Littoral cell angioma

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Littoral cell angioma
Littoral cell angioma of the spleen - low mag.jpg
Low magnification micrograph of a littoral cell angioma. H&E stain.
Specialty Pathology

Littoral cell angioma, abbreviated LCA, and formally known as littoral cell angioma of the spleen, is a benign tumour of the spleen that arises from the cells that line the red pulp. [1]



LCAs most often are not clinically detectable. On occasion, their first presentation may be with splenic rupture. [2]

Most patients show no symptoms and the tumours are found incidentally.


Littoral cell angiomas show in CT scans. They are diagnosed by pathologists by taking a sample of the tumour via Fine Needle Aspiration or Core Needle Aspiration or from a splenectomy. Histologically, they have anastoming small vascular channels and cystic spaces with papillary projections. [2]


The treatment for a littoral cell angioma is a splenectomy.

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  1. Tan, YM.; Chuah, KL.; Wong, WK. (Jul 2004). "Littoral cell angioma of the spleen" (PDF). Ann Acad Med Singap. 33 (4): 524–6. PMID   15329769.
  2. 1 2 Dascalescu, CM.; Wendum, D.; Gorin, NC. (Sep 2001). "Littoral-cell angioma as a cause of splenomegaly". N Engl J Med. 345 (10): 772–3. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200109063451016 . PMID   11547761.