Michael Stocker

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Michael Stocker
Education Harvard University (Ph.D.), Columbia University (B.A.)
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Western philosophy
Institutions Syracuse University
Thesis Supererogation  (1965)
Doctoral advisor Roderick Firth, John Rawls
Main interests
moral psychology, moral philosophy, ethical theory
Notable ideas
Dirty hands and moral immorality, schizophrenia of modern ethical theories, plural and conflicting values, ethical and moral psychological significance of friendship and emotion

Michael Adam Gerber Stocker was an American philosopher and Irwin & Marjorie Guttag Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at Syracuse University. [1] He is known for his works on ethics. Stocker is the author of the seminal paper The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories. [2]



He earned his B.A. from Columbia College, where he was a student of Sidney Morgenbesser, and Ph.D. (1966) from Harvard University, where he wrote his dissertation on supererogation under the direction of John Rawls.



Select articles, book chapters (co-)authored

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  1. "Michael Stocker". PhilPeople.
  2. "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories - Michael Stocker - The Journal of Philosophy (Philosophy Documentation Center)". www.pdcnet.org.