Macrocephaly-capillary malformation (M-CM) is a multiple malformation syndrome causing abnormal body and head overgrowth and cutaneous, vascular, neurologic, and limb abnormalities. Though not every patient has all features, commonly found signs include macrocephaly, congenital macrosomia, extensive cutaneous capillary malformation (naevus flammeus or port-wine stain type birthmark over much of the body; a capillary malformation of the upper lip or philtrum is seen in many patients with this condition), body asymmetry (also called hemihyperplasia or hemihypertrophy), polydactyly or syndactyly of the hands and feet, lax joints, doughy skin, variable developmental delay and other neurologic problems such as seizures and low muscle tone.
Mosaic mutations in PIK3CA have been found to be the genetic cause of M-CM. [1] Other overgrowth conditions with distinct phenotypes have also been found to be caused by mosaic mutations in PIK3CA. How different mutations in this gene result in a variety of defined clinical syndromes is still being clarified. [2] [3] [4] Mutations in PIK3CA have not been found in a non-mosaic state in any of these disorders, so it is unlikely that the conditions could be inherited.[ citation needed ]
Diagnosis is usually based on clinical observation. Various sets of criteria have been suggested to identify the disorder in an individual patient, all of which include macrocephaly and a number of the following: somatic overgrowth, cutis marmorata, midline facial birthmark, polydactyly/syndactyly, asymmetry (hemihyperplasia or hemihypertrophy), hypotonia at birth, developmental delay, connective tissue defect and frontal bossing. [5] [6] Currently no consensus exists about which diagnostic criteria are definitive and so evaluation by a medical geneticist or other clinician with familiarity with the syndrome is usually needed to provide diagnostic certainty. It is not clear if there are some features which are mandatory to make the diagnosis, but macrocephaly appears essentially universal though may not be congenital. The distinctive vascular abnormalities of the skin often fade over time, making the diagnosis challenging in older children with this condition.[ citation needed ]
The brain can be affected in several ways in this syndrome. Some children are born with structural brain anomalies such as cortical dysplasia or polymicrogyria. While developmental delay is nearly universal in this syndrome it is variable in severity, with the majority having mild to moderate delays and a minority having severe cognitive impairment. Some patients are affected with a seizure disorder. White matter abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), suggesting a delay in white matter myelination, is commonly seen in early childhood. Some patients may have asymmetry of the brain, with one side being noticeably larger than the other.[ citation needed ]
One interesting phenomenon that seems very common in this syndrome is the tendency for disproportionate brain growth in the first few years of life, with crossing of percentiles on the head circumference growth charts. A consequence of this disproportionate brain growth appears to be a significantly increased risk of cerebellar tonsillar herniation (descent of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum of the skull, resembling a Chiari I malformation neuroradiologically) and ventriculomegaly/hydrocephalus. [7] Such cerebellar tonsil herniation may occur in up to 70% of children with M-CM.[ citation needed ]
The medical literature suggests that there is a risk of cardiac arrhythmias in early childhood. [8] [9] The cause for this is unknown. In addition, a variety of different congenital cardiac malformations have been reported in a small number of patients with this disorder. [10] [11]
Like other syndromes associated with disproportionate growth, there appears to be a slightly increased risk of certain types of childhood malignancies in M-CM (such as Wilms' tumor). However, the precise incidence of these malignancies is unclear.[ citation needed ]
There is no cure for this condition. Treatment is supportive and varies depending on how symptoms present and their severity. Some degree of developmental delay is expected in almost all cases of M-CM, so evaluation for early intervention or special education programs is appropriate. Rare cases have been reported with no discernible delay in academic or school abilities.[ citation needed ]
Physical therapy and orthopedic bracing can help young children with gross motor development. Occupational therapy or speech therapy may also assist with developmental delays. Attention from an orthopedic surgeon may be required for leg length discrepancy due to hemihyperplasia.[ citation needed ]
Children with hemihyperplasia are thought to have an elevated risk for certain types of cancers. Recently published management guidelines recommend regular abdominal ultrasounds up to age eight to detect Wilms' tumor. AFP testing to detect liver cancer is not recommended as there have been no reported cases of hepatoblastoma in M-CM patients. [1]
Congenital abnormalities in the brain and progressive brain overgrowth can result in a variety of neurological problems that may require intervention. These include hydrocephalus, cerebellar tonsillar herniation (Chiari I), seizures and syringomyelia. These complications are not usually congenital, they develop over time often presenting complications in late infancy or early childhood, though they can become problems even later. Baseline brain and spinal cord MRI imaging with repeat scans at regular intervals is often prescribed to monitor the changes that result from progressive brain overgrowth.
Assessment of cardiac health with echocardiogram and EKG may be prescribed and arrhythmias or abnormalities may require surgical treatment.[ citation needed ]
Prognosis varies widely depending on severity of symptoms, degree of intellectual impairment, and associated complications. Because the syndrome is rare and so newly identified, there are no long-term studies.[ citation needed ]
This disorder was recognized as a distinct syndrome in 1997 and named macrocephaly-cutis marmorata telangiectasia congenita or M-CMTC. [12] [13] A new name, macrocephaly-capillary malformation, abbreviated M-CM, was recommended in 2007. [14] This new name was chosen to more accurately describe the skin markings associated with this disorder. In January 2012, a paper proposed new names for the syndrome: megalencephaly-capillary malformation or megalencephaly-capillary malformation-polymicrogyria with an abbreviation of MCAP. [15]
Megalencephaly is a growth development disorder in which the brain is abnormally large. It is characterized by a brain with an average weight that is 2.5 standard deviations above the mean of the general population. Approximately 1 out of 50 children (2%) are said to have the characteristics of megalencephaly in the general population.
Macrocephaly is a condition in which circumference of the human head is abnormally large. It may be pathological or harmless, and can be a familial genetic characteristic. People diagnosed with macrocephaly will receive further medical tests to determine whether the syndrome is accompanied by particular disorders. Those with benign or familial macrocephaly are considered to have megalencephaly.
Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a condition that affects the development of the human brain by multiple small gyri (microgyri) creating excessive folding of the brain leading to an abnormally thick cortex. This abnormality can affect either one region of the brain or multiple regions.
Adams–Oliver syndrome (AOS) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by defects of the scalp and cranium, transverse defects of the limbs, and mottling of the skin.
Simpson–Golabi–Behmel syndrome (SGBS) is a rare inherited congenital disorder that can cause craniofacial, skeletal, vascular, cardiac, and renal abnormalities. There is a high prevalence of cancer associated in those with SGBS which includes wilms tumors, neuroblastoma, tumors of the adrenal gland, liver, lungs and abdominal organs. The syndrome is inherited in an X-linked recessive manner. Females that possess one copy of the mutation are considered to be carriers of the syndrome but may still express varying degrees of the phenotype, suffering mild to severe malady. Males experience a higher likelihood of fetal death.
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is a rare congenital vascular disorder that usually manifests in affecting the blood vessels of the skin. The condition was first recognized and described in 1922 by Cato van Lohuizen, a Dutch pediatrician whose name was later adopted in the other common name used to describe the condition – Van Lohuizen syndrome. CMTC is also used synonymously with congenital generalized phlebectasia, nevus vascularis reticularis, congenital phlebectasia, livedo telangiectatica, congenital livedo reticularis and Van Lohuizen syndrome.
Weaver syndrome is an extremely rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder associated with rapid growth beginning in the prenatal period and continuing through the toddler and youth years. It is characterized by advanced osseous maturation and distinctive craniofacial, skeletal and neurological abnormalities. It is similar to Sotos syndrome and is classified as an overgrowth syndrome.
Parkes Weber syndrome (PWS) is a congenital disorder of the vascular system. It is an extremely rare condition, and its exact prevalence is unknown. It is named after British dermatologist Frederick Parkes Weber, who first described the syndrome in 1907.
Perlman syndrome (PS), also known as nephroblastomatosis-fetal ascites-macrosomia-Wilms tumor syndrome, is a rare overgrowth syndrome caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the DIS3L2 gene. PS is characterized by macrocephaly, neonatal macrosomia, nephromegaly, renal dysplasia, dysmorphic facial features, and increased risk for Wilms' tumor. The syndrome is associated with high neonatal mortality.
The RASopathies are a group of developmental syndromes caused by germline mutations in genes belonging to the Ras/MAPK pathway. Common features include intellectual disability, congenital heart defects, skin abnormalities, and craniofacial abnormalities.
CLOVES syndrome is a rare overgrowth syndrome with complex vascular anomalies. CLOVES syndrome affects people with various symptoms, ranging from mild fatty soft-tissue tumors to vascular malformations encompassing the spine or internal organs.
ZTTK syndrome is a rare multisystem disease caused in humans by a genetic mutation of the SON gene. Common symptoms include developmental delay and often light to severe intellectual disability.
Microlissencephaly (MLIS) is a rare congenital brain disorder that combines severe microcephaly with lissencephaly. Microlissencephaly is a heterogeneous disorder, i.e. it has many different causes and a variable clinical course. Microlissencephaly is a malformation of cortical development (MCD) that occurs due to failure of neuronal migration between the third and fifth month of gestation as well as stem cell population abnormalities. Numerous genes have been found to be associated with microlissencephaly, however, the pathophysiology is still not completely understood.
COACH syndrome, also known as Joubert syndrome with hepatic defect, is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disease. The name is an acronym of the defining signs: cerebellar vermis aplasia, oligophrenia, congenital ataxia, coloboma and hepatic fibrosis. The condition is associated with moderate intellectual disability. It falls under the category of a Joubart Syndrome-related disorder (JSRD).
ZC4H2 is a protein-coding gene located on the X-chromosome. This gene encodes a protein which is a member of the so-called zinc finger domain-containing protein family. There is currently very limited understanding about the ZC4H2 gene and its protein function.
PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS) is an umbrella term for rare syndromes characterized by malformations and tissue overgrowth caused by somatic mutations in PIK3CA gene. In PROS diseases individuals malformations are seen in several different tissues such as skin, vasculature, bones, fat and brain tissue depending on the specific disease.
Rhombencephalosynapsis is a rare genetic brain abnormality of malformation of the cerebellum. The cerebellar vermis is either absent or only partially formed, and fusion is seen in varying degree between the cerebellar hemispheres, fusion of the middle cerebellar peduncles, and fusion of the dentate nuclei. Findings range from mild truncal ataxia, to severe cerebral palsy.
Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth (DCMO) is a subset of capillary malformations (CM) associated with hypertrophy, i.e. increased size of body structures. CM can be considered an umbrella term for various vascular anomalies caused by increased diameter or number of capillary blood vessels. It is commonly referred to as "port-wine stain", and is thought to affect approximately 0.5% of the population. Typically capillaries in the papillary dermis are involved, and this gives rise to pink or violaceous colored lesions. The majority of DCMO lesions are diffuse, reticulated pale-colored stains.
Chudley–Mccullough syndrome is a rare genetic disorder which is characterized by bilateral congenital hearing loss associated with brain malformations. It is a type of syndromic deafness.
Luscan-Lumish syndrome (LLS), also known as SETD2-related overgrowth syndrome, is rare congenital disorder characterized by postnatal overgrowth, obesity, Chiari malformation, seizures, and intellectual disability. Mutations in the SET domain-containing protein 2 (SETD2) gene, which encodes a histone methyltransferase, are linked to LLS, although the mechanisms driving this syndrome are not well understood.