Lucius Cornelius Pusio Annius Messalla was a Roman senator under the Flavian dynasty who held several offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul in an uncertain year, most likely 72 or 73, as the colleague of Plotius Pegasus. [1] The shorter form of his name is Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Anthony Birley guesses Messalla's origins lay in a Spanish province, "probably from Gades, with a residence at Tibur." [2]
Messalla's cursus honorum can be reconstructed in part from a bronze tablet found in Rome. [3] His public career began with the quatraviri viarum curandorum, one of the four boards that form the vigintiviri ; this board was tasked with maintaining the city roads of Rome. He then was commissioned as a military tribune with Legio XIV Gemina stationed in Roman Britain; Birley dates this to before the year 60, meaning Messalla had left the legion when the unit triumphed in the Battle of Watling Street that year. [2] He then proceeded through the traditional Republican magistracies -- quaestor, plebeian tribune and praetor -- before accepting a second commission, this time as legatus legionis or commander of Legio XVI Flavia Firma before the year 70. This was the point where the account of his cursus ends.
From other sources we know Messalla was co-opted into the Septemviri epulonum following his consulate. [2] We also know he capped his senatorial career as a proconsular governor, but it is not certain whether it was of Africa or Asia. [2] His son was the homonymous consul of the year 90, Lucius Cornelius Pusio Annius Messala. [4]
Gnaeus Julius Verus was Roman senator and general of the mid-2nd century AD. He was suffect consul, and governed several important imperial provinces: Germania Inferior, Britain, and Syria.
Marcus Statius Priscus Licinius Italicus was a Roman senator and general active during the reigns of Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. Contemporary sources refer to him as Marcus Statius Priscus or simply Statius Priscus. He was consul for the year 159 as the colleague of Plautius Quintillus; Priscus was one of only two homines novi to attain the ordinary consul in the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius.
Quintus Antistius Adventus was a Roman politician and general. He commanded a legion, the II Adiutrix in the war against the Parthian Empire (161-166), and was appointed suffect consul around 166.
Gaius Bruttius Praesens Lucius Fulvius Rusticus was a Roman senator of the reigns of the emperors Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. A friend of Pliny the Younger and Hadrian, he was twice consul, governed provinces, commanded armies and ended his career as Urban prefect of Rome. Bruttius’ life and career left few coherent traces in the literary record, but a number of inscriptions, including his complete cursus honorum, fills out the picture considerably.
Gaius Salvius Liberalis Nonius Bassus was a Roman senator and general, who held civil office in Britain and was a member of the Arval Brethren. He was suffect consul in the last nundinium of 85, with Cornelius Orestes as his colleague.
Gaius Dillius Aponianus was a Roman senator and general, who played a role in the Year of Four Emperors. Aponianus ended up supporting Vespasian, and as a reward he was appointed suffect consul during the early years of that emperor.
Lucius Funisulanus Vettonianus was a Roman general and senator during the reigns of the Flavian emperors. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of September to October 78 with Quintus Corellius Rufus as his colleague.
Lucius Neratius Priscus was a Roman Senator and leading jurist, serving for a time as the head of the Proculeian school. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of May–June 97 as the colleague of Marcus Annius Verus.
Aulus Larcius Priscus was a Roman Senator and general who held several posts in the emperor's service. His career is unusual in that Priscus held a very senior post — governor of Syria — at an unusually early point in his life. He was suffect consul for the nundinium of October to December 110 with Sextus Marcius Honoratus as his colleague. Priscus is known almost entirely from inscriptions.
Lucius Annius Fabianus was a Roman senator and general. He was suffect consul for the nundinium of November–December AD 141; his colleague is not known.
Lucius Valerius Propinquus was a Roman senator active in the second century AD. He was suffect consul who replaced the ordinary consul Marcus Annius Verus and was the colleague of the other ordinary consul, Gaius Eggius Ambibulus, for the remainder of the first nundinium of 126.
(Lucius?) Plotius Pegasus was a Roman senator and jurisconsult active under the Flavian dynasty. He was suffect consul in an uncertain year, most likely 72 or 73, as the colleague of Lucius Cornelius Pusio Annius Messalla. Shortly after his ascension to the imperial throne, Domitian appointed Pegasus urban prefect, one of the most prestigious offices in a senatorial career.
Marcus Cutius Priscus Messius Rusticus Aemilius Papus Arrius Proculus Julius Celsus was a Roman senator who held a series of offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul for the nundinium of May to August 135 as the colleague of Lucius Burbuleius Optatus Ligarianus. Papus is known solely through inscriptions.
Titus Julius Maximus Manlianus was a Roman senator active in the early second century who held a number of offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul for the nundinium July to September 112 as the colleague of Publius Stertinius Quartus. His complete name was Titus Julius Maximus Manlianus Brocchus Servilianus Aulus Quadronius [Verus?] Lucius Servilius Vatia Cassius Cam[ars].
Quintus Camurius Numisius Junior was a Roman senator active during the later second century AD. He was suffect consul for a nundinium in the first half of the year 161 as the colleague of Marcus Annius Libo.
Lucius Cornelius Pusio Annius Messala was a Roman senator who replaced the emperor Domitian as suffect consul from 13 January 90 to the end of February. He is also known by the shorter form of his name, Lucius Cornelius Pusio.
Marcus Annius Libo was a Roman senator. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of January-April 161 with Quintus Camurius Numisius Junior as his colleague. Libo was the nephew of emperor Antoninus Pius, and cousin to emperor Marcus Aurelius.
Publius Metilius Secundus was a Roman senator, who was active during the reign of Hadrian. He was suffect consul in one of the earlier nundinia of 123 as the colleague of Titus Prifernius Geminus. He is known entirely from inscriptions.
Publius Cluvius Maximus Paullinus was a Roman senator, who held a number of imperial appointments during the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. He was suffect consul during an undetermined nundinium between 139 and 143. He is known entirely from inscriptions.
Lucius Aninius Sextius Florentinus was a Roman senator, who held a number of imperial appointments during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian. He died while governing Roman Arabia; his unnamed son had a tomb prepared for him at Petra, which still stands.