Marica (mythology)

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Marica, by Henryk Siemiradzki Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine Siemiradzki-Nimfa.jpg
Marica, by Henryk Siemiradzki Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine

In Roman mythology, Marica was a nymph, the mother of Latinus. [1] Latinus was fathered by Faunus, who was also occasionally referred to as the son of Marica. The sacred forest near Minturnae was dedicated to Marica. [2] [3] A lake nearby was also named after her. Various Roman authors claims that she was a form of Diana or Venus. [4] [5]


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  1. Rose, p. 310.
  2. Wheeler, p. 229.
  3. Purcell, n.p.
  4. Smith, p. 243.
  5. Post, pp. 242-44.
