Medal for Gallantry

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Medal for Gallantry
Medal gallantry aust.png

Obverse of medal and ribbon
Awarded for"acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances" [1]
Presented by Australia
EligibilityMembers of the Australian Defence Force
StatusCurrently awarded
Established15 January 1991
First awarded1996
Last awarded 2024 Special Honours
Total76 [2]
Order of Wear [3]
Next (higher) Nursing Service Cross [3]
Next (lower) Bravery Medal [3]
Related Star of Gallantry

The Medal for Gallantry(MG) is a military decoration awarded to personnel of the Australian Defence Force. It recognises acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances. The MG was introduced on 15 January 1991, replacing the Imperial equivalent. It is ranked third in the Gallantry Decorations in the Australian Honours System. [3] [4] Recipients of the Medal of Gallantry are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MG".



Decoration allowance

Veterans who are paid disability pension under the Veterans Entitlements Act 1986 (the Act), and who have been awarded a gallantry award specified in the Act, including the Medal for Gallantry, are also paid a decoration allowance. In May 2011, the allowance was A$2.10 per fortnight. [5]

Notable recipients

List of recipients

#NameRankDate awardedCitationNotes
Frank Alcorta Sergeant 2 November 2016For acts of gallantry in hazardous circumstances as platoon sergeant of 2 Platoon, A Company, the 6th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during the Battle of Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province, Vietnam on 18 August 1966. [11]
05Thomas Henry Arrowsmith Captain 3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [13]
Ryan James Avery Corporal 11 June 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 4 December 2010 while a sniper team member in Mentoring Task Force - Two on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan.
B (Brett Wood)Corporal13 June 2011For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan in 2008 (sic - the actions were in 2006). [10]
BCorporal26 January 2013For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances. [14]
Cameron Baird Corporal26 January 2009For his conduct during a close quarters combat in Afghanistan during Operation SLIPPER in November 2007 [15]
04Graeme Eric Bolitho Second Lieutenant 3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [16]
06James Raymond BourkeCaptain3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [17]
17John Douglas Campbell BurridgeCorporal1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [19] [20] [21]
18Trevor William ByngCorporal1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [22]
C Lance Corporal 2 December 2006For gallantry as a Patrol Medic during the treatment and evacuation of a wounded Australian soldier in the Special Forces Task Group, whilst deployed on Operation SLIPPER, Afghanistan in 2006. [23]
25C (Matthew Locke)Sergeant2 December 2006For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as the second-in-command of a Special Air Service Regiment patrol in the Special Forces Task Group whilst deployed on Operation Slipper, Afghanistan, in 2006. [7] [23]
CSergeant10 June 2013For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a team commander, Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan. [24]
CCorporal8 June 2015For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on Operation SLIPPER, in Afghanistan in 2012.
Daniel Sebastian Cash Major 26 January 2008For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances during operations against Taliban and Anti Coalition Militia while deployed on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan, from June to October 2006. [25]
19Frank Carr CashmoreSergeant1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [26]
20Kevin George Casson Private 1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [27]
Michael Patrick ChalkCorporal26 January 2014For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while an Engineer Search Commander in the Tangi Valley, Afghanistan, on 10 March 2012.
Brendan Michael ClarkeLance Corporal13 June 2011For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while a rifleman with Team Three, Mentoring Team C, Mentoring Task Force 1, in the Central Baluchi Valley, Afghanistan on 15 March and 8 July 2010.
21Brian John CollettSergeant1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [28]
Warran Frank Cowan Pilot Officer 25 October 2023For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 22 July 1942 as the plane captain of Lockheed Hudson A16-201. [29]
David William CoxPrivate26 January 2010For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while a rifleman and combat first aider in Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 1 at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 16 March 2009.
DSergeant26 January 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances. [30]
Blaine Flower DiddamsSergeant10 June 2013For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a patrol commander, Special Operations Task Group Rotation XVII on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan on 2 July 2012. [24]
Kevin Bede Dolan Warrant Officer Class Two 13 June 2011For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while a joint terminal attack controller for Mentoring Team A, Mentoring Task Force 1, at Sorkh Lez in the Mirabad Valley, Afghanistan on 2 July 2010.
26E (Ben Roberts-Smith)Lance Corporal2 December 2006For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a patrol sniper in the Special Operations Task Group – Task Force 637, whilst deployed on Operation SLIPPER Rotation Three Afghanistan, May – September 2006. [8] [23]
27F Trooper 2 December 2006For gallantry in action in extremely hazardous conditions, as a patrol member in the Special Forces Task Group whilst deployed on Operation SLIPPER, Afghanistan in 2006. [23] [31]
07Paul Ellis GreenCaptain3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [32]
22Daniel John HandleyTrooper1 December 1999(Vietnam) [12] [18] [33]
08John Boyd HealyMajor3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [34]
09William Francis Hindson, MC Lieutenant 3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [35]
Jeremy Thomas HolderCorporal26 January 2008For an act of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a Medical Assistant within the Special Operations Task Group - Task Force 637, while deployed on Operation. [25]
Justin Wayne HuggettCorporal8 June 2009For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while deployed in Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion, The Grenadier Guards Battle Group during Exercise LONG LOOK 2007.
JCorporal26 January 2013For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan, June 2010. [14]
JSergeant26 January 2014For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as an explosive ordnance disposal technician with the Special Operations Task Group on Operation SLIPPER.
Alan James ParrPrivate23 May 2023For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as the radio operator in the 1st Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment's mortar line during the Battle for Fire Support Base Coral in Vietnam on 13 May 1968.
KPrivate26 January 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances. [30]
Geoff KendallSecond Lieutenant18 August 2008For actions during the Vietnam War. [36]
Paul Bjorn LangerPrivate26 January 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 24 August 2010 while a rifleman with Mentoring Team Delta, the 1st Mentoring Task Force at Derapet, Tangi Valley, Afghanistan. [30]
Sean Anthony LaniganSergeant26 January 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 24 August 2010 while a platoon sergeant and mentor with Mentoring Team Delta, the 1st Mentoring Task Force at Derapet, Tangi Valley, Afghanistan. [30]
John Matthew LinesWarrant Officer Class Two26 January 2010For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while acting as an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team member at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 4 January 2009.
MLance Corporal26 January 2015For acts of gallantry in hazardous circumstances on Operation SLIPPER.
Barry Eugene MagnussenLance Corporal2 November 2016For acts of gallantry in hazardous circumstances as member of 4 Section, 11 Platoon, D Company, 6th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, during the Battle of Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province, Vietnam on 18 August 1966. [11]
10William McDonaldMajor3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [37]
11Ian David McFarlaneMajor3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [38]
01Andrew Colin MillerCorporal25 November 1996Awarded for actions in 1995 whilst serving with UNAMIR in Rwanda. [39]
NCorporal26 January 2013For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances. [14]
23Steven OddySergeant25 March 2000For gallantry on 16 October 1999 while leading a patrol in the vicinity of Aidabasalaia, East Timor, during Operation WARDEN. [40]
12Christopher John Gilbert PeacockCaptain3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [41]
Russell Bradburn PollackSergeant25 October 2023For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 22 July 1942 as the plane navigator of Lockheed Hudson A16-201. [29]
Francis Adrian RobertsLieutenant2 November 2016For acts of gallantry in hazardous circumstances as Commander 3 Troop, 1 Armoured Personnel Carrier Squadron, during the Battle of Long Tan, Phuoc Tuy Province, Vietnam on 18 August 1966. [11]
David Steven Robertson Bombardier 11 June 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 20 March 2011 while a joint fires observer in Mentoring Task Force - Two on Operation SLIPPER in Afghanistan.
STrooper26 January 2009For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances in Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group during Operation SLIPPER, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan.
David R SabbenSecond Lieutenant18 August 2008For actions during the Vietnam War. [42]
02Rodrick Malcolm ScottWarrant Officer Class Two25 November 1996Awarded for actions in 1995 whilst serving with UNAMIR in Rwanda. [39]
Laurie Edwin SheardSergeant25 October 2023For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 22 July 1942 as the aircraft gunner of Lockheed Hudson A16-201 [29]
13Peter Andrew SibreeCaptain3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [43]
Benjamin James Sime Petty Officer 26 January 2009For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances during a waterborne terrorist attack in the North Persian Gulf, Iraq, during Operation CATALYST.
14Bevan John SmithCaptain3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [44]
Gavin Ronald Stevens Chief Petty Officer 31 January 2024For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances as a commander, Tactical Explosive Ordnance Disposal patrol from Australian Clearance Diving Team Three on Operation FALCONER in Al Faw Peninsula, Iraq on 16 April 2003.
15Brian John Sullivan, MC Second Lieutenant3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [45]
TPrivate11 June 2012For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while deployed on Operation SLIPPER.
Giancarlos Brasil TaraborrelliCorporal26 January 2010For gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances while an Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team member at Kakarak, Afghanistan on 16 March 2009.
David Reid TaylorPilot Officer25 October 2023For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances on 22 July 1942 as the plane wireless operator of Lockheed Hudson A16-201. [29]
03Thomas Steven TilbrookLieutenant25 November 1996Awarded for actions in 1995 whilst serving with UNAMIR in Rwanda. [39]
04Carol Louise Vaughan-EvansMajor25 November 1996For distinguished service, particularly in response to the massacre of civilian refugees at Kibeho on 22 April 1995 whilst serving with UNAMIR II in Rwanda. [39]
24 Martin Wallace Signalman 27 November 2002Wallace was awarded the Medal for Gallantry for his efforts on 2 March 2002, during Operation Anaconda, while attached to the United States 10th Mountain Division in the Shahi Kot Valley, Afghanistan. [6]
16Clive Owen Gestern WilliamsSecond Lieutenant3 June 1998(Vietnam) [12] [46]
XTrooper18 May 2003For acts of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances in Iraq while on Operation FALCONER. [47]

Number awarded

In March 2018, only 55 of the recipients were listed on the "It's an Honour" website. A further 8 recipients have been identified from official publications of the Governor General, the Department of Defence and from special issues of the Australian Government Gazette.

Many of the awards have been presented at the official Australia Day ceremonies - held on 26 January - and Queen's Birthday ceremonies - held on the 2nd Monday in June.

Honours ListsSpecial ListsOther SourcesIt's an Honour
Other datesADQBOtherTotal
2018- [48] 0
2017- [49] - [50] --0
2016- [51] - [52] 32 Nov 2016 [11] 33
20151 [53] 1 [54] --112
20142 [55] - [56] --22
20133 [14] 2 [24] --325
20124 [30] 3 [57] --437
2011- [58] 3 [59] --33
20103 [60] - [61] --33
20092 [62] 1 [63] --1 [15] 213
20082 [64] - [65] 218 Aug 2008 [66] 224
2006--32 Dec 2006 [23] 0
2003--118 May 2003 [47] 0
2002--127 Nov 2002 [6] 0
2000--125 March 2000 [40] 11
1999--61 Dec 1999 [18] 66
1998--133 Jun 1998 [12] 1313
1996--325 Nov 1996 [39] 1 [39] 33

See also

Related Research Articles

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The Governor-General of Australia has, at irregular intervals, notified for general information notifies the positioning of wearing of Australian orders, decorations and medals in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. The Order of Wearing Australian Honours and Awards was last published in 2007.

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The Special Honours Lists for Australia are announced by the Governor General at any time.

The 2010 Australia Day Honours are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 2010 by the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce.

The 2013 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2013 by the Governor-General of Australia, Quentin Bryce.

The Order of Wearing of Australian honours includes Imperial honours if they were awarded prior to 6 October 1992. Imperial honours awarded after 5 October 1992 are considered foreign.

The 2014 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2014 by the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce.

The 2015 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2015 by the Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

The 2016 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2016 by the Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

The 2016 Queen's Birthday Honours for Australia were announced on 13 June 2016 by the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove. The Birthday Honours were appointments by some of the 16 Commonwealth realms of Queen Elizabeth II to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of those countries. The Birthday Honours are awarded as part of the Queen's Official Birthday celebrations during the month of June.

The 2017 Australia Day Honours were announced on 26 January 2017 by the Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

The 2017 Queen's Birthday Honours for Australia were announced on 12 June 2017 by the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove.

The 2009 Australia Day Honours are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 2009 by the Governor General of Australia, Quentin Bryce.

The 2008 Australia Day Honours are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 2008 by the Governor General of Australia, Michael Jeffrey


  1. "Medal for Gallantry". It's an Honour. Government of Australia. 13 April 2007. Retrieved 12 September 2007.
  2. Governor-General Annual Report 2022-23 (PDF). Governor General of Australia. 6 October 2023. Retrieved 28 November 2023.
  3. 1 2 3 4 "The Order of Wearing Australian Honours and Awards" (PDF). Government House. 25 September 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 February 2014. Retrieved 23 March 2014.
  4. The highest ranked military gallantry decoration is the Victoria Cross/Victoria Cross for Australia.
    The second ranked military gallantry decoration is the Star of Gallantry.
    (Refer to "The Order of Wearing Australian Honours and Awards" (PDF). Government House. 25 September 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 February 2014. Retrieved 23 March 2014.)
  5. "Veteran's Entitlements Act 1986 - Sect 102". Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). Retrieved 17 November 2007.
  6. 1 2 3 Lee, Sandra (2006). 18 Hours: The true story of an SAS War Hero. Sydney: Harper Collins. ISBN   0-7322-8230-6.
  7. 1 2 Vale SGT Locke Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine ,
  8. 1 2 Benjamin Roberts-Smith,
  9. Cowan, Sean; Taylor, Nick (22 January 2011). "WA digger awarded VC medal". The West Australian. Retrieved 22 January 2011.
  10. 1 2 "How Sgt Brett Wood earned a Medal for Gallantry in Afghanistan". Herald Sun. 24 May 2011.
    Vale SGT Wood Archived 29 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine ,
    To be awarded the medal for gallantry,
  11. 1 2 3 4 Gallantry awards for actions during the Vietnam War, 2 November 2016, Governor General's website
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Vietnam End of War List. Australian Awards to Service Personnel Announced 3 June 1998 and Subsequently.
  13. CAPT Thomas Henry Arrowsmith, Certificate,; National Medal, 10 Feb 1978,; Mentioned in Despatches, 19 September 1969,
  14. 1 2 3 4 Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2013 Archived 18 February 2017 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  15. 1 2 CPL Cameron Baird VC MG,
  16. 2LT Graeme Eric Bolitho, Certificate,
  17. CAPT James Raymond Bourke, Certificate,; National Medal, 9 May 1979;
    AM (Member of the Order of Australia) For service to veterans and their families through the establishment and implementation of 'Operation Aussies Home'. 26 January 2009
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Awards vide Special Gazette No S565 dated Wednesday 1 December 1999 (as a result of the Independent Review of the End of War List) - see The Vietnam End of War List,, for a list of the 6 awardees.
  19. Report of the Independent Review Panel of the End of War List - Vietnam, 25 August 1999, Archived 1 April 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  20. Defence Honours and Awards Policy Review, 7 February 2008, Archived 8 May 2012 at the Wayback Machine
  21. CPL John Douglas Campbell Burridge, Certificate, Mentioned in Despatches,
  22. CPL Trevor William Byng, Certificate,
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 Soldiers' gallantry honoured, Defence Media Release MECC 337/06, 2 December 2006.
  24. 1 2 3 Medal for Gallantry - Queen's Birthday 2013, Media Notes, Governor General's website
  25. 1 2 Mark Davis (2008) Gallantry of the highest order, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 January 2008
  26. Sgt Cashmore, Certificate,; National Medal, 15 May 1978
  27. Private Casson, Certificate and Mentioned in Despatches,
  28. Sgt Collett, Certificate,
  29. 1 2 3 4 "Australian Gazette". 26 March 2024.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2012, Media Notes, Governor General's website
  31. Special Operations Commander, Major General Tim McOwan (11 December 2008). "Update on Special Operations in Afghanistan (MECC 81211/08)" (Press release). Department of Defence. Archived from the original on 8 September 2013.
  32. Capt Green, Certificate and Mentioned in Despatches,; National Medal, 15 May 1981
  33. Trooper Handley, Certificate and mentioned in Despatches,
  34. Maj Healy, Certificate,; National Medal, 14 July 1977; National Medal - 1st clasp, 15 May 1979
  35. Lt Hindson, Certificate,;
    MC (Military Cross), Special Air Service - Vietnam - 10 December 1968;
    National Medal, 21 September 1977;
    Centenary Medal, "For many years voluntary service to veterans' associations and the Army" - 1 January 2001
  36. 2LT Kendall, Certificate,; National Medal, 19 March 1979
  37. Maj McDonald, Certificate and Mentioned in Despatches,; National Medal, 14 July 1977; National Medal - 1st clasp, 23 October 1981
  38. Maj McFarlane, Certificate,; National Medal, 14 July 1977; National Medal - 1st clasp, 15 May 1979
  39. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "December 1996 : Gallant diggers". Army : The Soldiers' Newspaper. No. 1225. 12 November 2009. p. 40.
  40. 1 2 Lague, David (25 March 2000). "Gallantry Award For Sergeant Who Led Bloody Timor Battle". The Sydney Morning Herald . Sydney. Archived from the original on 6 July 2011. Retrieved 8 July 2009.
  41. Capt Peacock, Certificate,; National Medal, 18 June 1980
  42. 2Lt Sabben, Certificate,
  43. Capt Sibree, Certificate,; National Medal, 15 May 1978;
    AM (Member of the Order of Australia), "For service to the RAA as Commandant of the Infantry Centre Commander Singleton Military Area". 11 June 1990
  44. Capt Smith, Certificate and Mentioned in Despatches,
  45. 2LT Sullivan, Certificate and Mentioned in Despatches,;
    MC (Military Cross), Armoured Regiment - Vietnam - 22 May 1970;
    National Medal, 11 March 1981
  46. 2LT Williams, Certificate,; National Medal, 9 May 1979
  47. 1 2 "Australian SAS Trooper Awarded Medal for Gallantry (118/03)" (Press release). Department of Defence. 18 May 2003. Archived from the original on 2 January 2004.
  48. Honours List - Australia Day 2018, Governor General's website
  49. Honours List - Australia Day 2017, Governor General's website
  50. Honours List - Queens's Birthday 2017, Governor General's website
  51. Honours List - Australia Day 2016 Archived 28 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine , Governor General's website
  52. Honours List - Queens's Birthday 2016, Governor General's website
  53. Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2015, Media Notes, Governor General's website
  54. Medal for Gallantry - Queen's Birthday 2015, Media Notes, Governor General's website
  55. Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2014 Archived 27 January 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  56. Honours List - Queens's Birthday 2014, Governor General's website
  57. Medal for Gallantry - Queen's Birthday 2012, Media Notes, Governor General's website
  58. Honours Lists - Australia Day 2011 Archived 12 February 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Governor General's website
  59. Medal for Gallantry - Queen's Birthday 2011 Archived 27 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  60. Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2010 Archived 27 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  61. Honours List - Queen's Birthday 2010 Archived 12 February 2014 at the Wayback Machine , Governor General's website
  62. Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2009 Archived 27 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  63. Medal for Gallantry - Queen's Birthday 2009 Archived 27 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Media Notes, Governor General's website
  64. Medal for Gallantry - Australia Day 2008 [ permanent dead link ], Media Notes, Governor General's website
  65. Honours List - Queen's Birthday 2008 Archived 12 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine , Governor General's website
  66. Gallantry awards for actions during the Vietnam War [ permanent dead link ], Special Gazette No. S167, 18 August 2008, Commonwealth of Australia [ dead link ]