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Meromyosin is a part of myosin (mero meaning "part of"). With regards to human anatomy myosin and actin constitute the basic functional unit of a muscle fiber, called sarcomere, playing a role in muscle contraction.

Biochemically viewed meromyosin form subunits of the actin-associated motor protein, myosin, which is formed by trypsin proteolysis (protein breakdown).[ citation needed ] Following proteolysis, two types of meromyosin are formed: heavy meromyosin (HMM) and light meromyosin (LMM).

Light meromyosin has a long, straight portion in the “tail” region. Heavy meromyosin is a protein chain terminating in a globular head portion/cross bridge. HMM consists of two subunits, Heavy Meromyosin Subunit 1 and 2 (HMMS-1 and HMMS-2). The majority of myosin activity is concentrated in HMMS-1. HMMS-1 has an actin binding site and ATP binding site (myosin ATPase) that determines the rate of muscle contraction when muscle is stretched.

Light and heavy meromyosin are subunits of myosin filaments (thick myofilaments).

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Edwin W. Taylor is an adjunct professor of cell and developmental biology at Northwestern University. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2001. Taylor received a BA in physics and chemistry from the University of Toronto in 1952; an MSc in physical chemistry from McMaster University in 1955, and a PhD in biophysics from the University of Chicago in 1957. In 2001 Taylor was elected to the National Academy of Scineces in Cellular and Developmental Biology and Biochemistry.