Small Three-Toed Skink Chalcides minutus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides ocellatus Ocellated Skink, Eyed Skink, gongilo Chalcides ocellatus range Map.png Chalcides ocellatus 03.JPG
Chalcides parallelus Doumergue's Skink Chalcides parallelus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides pseudostriatus Moroccan Three-toed Skink Chalcides pseudostriatus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides sexlineatus Gran Canaria Skink Chalcides sexlineatus range Map.png Gran Canaria Skink, Chalcides sexlineatus.jpg
Chalcides simonyi - Chalcides somonyi range map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Chalcides striatus Western Three-toed Skink Chalcides striatus range Map.png Seps detail.jpg
Chalcides viridanus West Canary Skink, Lisa Dorada Chalcides viridanus range Map.png Skink von Gomera.jpg
Eumeces algeriensis Algerian Orange-Tailed Skink, Eumece D'Algerie, Bulán Eumeces algeriensis range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg

Family Lacertidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Acanthodactylus erythrurus Red-tailed Spiny-footed Lizard Mapa Acanthodactylus erythrurus.png Acanthodactylus erythrurus.jpg
Algyroides marchi Spanish Algyroides Algyroides marchi range Map.png Benny Trapp Algyroides marchi.jpg
Gallotia atlantica Atlantic Lizard Gallotia atlantica range Map.png GallotiaAtlantica.jpg
Gallotia auaritae La Palma Giant Lizard Gallotia auaritae range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Gallotia bravoana La Gomera Giant Lizard Gallotia bravoana range Map.png Gallotia bravoana.jpg
Gallotia caesaris Boettger's Lizard Gallotia caesaris range Map.png Eidechse von Gomera.jpg
Gallotia galloti Tenerife Lizard, Western Canaries Lizard Gallotia galloti range Map.png Gallotia galloti male.jpg
Gallotia intermedia Tenerife Speckled Lizard Gallotia intermedia range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Gallotia simonyi El Hierro Giant Lizard Gallotia simonyi range Map.png Gallotia simonyi.jpg
Gallotia stehlini Gran Canaria Giant Lizard Gallotia stehlini range Map.png Gallotia stehlini -Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain-8.jpg
Iberolacerta aranica Aran Rock Lizard Iberolacerta aranica range Map.png Benny Trapp Iberolacerta aranica.jpg
Iberolacerta aurelioi Aurelio's Rock Lizard Iberoloacerta aurelioli range Map.png Benny Trapp Iberolacerta aurelioi.jpg
Iberolacerta bonnali Pyrenean Rock Lizard Iberoloacerta bonnali range Map.png Lezard des Pyrenees.jpg
Iberolacerta cyreni - Iberolacerta cyreni range Map.png Benny Trapp Iberolacerta cyreni.jpg
Iberolacerta galani Lagartija leonesa Iberolacerta galani range Map.png Benny Trapp Iberolacerta galani Spanien.jpg
Iberolacerta martinezricai - Iberolacerta martinezricai range Map.png Benny Trapp Iberolacerta martinezricai.jpg
Iberolacerta monticola Iberian Rock Lizard Iberolacerta monticola range Map.png Iberolacerta monticola.002 - Fragas do Eume.jpg
Lacerta agilis Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis range Map.png M Zauneidechse1 Edit1.jpg
Lacerta bilineata Western Green Lizard Mapa Lacerta bilineata.png Lacerta viridis01.jpg
Lacerta schreiberi Iberian Emerald Lizard, Schreiber's Green Lizard Mapa Lacerta schreiberi.png LacertaSchreiberi.jpg
Podarcis atrata - Podarcis atrata range Map.png Eidechse.1024.jpg
Podarcis bocagei Bocage's Wall Lizard Mapa Podarcis bocagei.png Podarcis guadarramae.jpg
Podarcis carbonelli - Podarcis carbonelli range map.png Benny Trapp Podarcis carbonelli.jpg
Podarcis hispanicus Iberian Wall Lizard Podarcis hispanicus range Map.png Eidechse3.1024.jpg
Podarcis lilfordi Lilford's Wall Lizard Podarcis lilfordi range Map.png Podarcis-lilfordi.jpg
Podarcis muralis Wall lizard Mapa Podarcis muralis.png Lizard.jpg
Podarcis pityusensis Ibiza Wall Lizard Podarcis pityusensis range Map.png Sargantana cami de sa pujada 3.jpg
Podarcis siculus Italian wall lizard, Ruin lizard Mapa Podarcis siculus.png Maggia lacerta sicula fg06.jpg
Podarcis vaucheri - Mapa Podarcis vaucheri.png Replace this image plain.svg
Psammodromus algirus Large Psammodromus Psammodromus algirus range Map.png Psammodromus algirus (1).JPG
Psammodromus blanci Blanc's Sand Racer Psammodromus blanci range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Psammodromus hispanicus Spanish Psammodromus Psammodromus hispanicus distribution Map.png Benny Trapp Psammodromus hispanicus.jpg
Psammodromus jeanneae - Psammodromus jeanneae distribution Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Psammodromus manuelae - Mapa Psammodromus manuelae.png Replace this image plain.svg
Scelarcis perspicillata Moroccan rock lizard Scelarcis perspicillata range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Timon lepidus Ocellated Lizard Mapa Timon lepidus.png Timon lepidus.jpg
Timon tangitana - Timon tingitanus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Zootoca vivipara Viviparous lizard, common lizard Mapa Zootoca vivipara.png Lacerta vivipara 1 (Marek Szczepanek).jpg

Family Trogonophidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Trogonophis wiegmanni Checkerboard worm lizard Trogonophis wiegmanni range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg


Family Colubridae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Coronella austriaca Smooth snake Mapa Coronella austriaca.png CoronellaAustriacaMale.JPG
Coronella girondica Southern smooth snake, Riccioli's snake Mapa Coronella girondica.png Coronella girondica.jpg
Hemorrhois hippocrepis Horseshoe whip snake Mapa Hemorrhois hippocrepis.png Hemorrhois-hippocrepis-2.jpg
Hierophis viridiflavus Green Whip Snake, Western Whip Snake Mapa Hierophis viridiflavus.png Hierophis viridiflavus.jpg
Macroprotodon abubakeri - Macroprotodon abubakeri range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Macroprotodon brevis False smooth snake Macroprotodon brevis range Map.png Benny Trapp Macroprotodon brevis.jpg
Macroprotodon mauritanicus - Macroprotodon mauritanicus range Map.png Replace this image plain.svg
Malpolon monspessulanus Montpellier snake Malpolon monspessulanus range Map.png Couleuvre montpellier.jpg
Natrix maura Viperine water snake, viperine snake Mapa Natrix maura.png Natrix maura 01 by-dpc.jpg
Natrix natrix Grass snake, ringed snake, water snake Mapa Natrix natrix.png Natrix natrix (Karl L).jpg
Zamenis scalaris Ladder snake Rhinechis scalaris dis.png ElapheScalarisHead-20030407-Spain.jpg
Zamenis longissimus Aesculapian Snake Mapa Zamenis longissimus.png Zamenis longissimus.jpg

Family Viperidae

SpeciesCommon nameDistributionConservation statusImage
Vipera aspis Asp, asp viper, European asp, aspic viper, European viper, Jura viper Vipera aspis dis.png ViperaAspis 1469AE.jpg
Vipera latastei Lataste's viper, snub-nosed viper, snub-nosed adder Vipera latastei range Map.png Lataste's viper.jpg
Vipera seoanei Baskian viper, Iberian cross adder, Portuguese viper Vipera seoanei dis.png Vipera seoanei 05.jpg


  1. Worldwide conservation status (not exclusive to the Iberian Peninsula) according to IUCN Red List:
  2. Listed as Vulnerable  VU  in Spain
  3. Listed as Near Threatened  NT  on national level, and Vulnerable  VU  on local level
  4. Listed as Least Concern  LC  in Spain
  5. Listed as Least Concern  LC  in Spain
  6. Listed as Data Deficient  DD  in Spain
  7. Listed as Least Concern  LC  in Spain
  8. Listed as Near Threatened  NT  in Spain
  9. Listed as Vulnerable  VU  in Spain
  10. Listed as Least Concern  LC  in Spain
  11. Listed as Data Deficient  DD  in Spain
  12. Listed as Data Deficient  DD  in Spain

Related Research Articles

<i>Gallotia</i> Genus of lizards

The genus Gallotia are the lacertids of the Canary Islands. This genus consists of a group that has been evolving there ever since the first islands emerged from the sea over 20 million years ago. The endemic species and subspecies of this group have a number of characteristics that make them quite special within their family (Lacertidae); their only close relatives are the sandrunner lizards (Psammodromus) of the western Mediterranean region. Gallotia are characteristic for eating significant quantities of plants, and several lineages are often presented as classic examples for insular gigantism. However, a find of an even larger Gallotia species from the early Miocene of mainland Europe casts doubt on this assumption. Instead the ancestor of all modern Gallotia species of the Canary islands was probably already very large but carnivorous.

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  1. Tortoise.; Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (1996). "Testudo graeca". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 1996: e.T21646A9305693. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T21646A9305693.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. European Reptile.; Amphibian Specialist Group (1996). "Testudo hermanni ssp. hermanni". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 1996: e.T21650A9306703. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T21650A9306703.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  3. Tortoise.; Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. (2016) [errata version of 1996 assessment]. "Emys orbicularis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 1996: e.T7717A97292665. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T7717A12844431.en . Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  4. van Dijk, P.P.; Harding, J.; Hammerson, G.A. (2016) [errata version of 2011 assessment]. "Trachemys scripta". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2011: e.T22028A97429935. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-1.RLTS.T22028A9347395.en . Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  5. Wallace, B.P.; Tiwari, M.; Girondot, M. (2013). "Dermochelys coriacea". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2013: e.T6494A43526147. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-2.RLTS.T6494A43526147.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  6. Casale, P.; Tucker, A.D. (2017). "Caretta caretta". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2017: e.T3897A119333622. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T3897A119333622.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  7. Seminoff, J.A.; et al. (Southwest Fisheries Science Center, U.S.) (2004). "Chelonia mydas". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2004: e.T4615A11037468. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T4615A11037468.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  8. Mortimer, J.A.; Donnelly, M.; et al. (IUCN SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group) (2008). "Eretmochelys imbricata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2008: e.T8005A12881238. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T8005A12881238.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  9. Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Rafael Marquez, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Blanus cinereus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61469A12490902. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61469A12490902.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Iñigo Martínez-Solano, Ulrich Joger, Juan Pleguezuelos, Tahar Slimani (2009). "Blanus tingitanus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61471A12472331. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61471A12472331.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  11. Atlas y libro rojo de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
  12. Anguis fragilis, en el Atlas de la biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (MMA). Archivo en pdf.
  13. Aram Agasyan, Aziz Avci, Boris Tuniyev, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic, Petros Lymberakis, Claes Andrén, Dan Cogalniceanu, John Wilkinson, Natalia Ananjeva, Nazan Üzüm, Nikolai Orlov, Richard Podloucky, Sako Tuniyev, Uğur Kaya, Milan Vogrin, Claudia Corti, Valentin Pérez Mellado, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Marc Cheylan, Juan Pleguezuelos, Sherif Baha El Din, C. Varol Tok (2009). "Hemidactylus turcicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T157261A5063993. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T157261A5063993.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. Ulrich Joger, Tahar Slimani, El Hassan El Mouden, Philippe Geniez, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Saurodactylus mauritanicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61569A12517583. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61569A12517583.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Tarentola angustimentalis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61572A12518158. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61572A12518158.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. Paulo Sá-Sousa, Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Tarentola boettgeri". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61574A12494311. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61574A12494311.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  17. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Tarentola delalandii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61575A12494692. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61575A12494692.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  18. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Tarentola gomerensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61577A12495165. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61577A12495165.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. Vogrin, M.; Corti, C.; Pérez Mellado, V.; Baha El Din, S.; Martínez-Solano, I. (2017). "Tarentola mauritanica". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2017: e.T61578A63716927. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T61578A63716927.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  20. Juan M. Pleguezuelos, Paulo Sá-Sousa, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Rafael Marquez, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Chalcides bedriagai". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61472A12472701. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61472A12472701.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  21. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Ulrich Joger, Juan Pleguezuelos, Tahar Slimani, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Chalcides colosii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61474A12474024. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61474A12474024.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Ulrich Joger, Juan Pleguezuelos, Tahar Slimani, El Hassan El Mouden, Philippe Geniez, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Chalcides mauritanicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61479A12475632. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61479A12475632.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  23. Mateo, J.A.; Joger, U.; Pleguezuelos, J.; Slimani, T.; El Mouden, E.H.; Geniez, P.; Martinez Solano, I. (2016) [errata version of 2009 assessment]. "Chalcides minutus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61481A86153110. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61481A12476589.en . Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  24. Chalcides ocellatus, en el Atlas de la biodiversidad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (MMA). Visto el 25 May 2010.
  25. Geniez, P.; Mateo, J.A.; Joger, U.; Pleguezuelos, J.; Slimani, T.; El Mouden, E.H.; Martinez Solano, I. (2016) [errata version of 2009 assessment]. "Chalcides parallelus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61484A86149913. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61484A12478003.en . Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  26. Philippe Geniez, Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Ulrich Joger, Juan Pleguezuelos, Tahar Slimani, El Hassan El Mouden, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Chalcides pseudostriatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61486A12478575. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61486A12478575.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. Jose Antonio Mateo Miras, Valentin Pérez-Mellado, Iñigo Martínez-Solano (2009). "Chalcides sexlineatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2009: e.T61487A12479057. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61487A12479057.en . Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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