Meissner equation

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The Meissner equation is a linear ordinary differential equation that is a special case of Hill's equation with the periodic function given as a square wave. [1] [2] There are many ways to write the Meissner equation. One is as



and is the Heaviside function shifted to . Another version is

The Meissner equation was first studied as a toy model of oscillations observed in the rod gear of electric trains [2] where the elasticity of the system could not reasonably be treated as a constant . It is also useful for understand resonance problems in the quantum mechanics of semiconductors and evolutionary biology under periodic environment switching.

Because the time-dependence is piecewise linear, many calculations can be performed exactly, unlike for the Mathieu equation. When , the Floquet exponents are roots of the quadratic equation

The determinant of the Floquet matrix is 1, implying that origin is a center if and a saddle node otherwise.


  1. Richards, J. A. (1983). Analysis of periodically time-varying systems. Springer-Verlag. ISBN   9783540116899. LCCN   82005978.
  2. 1 2 E. Meissner (1918). "Ueber Schüttelerscheinungen in Systemen mit periodisch veränderlicher Elastizität". Schweiz. Bauzeit. 72 (11): 95–98. doi:10.5169/seals-34811.