Main diagonal

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In linear algebra, the main diagonal (sometimes principal diagonal, primary diagonal, leading diagonal, major diagonal, or good diagonal) of a matrix is the list of entries where . All off-diagonal elements are zero in a diagonal matrix. The following four matrices have their main diagonals indicated by red ones:



The antidiagonal (sometimes counter diagonal, secondary diagonal (*), trailing diagonal, minor diagonal, off diagonal, or bad diagonal) of an order square matrix is the collection of entries such that for all . That is, it runs from the top right corner to the bottom left corner.

(*) Secondary (as well as trailing, minor and off) diagonals very often also mean the (a.k.a. k-th) diagonals parallel to the main or principal diagonals, i.e., for some nonzero k =1, 2, 3, ... More generally and universally, the off diagonal elements of a matrix are all elements not on the main diagonal, i.e., with distinct indices i j.

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