List of studio monitor manufacturers

Last updated

This is a list of notable manufacturers of studio monitors . This list is not exhaustive; every entry must have an article written in the English Wikipedia.

Current manufacturers

ManufacturerCountryProduct lines
ADAM Audio GermanyAX series, S series, T series, A series
Alesis United StatesElevate, M1
Amphion Loudspeakers FinlandAmphion Create: One and Two series
Barefoot United StatesFootprint01, MiniMain, MicroMain
Behringer GermanyB series, K series, Media, Studio
Dynaudio DenmarkCore, LYD
Edifier ChinaAirPulse
Focal FranceAlpha, CMS, Shape, SM6, SM9
Genelec FinlandClassic and SAM™ Compact, Coaxial, Master
JBL United States3 series, Control
M-Audio United StatesAV, BX, M3
Mackie United StatesCR, HR, MR, XR
Marshall UKDSl, Code, JVM...
Meyer Sound United StatesAmie, Amie-Sub, Bluehorn
PMC Ltd. Englandresult6, result6, two
Neumann GermanyKH
Pioneer JapanDM, RM, S
PreSonus United StatesEris, R series, Sceptre, Temblor
Sonodyne IndiaPM, SM, SRP, SLF
Tannoy United KingdomReveal, Gold
Yamaha JapanHS, MSP

See also