Media fatigue is psychological exhaustion due to information overload from any form of information media, usually news [1] and social media. [2] The advent of the Internet has contributed widely to media fatigue with vast amounts of information easily accessible and easily disseminated. Psychological exhaustion caused by media fatigue can lead to several harms, including emotional instability, increased stress, feeling overwhelmed, or experiencing sensory overload. [3] [4] [2] Media fatigue can then lead to media avoidance, or intentional selectivity in the type and amount of media used. [4]
Repeated exposure to the same topic in the media over a long period of time has shown to cause psychological fatigue. [1] While psychological fatigue has no singular definition, it can be characterized by negative emotions such as stress, overwhelm, strain, and sensory overload. [2] [4] [3] Gurr and Metag suggest some examples of this phenomenon have occurred in response to COVID-19, Brexit, and climate change coverage. [1] Extensive coverage on the same topic for extended periods of time can be draining, both mentally and physically. In response to perceived fatigue, those consuming media will engage in avoidance strategies so as not to view that particular topic. [1] Specifically with morally weighty topics, the more a person sees media about this topic, the more apathetic they become (see compassion fatigue). [5] This can come from broadcast news, political or humanitarian advertising, radio, newspapers, social media, etc.
The concept of news avoidance entails taking efforts to avoid associating with a topic that makes the viewer anxious. [6] Themes that are repeatedly shown in the news can produce overwhelming feelings of concern, such as coverage of a crisis. [7]
Social media has become a significant part of our lives today, with around 3 billion people being on some sort of social media platform. [8] Social media can have similar impacts on media fatigue and avoidance. Several studies have demonstrated the effects that social media has had on our attention spans, showing how our fast-paced society affects our ability to focus on one thing at a time. In fact, it has been reported that our attention spans have come to a low amount of 8 seconds. [9] Research has found that overconsumption of social media leads to information overload and cognitive fatigue. Because many social media users get their news on social networking sites, in addition to other updates and information, this can cause higher strain and greater psychological stress and fatigue than other, more traditional forms of media. [2] Social media has also shown to have greater strain on the individual because of privacy concerns and self-disclosure. [3] These two aspects are unique to social media sites and require more monitoring of how a person interacts and engages on social media if they are not anonymous, potentially causing greater fatigue than traditional media.
An online study in Lithuania found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a rise in social media fatigue. [10] Due to social media being the primary way of connecting with others during quarantine, its presence in people's lives has grown prior to the pandemic. These circumstances have led to an overconsumption of social media.
Forbes came out with an article on different ways to overcome social fatigue, which demonstrates different ways in which we can work on not allowing our social media usage to affect our day to day lives. [8] First of all, especially since our days have been consumed by social media throughout the pandemic, it is important to make ourselves step away and indulge in non-technical activities. This can include painting, cooking/ baking, going on walks, hanging out with friends, etc. Next, we can learn to be more selective about our social media usage. This means choosing one platform to go on when being on our phones for a short period of time, which in turn minimizes overload of information and social media fatigue. Since a lot of people's work revolves around social media, it can be especially hard to step away from the screen during the day. However, it is important to still take breaks and not consume our days with screen time, which can actually lead to being more creative and productive when you do return to your social media work.
Avoidance can occur during media selection, for example, actively choosing one source of information over another. Avoidance can also occur during media consumption, for example, by changing the channel or tuning out the message. [1] Tilo Hartmann suggests humans engage in avoidance behaviors to avoid cognitive dissonance, because the current messages they are receiving are challenging their current belief systems. [11] "For example, dissonances can result from cognitive overtaxing, leading to an end to TV exposure." [11] Another theoretical underpinning is a cost-benefit analysis the media consumer performs, whether intentional or subconscious. There are perceived benefits and costs to consuming media, and one reason a person might choose to avoid media from this perspective would be to avoid costs such as "money, time, physical and mental effort, and possible feelings of guilt, fear, irritation and dissonance." [11]
Social media habits can also include selective avoidance, meaning the user chooses to expose themselves to specific topics and news online. [12] Filtering technologies on social media allow users to be presented with content that supports their opinions. [13] Because of these technologies, users can spend more time on social media. In short, selective avoidance is a result of media fatigue, in which a user takes steps to prevent feeling overwhelmed when a specific subject is brought up. [12]
René Riedl defines Zoom fatigue as the tendency to feel inclined to avoid video conferencing software due to extensive overuse. [14] In relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a dependence on video conference software to keep in contact with those not living in the same household. While the term Zoom fatigue is referring directly to the online video conferencing software, it can also be applied to all other types of online video conferencing software that we have had to use throughout the pandemic. Zoom has become a significant part of our everyday lives in the past 2 years with the rise of the pandemic. All types of people are using Zoom, including students, teachers, employees, managers, etc. [14] The shift from in person to online has not been an easy one for many people, and having to learn and converse through a screen has affected many, leading to things such as Zoom fatigue.
Liz Fosslien and Millie West Duffy state that Zoom calls have been draining and have led to Zoom fatigue because "they force us to focus more intently on conversations in order to absorb information". [15] Since stay at home and quarantine orders had made it impossible for us to meet in person, Zoom was the solution that most people had to resort to. Therefore, we had to come up with solutions and ways to help with our Zoom fatigue since we couldn't just go back to in person. Some fixes and solutions to Zoom fatigue have been listed as not multitasking to not divert your attention too much while on Zoom calls, scheduling breaks between Zoom calls to have off-screen time to not exhaust your media fatigue, shortening meetings if you are able to and are in control of it, etc. [16]
In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is described as the mental disturbance people feel when they realize their cognitions and actions are inconsistent or contradictory. This may ultimately result in some change in their cognitions or actions to cause greater alignment between them so as to reduce this dissonance. Relevant items of information include peoples' actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when an action or idea is psychologically inconsistent with the other, people do all in their power to change either so that they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.
Information overload is the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information (TMI) about that issue, and is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily information. The term "information overload" was first used as early as 1962 by scholars in management and information studies, including in Bertram Gross' 1964 book, The Managing of Organizations, and was further popularized by Alvin Toffler in his bestselling 1970 book Future Shock. Speier et al. (1999) said that if input exceeds the processing capacity, information overload occurs, which is likely to reduce the quality of the decisions.
Selective perception is the tendency not to notice and more quickly forget stimuli that cause emotional discomfort and contradict prior beliefs. For example, a teacher may have a favorite student because they are biased by in-group favoritism. The teacher ignores the student's poor attainment. Conversely, they might not notice the progress of their least favorite student. It can also occur when consuming mass media, allowing people to see facts and opinions they like while ignoring those that do not fit with particular opinions, values, beliefs, or frame of reference. Psychologists believe this process occurs automatically.
Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information. Misinformation and disinformation are not interchangeable terms: Misinformation can exist with or without specific malicious intent whereas disinformation is distinct in that the information is deliberately deceptive and propagated. Misinformation can include inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or false information as well as selective or half-truths. In January 2024, the World Economic Forum identified misinformation and disinformation, propagated by both internal and external interests, to "widen societal and political divides" as the most severe global risks within the next two years.
Sensory overload occurs when one or more of the body's senses experiences over-stimulation from the environment.
Digital rhetoric is communication that exists in the digital sphere. It can be expressed in many different forms, including text, images, videos, and software. Due to the increasingly mediated nature of contemporary society, distinctions between digital and non-digital environments are less clear. This has expanded the scope of digital rhetoric to account for the increased fluidity with which humans interact with technology.
Compassion fatigue is an evolving concept in the field of traumatology. The term has been used interchangeably with secondary traumatic stress (STS), which is sometimes simply described as the negative cost of caring. Secondary traumatic stress is the term commonly employed in academic literature, although recent assessments have identified certain distinctions between compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing and aggregation of content amongst virtual communities and networks. Common features include:
Selective exposure is a theory within the practice of psychology, often used in media and communication research, that historically refers to individuals' tendency to favor information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information. Selective exposure has also been known and defined as "congeniality bias" or "confirmation bias" in various texts throughout the years.
Overchoice or choice overload is the paradoxical phenomenon that choosing between a large variety of options can be detrimental to decision making processes. The term was first introduced by Alvin Toffler in his 1970 book, Future Shock.
In social psychology, the boomerang effect, also known as "reactance", refers to the unintended consequences of an attempt to persuade resulting in the adoption of an opposing position instead. It is sometimes also referred to as "the theory of psychological reactance", stating that attempts to restrict a person's freedom often produce an "anticonformity boomerang effect". In other words, the boomerang effect is a situation where people tend to pick the opposite of what something or someone is saying or doing because of how it is presented to them. Typically, the more aggressively a position is presented to someone, the more likely they are to adopt an opposing view.
Compassion fatigue (CF) is an evolving concept in the field of traumatology. The term has been used interchangeably with secondary traumatic stress (STS)s. Secondary traumatic stress is the term commonly employed in academic literature, although recent assessments have identified certain distinctions between compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress (STS).
Media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic has varied by country, time period and media outlet. News media has simultaneously kept viewers informed about current events related to the pandemic, and contributed to misinformation or fake news.
Social media became an important platform for interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic, coinciding with the onset of social distancing. According to a study conducted by Facebook's analytics department, messaging rates rose by over 50% during this period. Individuals confined to their homes utilized social media not only to maintain social connections but also as a source of entertainment to alleviate boredom. Concerns arose regarding the overreliance on social media for primary social interactions, particularly given the constraints imposed by the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of people across the globe. The pandemic has caused widespread anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. According to the UN health agency WHO, in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, prevalence of common mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, went up by more than 25 percent.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare workers physically and psychologically. Healthcare workers are more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection than the general population due to frequent contact with positive COVID-19 patients. Healthcare workers have been required to work under stressful conditions without proper protective equipment, and make difficult decisions involving ethical implications. Health and social systems across the globe are struggling to cope. The situation is especially challenging in humanitarian, fragile and low-income country contexts, where health and social systems are already weak. Services to provide sexual and reproductive health care risk being sidelined, which will lead to higher maternal mortality and morbidity.
Doomscrolling or doomsurfing is the act of spending an excessive amount of time reading large quantities of news, particularly negative news, on the web and social media. The concept was coined around 2020, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pandemic fatigue is understood as a natural and expected reaction to sustained and unresolved adversity in people's everyday life. Those affected show symptoms of feeling burnt out and tired, while also expressing feelings of demotivation to engage in protection behaviors and seek COVID-19 related information as complacency, alienation and hopelessness.
Rehabilitation after COVID-19 is needed in individuals experiencing longer-term disabling illness at any stage of COVID-19 infection. The rehabilitation of individuals with COVID-19 includes screening for the need for rehabilitation, participation of a multi-disciplinary team to evaluate and manage the individual's disabilities, use of four evidence based classes for rehabilitation, as well as individualised interventions for other problems.
Zoom fatigue is tiredness, worry, or burnout associated with the overuse of online platforms of communication, particularly videotelephony. The name derives from the cloud-based videoconferencing and online chat software Zoom, but the term can be used to refer to fatigue from other video conferencing platforms.