Minimum-cost spanning tree game

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A minimum-cost spanning-tree game (MCST game) is a kind of a cooperative game. In an MCST game, each player is a node in a complete graph. The graph contains an additional node - the supply node - denoted by s. The goal of the players is that all of them will be connected by a path to s. To this end, they need to construct a spanning tree. Each edge in the graph has a cost, and the players build the minimum cost spanning tree. The question then arises, how to allocate the cost of this MCST among the players?


The solution offered by cooperative game theory is to consider the cost of each potential coalition - each subset of the players. The cost of each coalition S is the minimum cost of a spanning tree connecting only the nodes in S to the supply node s. The value of S is minus the cost of S. Using these definitions, various solution concepts from cooperative game theory can be applied. MCST games were introduced by Bird in 1976. [1]



Spanning forest games

A minimum-cost spanning-forest game (MCSF game) is a generalization of an MCST game, in which multiple supply-nodes are allowed. In general, the core of an MCSF game may be empty. [1] However, if the underlying network is a tree, the core is always non-empty, and core points can be computed in strongly-polynomial time. [9]

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  1. 1 2 3 Bird, C. G. (1976). "On cost allocation for a spanning tree: A game theoretic approach" . Networks. 6 (4): 335–350. doi:10.1002/net.3230060404.
  2. 1 2 Granot, Daniel; Huberman, Gur (1981-12-01). "Minimum cost spanning tree games" . Mathematical Programming. 21 (1): 1–18. doi:10.1007/BF01584227. ISSN   1436-4646. S2CID   26198019.
  3. 1 2 Granot, Daniel; Huberman, Gur (1984-07-01). "On the core and nucleolus of minimum cost spanning tree games". Mathematical Programming. 29 (3): 323–347. doi:10.1007/BF02592000. ISSN   1436-4646. S2CID   12124235.
  4. 1 2 Granot, D.; Maschler, M.; Owen, G.; Zhu, W. R. (1996-06-01). "The kernel/nucleolus of a standard tree game". International Journal of Game Theory. 25 (2): 219–244. doi:10.1007/BF01247104. ISSN   1432-1270. S2CID   120669939.
  5. Faigle, Ulrich; Kern, Walter; Kuipers, Jeroen (1998-12-01). "Computing the nucleolus of min-cost spanning tree games is NP-hard". International Journal of Game Theory. 27 (3): 443–450. doi:10.1007/s001820050083. ISSN   0020-7276. S2CID   46730554.
  6. Kuipers, Jeroen; Solymosi, Tamás; Aarts, Harry (2000-09-01). "Computing the nucleolus of some combinatorially-structured games". Mathematical Programming. 88 (3): 541–563. doi:10.1007/PL00011385. ISSN   1436-4646. S2CID   13149058.
  7. Megiddo, Nimrod (August 1978). "Computational Complexity of the Game Theory Approach to Cost Allocation for a Tree". Mathematics of Operations Research . 3 (3): 189–196. doi:10.1287/moor.3.3.189. ISSN   0364-765X.
  8. Galil, Zvi (1980-01-01). "Applications of efficient mergeable heaps for optimization problems on trees". Acta Informatica. 13 (1): 53–58. doi:10.1007/BF00288535. ISSN   0001-5903. S2CID   39221796.
  9. Granot, Daniel; Granot, Frieda (1992). "Computational Complexity of a Cost Allocation Approach to a Fixed Cost Spanning Forest Problem". Mathematics of Operations Research. 17 (4): 765–780. doi:10.1287/moor.17.4.765. ISSN   0364-765X. JSTOR   3690069.