Minister of Information (France)

Last updated

Minister of Information
Ministre de l'information
Alain Peyrefitte.jpg
Longest serving
Alain Peyrefitte

6 December 1962 – 8 January 1966
Ministry of Information
Member of Government
Reports to Prime Minister
Nominator Prime Minister
Appointer President
Term length No fixed term
Formation13 March 1938
First holder Ludovic-Oscar Frossard
Final holder Jean-Philippe Lecat
Abolished28 May 1974

The Minister of Information (French : Ministre de l'information) was the leader and most senior official of the French Ministry of Information. It was a position in the Government of France from 1938 to 1974 and no longer exists.



Initially created under the name of Minister of Propaganda under the second government of Léon Blum, the office adopted the Information denomination with the following administrations until 1974, date to which it was definitely disestablished.

Powers and functions


Third Republic

No.PortraitNameTermGovernment President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Ministry established
1 Frossard-1929.jpg Ludovic-Oscar Frossard 13 March 193810 April 193828 daysBlum II Albert Lebrun [1]
Office vacant from 10 April 1938 to 29 July 1939.
2 Jean Giraudoux 1927.jpg Jean Giraudoux 29 July 193921 March 1940236 daysDaladier IV–V Albert Lebrun [2]
3 Frossard-1929.jpg Ludovic-Oscar Frossard 21 March 19405 June 194076 daysRaynaud [3]
4 Jean Prouvost - Le remaniement du ministere Paul Reynaud - Le Matin.jpg Jean Prouvost 5 June 194012 July 194037 daysRaynaud

Vichy France

Took officeLeft officeTime in office
- Pierre Laval a Meurisse 1931.jpg Pierre Laval 12 July 194013 December 1940154 daysLaval V Philippe Pétain [5]
- Paul Baudoin.jpg Paul Baudoin 13 December 19402 January 194120 daysFlandin [6]
- Paul Marion 1936.jpg Paul Marion 23 February 194118 April 19421 year, 54 daysDarlan [7]
- Pierre Laval a Meurisse 1931.jpg Pierre Laval 18 April 194220 August 19442 years, 124 daysLaval VI [8]

Free France

Took officeLeft officeTime in office
5 Andre Diethelm.jpg André Diethelm 24 September 194128 July 1942307 days CNF Charles de Gaulle [9]
6 Jacques Soustelle, Bestanddeelnr 909-5719 (cropped).jpg Jacques Soustelle 28 July 19427 June 1943314 days [10]
7 Photograph of President Truman signing the document implementing the North Atlantic Treaty at his desk in the Oval... - NARA - 200163 (cropped).jpg Henri Bonnet 7 June 194310 September 19441 year, 95 days CFLN [11]

Provisional Government

No.PortraitNameTermGovernment President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
8 Pierre-Henri Teitgen.jpg Pierre-Henri Teitgen 10 September 194430 May 1945262 daysde Gaulle I Charles de Gaulle [12]
9 Jacques Soustelle en 1945.jpg Jacques Soustelle 30 May 194521 November 1945175 days [13]
10 Andre Malraux vers 1945.jpg André Malraux 21 November 194526 January 194666 daysde Gaulle II [14]
11 Gaston Defferre en 1945.jpg Gaston Defferre 26 January 194624 June 1946149 daysGouin Félix Gouin [15]
12 Blanco portrait.svg Robert Bichet24 June 194616 December 1946172 daysBidault I Georges Bidault [16]
Office vacant from 16 December 1946 to 26 July 1948.

Fourth Republic

No.PortraitNameTermGovernment President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
13 Portret van Francois Mitterrand, Bestanddeelnr 910-7485 (cropped).jpg François Mitterrand 26 July 19485 September 194841 daysMarie Vincent Auriol [17]
Office vacant from 5 September 1948 to 28 October 1949.
14 Pierre-Henri Teitgen.jpg Pierre-Henri Teitgen 28 October 19492 July 1950247 daysBidault I–II Vincent Auriol [18]
15 Blanco portrait.svg Jean Letourneau 2 July 195012 July 195010 daysQueuille II [19]
16 Blanco portrait.svg Albert Gazier 12 July 195011 August 19511 year, 30 daysPleven I
Queuille III
17 Robert Buron 1961.jpg Robert Buron 11 August 195120 January 1952162 daysPleven II [21]
18 Blanco portrait.svg Paul Coste-Floret 20 January 19528 March 195248 daysFaure I [22]
Office vacant from 8 March 1952 to 8 January 1953.
19 Blanco portrait.svg Émile Hugues 8 January 195318 June 19541 year, 161 daysMayer
Laniel I–II
Vincent Auriol [23]
René Coty
Office vacant from 18 June 1954 to 20 February 1955.
20 Blanco portrait.svg Georges Galy-Gasparrou20 January 195523 February 195534 daysMendès-France René Coty [24]
Office vacant from 23 February 1955 to 1 February 1956.
21 Blanco portrait.svg Gérard Jacquet1 February 195617 June 19571 year, 136 daysMollet René Coty [25]
22 Blanco portrait.svg Michel Soulié 17 June 195711 November 1957147 daysBourgès-Maunoury [26]
23 Blanco portrait.svg Émile Claparède11 November 195717 May 1958187 daysGaillard [27]
24 Blanco portrait.svg Albert Gazier 17 May 19581 June 195815 daysPflimlin [28]
25 Andre Malraux, Pic, 22.jpg André Malraux 1 June 19587 July 195836 daysde Gaulle III [29]
26 Jacques Soustelle, Bestanddeelnr 909-5719 (cropped).jpg Jacques Soustelle 7 July 19588 January 1959185 days [30]

Fifth Republic

No.PortraitNameTermGovernment President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
27 Blanco portrait.svg Roger Frey 8 January 19595 February 19601 year, 28 daysDebré Charles de Gaulle [31]
28 Blanco portrait.svg Louis Terrenoire 5 February 196024 August 19611 year, 178 days [32]
29 Blanco portrait.svg Christian de La Malène 24 August 196115 April 1962234 days [33]
30 Alain Peyrefitte.jpg Alain Peyrefitte 15 April 196211 September 1962149 daysPompidou I [34]
31 Christian Fouchet.jpg Christian Fouchet 11 September 19626 December 196286 days [35]
32 Alain Peyrefitte.jpg Alain Peyrefitte 6 December 19628 January 19663 years, 33 daysPompidou II [36]
33 Yvon Bourges (cropped).jpg Yvon Bourges 8 January 19667 April 19671 year, 89 daysPompidou III [37]
34 Blanco portrait.svg Georges Gorse 7 April 196731 May 19681 year, 54 daysPompidou IV [38]
35 Yves Guena (cropped).PNG Yves Guéna 31 May 196812 July 196842 days [39]
36 Blanco portrait.svg Joël Le Theule 12 July 196822 June 1969345 daysCouve de Murville [40]
Interim : Alain Poher
Office vacant from 22 June 1969 to 6 July 1972.
37 Francoise Foliot - Togo - 113 (cropped).jpg Philippe Malaud 6 July 197223 October 19731 year, 109 daysMessmer I–II Georges Pompidou [41]
38 Blanco portrait.svg Jean-Philippe Lecat 23 October 197328 May 1974217 daysMessmer II–III [42]
Interim : Alain Poher
Ministry disestablished



    1. Government of the French Republic (13 March 1938). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    2. Government of the French Republic (29 July 1939). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    3. Government of the French Republic (21 March 1940). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    4. Government of the French Republic (5 June 1940). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    5. Government of the French State (12 July 1940). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    6. Government of the French State (13 December 1940). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    7. Government of the French State (23 February 1941). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    8. Government of the French State (18 April 1942). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 14 July 2020.
    9. Government of the French Republic (24 September 1941). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 10 March 2020.
    10. Government of the French Republic (28 July 1942). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    11. Government of the French Republic (7 June 1943). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    12. Government of the French Republic (10 September 1944). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    13. Government of the French Republic (30 May 1945). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    14. Government of the French Republic (21 November 1945). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    15. Government of the French Republic (26 January 1946). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    16. Government of the French Republic (24 June 1946). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    17. Government of the French Republic (26 July 1948). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 September 2020.
    18. Government of the French Republic (28 October 1949). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 September 2020.
    19. Government of the French Republic (2 July 1950). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    20. Government of the French Republic (12 July 1950). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    21. Government of the French Republic (11 August 1951). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    22. Government of the French Republic (20 January 1952). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    23. Government of the French Republic (8 January 1953). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    24. Government of the French Republic (20 January 1955). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    25. Government of the French Republic (1 February 1956). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    26. Government of the French Republic (17 June 1957). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    27. Government of the French Republic (11 November 1957). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    28. Government of the French Republic (17 May 1958). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    29. Government of the French Republic (1 June 1958). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    30. Government of the French Republic (7 July 1958). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    31. Government of the French Republic (8 January 1959). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    32. Government of the French Republic (5 February 1960). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    33. Government of the French Republic (24 August 1961). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    34. Government of the French Republic (15 April 1962). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    35. Government of the French Republic (11 September 1962). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    36. Government of the French Republic (6 December 1962). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    37. Government of the French Republic (8 January 1966). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    38. Government of the French Republic (7 April 1967). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    39. Government of the French Republic (31 May 1968). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    40. Government of the French Republic (12 July 1968). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    41. Government of the French Republic (6 July 1972). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.
    42. Government of the French Republic (23 October 1973). "Decree on the composition of the government". (in French). Retrieved 13 July 2020.