Lock convoy

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In computer science, a lock convoy is a performance problem that can occur when using locks for concurrency control in a multithreaded application.

A lock convoy occurs when multiple threads of equal priority contend repeatedly for the same lock. [1] [2] Unlike deadlock and livelock situations, the threads in a lock convoy do progress; however, each time a thread attempts to acquire the lock and fails, it relinquishes the remainder of its scheduling quantum and forces a context switch. The overhead of repeated context switches and underutilization of scheduling quanta degrade overall performance.

Lock convoys often occur when concurrency control primitives such as locks serialize access to a commonly used resource, such as a memory heap or a thread pool. They can sometimes be addressed by using non-locking alternatives such as lock-free algorithms or by altering the relative priorities of the contending threads.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Deadlock (computer science)</span> State in which members are blocking each other

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In information technology and computer science, especially in the fields of computer programming, operating systems, multiprocessors, and databases, concurrency control ensures that correct results for concurrent operations are generated, while getting those results as quickly as possible.

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In computer science, a lock or mutex is a synchronization primitive that prevents state from being modified or accessed by multiple threads of execution at once. Locks enforce mutual exclusion concurrency control policies, and with a variety of possible methods there exist multiple unique implementations for different applications.

In software engineering, a spinlock is a lock that causes a thread trying to acquire it to simply wait in a loop ("spin") while repeatedly checking whether the lock is available. Since the thread remains active but is not performing a useful task, the use of such a lock is a kind of busy waiting. Once acquired, spinlocks will usually be held until they are explicitly released, although in some implementations they may be automatically released if the thread being waited on blocks or "goes to sleep".

In computer science, an algorithm is called non-blocking if failure or suspension of any thread cannot cause failure or suspension of another thread; for some operations, these algorithms provide a useful alternative to traditional blocking implementations. A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide progress, and wait-free if there is also guaranteed per-thread progress. "Non-blocking" was used as a synonym for "lock-free" in the literature until the introduction of obstruction-freedom in 2003.

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  2. That sequential history is a subset of the original unextended list.

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High performance computing applications run on massively parallel supercomputers consist of concurrent programs designed using multi-threaded, multi-process models. The applications may consist of various constructs with varying degree of parallelism. Although high performance concurrent programs use similar design patterns, models and principles as that of sequential programs, unlike sequential programs, they typically demonstrate non-deterministic behavior. The probability of bugs increases with the number of interactions between the various parallel constructs. Race conditions, data races, deadlocks, missed signals and live lock are common error types.

In computer science, deadlock prevention algorithms are used in concurrent programming when multiple processes must acquire more than one shared resource. If two or more concurrent processes obtain multiple resources indiscriminately, a situation can occur where each process has a resource needed by another process. As a result, none of the processes can obtain all the resources it needs, so all processes are blocked from further execution. This situation is called a deadlock. A deadlock prevention algorithm organizes resource usage by each process to ensure that at least one process is always able to get all the resources it needs. One such example of deadlock algorithm is Banker's algorithm.

The Java programming language's Java Collections Framework version 1.5 and later defines and implements the original regular single-threaded Maps, and also new thread-safe Maps implementing the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap interface among other concurrent interfaces. In Java 1.6, the java.util.NavigableMap interface was added, extending java.util.SortedMap, and the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap interface was added as a subinterface combination.


  1. Silberschatz, Abraham (2013). Operating System Concepts. John Wiley & Sons Inc. ISBN   978-1118129388.
  2. Blasgen, Mike; Gray, Jim; Mitoma, Mike; Blasgen, Mike; Mitoma, Like (1979). "The convoy phenomenon". Operating Systems Review. 13 (2): 20–25. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1145/850657.850659. S2CID   40305779.