Minister of War (France)

Last updated
Minister of War
Ministre de la guerre
Longest serving
Jacques Randon

5 May 1859 – 20 January 1867
Ministry of War
Member of Government
Reports to Prime Minister
Nominator Prime Minister
Appointer President
Term length No fixed term
Precursor Secretary of State for War
Formation25 May 1791
First holder Louis Lebègue Duportail
Final holder Paul Coste-Floret
Abolished31 October 1947
Succession Minister of the Armed Forces

The Minister of War (French : Ministre de la guerre) was the leader and most senior official of the French Ministry of War. It was a position in the Government of France from 1791 to 1947, replacing the position of Secretary of State for War and later being merged with the offices of Minister of the Navy and Minister of Air to form a new Minister of the Armed Forces.



In 1791, during the French Revolution, the Secretary of State for War became titled Minister of War. [1]

For most of its existence and until the beginning of the 20th century, ministers had always been Marshals or Generals. The Third Republic saw the gradual replacement of the military by civilian politicians to the office. It was also subject to the governmental instability of the regime, leading to ministers seating only for few days.[ citation needed ]

Powers and functions

On 27 April 1791, the National Constituent Assembly issued a decree organizing the six ministries of Justice, Interior, Finances, War, Navy and Foreign Affairs. The decree was signed into law on 25 May 1791 by King Louis XVI. [2] This law determined the responsibilities of the minister, giving him full authority on the French Army and the sole provost duties of the National Gendarmerie. It also resolved that the minister would be responsible for the administration and finances of his department.


Kingdom of France

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet King Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
Ministry established
1 Duportail exb.jpg Louis Lebègue Duportail 25 May 17917 December 1791196 days Louis XVI Louis XVI [a]
2 Louis Marie de Narbonne-Lara.png Louis de Narbonne-Lara 7 December 179110 March 179294 days [3]
3 Blanco portrait.svg Pierre Marie de Grave 10 March 179210 May 179261 days [4]
4 AduC 055 Servan (J. de Gerbey, 1741-1808).JPG Joseph Servan 10 May 179213 June 179234 days [5]
5 Charles-Francois Dumouriez.PNG Charles du Périer Dumouriez 13 June 179218 June 17925 days [6]
6 Blanco portrait.svg Pierre de Lajard 18 June 179223 July 179235 days [7]
7 Blanco portrait.svg Charles d'Abancourt 23 July 179210 August 179218 days [8]
8 AduC 055 Servan (J. de Gerbey, 1741-1808).JPG Joseph Servan 10 August 179222 September 179243 days [9]

First Republic

No.PortraitNameTerm [b] CabinetHead of StateRef.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
8 AduC 055 Servan (J. de Gerbey, 1741-1808).JPG Joseph Servan 22 September 1792
1 Vendémiaire Year I
3 October 1792
12 Vendémiaire Year I
11 days National Convention National Convention [c]
Interim by Pierre Lebrun-Tondu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, from 3 October 1792 to 24 January 1793.
9 AduC 122 Pache (J.N., 1746-1823).JPG Jean-Nicolas Pache 24 January 1793
5 Pluviôse Year I
4 February 1793
16 Pluviôse Year I
11 days National Convention National Convention [10]
10 Pierre Riel - marquis de Beurnonville.jpg Pierre Riel de Beurnonville 4 February 1793
16 Pluviôse Year I
4 April 1793
15 Germinal Year I
59 days [11]
11 Bouchotte retouche.JPG Jean Bouchotte 4 April 1793
15 Germinal Year I
20 April 1794
1 Floréal Year II
1 year, 16 days [12]
All ministries suspended and replaced by the Executive Commissions between 20 April 1794 and 3 November 1795. [13]
12 Aubert du Bayet peinture Guerin.jpg Jean-Baptiste Aubert du Bayet 3 November 1795
12 Brumaire Year IV
8 February 1796
19 Pluviôse Year IV
97 days Directory Directory [14]
13 AduC 259 Petiet (Claude, 1749-1806).JPG Claude Petiet 8 February 1796
19 Pluviôse Year IV
23 July 1797
5 Thermidor Year V
1 year, 165 days
14 Scherer.jpg Barthélemy Schérer 23 July 1797
5 Thermidor Year V
21 February 1799
3 Ventôse Year VII
1 year, 213 days [15]
15 Blanco portrait.svg Louis de Milet de Mureau 21 February 1799
3 Ventôse Year VII
2 July 1799
14 Messidor Year VII
131 days [16]
16 Charles XIV John in his days as a French field marshall.jpg Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte 2 July 1799
14 Messidor Year VII
14 September 1799
28 Fructidor Year VII
74 days [17]
17 Edmond Louis Dubois-Crance - Francois Bonneville.jpg Edmond Dubois-Crancé 14 September 1799
28 Fructidor Year VII
7 November 1799
16 Brumaire Year VIII
54 days [18]
18 Louis-Alexandre Berthier, marechal de camp, chef d'etat-major en 1792 (1753-1815).jpg Louis-Alexandre Berthier 7 November 1799
16 Brumaire Year VIII
2 April 1800
12 Germinal Year VIII
146 days Consulate Napoléon Bonaparte [19]
19 Lazare-Carnot-par-Boilly.jpg Lazare Carnot 2 April 1800
12 Germinal Year VIII
5 May 1800
16 Floréal Year VIII
33 days [20]
Interim by Jean-Gérard Lacuée, Councillor of State, from 5 May to 8 October 1800. [21]
20 Louis-Alexandre Berthier, marechal de camp, chef d'etat-major en 1792 (1753-1815).jpg Louis-Alexandre Berthier 8 October 1800
16 Vendémiaire Year IX
18 May 1804
28 Floréal Year XII
3 years, 223 days Consulate Napoléon Bonaparte [22]

First Empire

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet Emperor Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
20 Louis-Alexandre Berthier.png Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Prince de Neuchâtel
18 May 18049 August 18073 years, 83 days Napoléon Napoleon I [d]
21 Fabre - Henri-Jacques-Guillaume Clarke, Comte d'Hunebourg et Duc de Feltre, Marechal de l'Empire et Ministre de la Guerre.jpg Henri Guillaume Clarke
Duc de Feltre
9 August 180720 November 18136 years, 103 days [23]
22 Pierre Daru.jpg Pierre Daru
Comte Daru
20 November 18131 April 1814132 days [24]


No.PortraitNameTermCabinet King Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
23 General Pierre Dupont de l'Etang.jpg Pierre Antoine
Comte Dupont de l'Étang
3 April 181426 November 1814237 days Provisional Government Louis XVIII [25]
24 Jean-de-Dieu Soult, marechal duc de Dalmatie (1769-1851).jpg Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Duc de Dalmatie
26 November 181411 March 1815105 days [e]
25 Hunebourg.jpg Henri Guillaume Clarke
Duc de Feltre
11 March 181520 March 18159 days

Hundred Days

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet Emperor Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
26 Louis nicolas davout.jpg Louis Nicolas d'Avout
Duc d'Auerstaedt, Prince d'Eckmühl
20 March 18159 July 1815111 days Hundred Days Napoleon I [26]
Executive Commission Napoleon II

Kingdom of France

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet King Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
27 Laurent de Gouvion-Saint-Cyr.jpg Laurent de Gouvion
Marquis de Saint-Cyr
9 July 181528 September 181581 days Talleyrand Louis XVIII [27]
28 Hunebourg.jpg Henri Guillaume Clarke
Duc de Feltre
28 September 181512 September 18171 year, 349 days de Richelieu I
29 Laurent de Gouvion-Saint-Cyr.jpg Laurent de Gouvion
Marquis de Saint-Cyr
12 September 181719 November 18192 years, 68 days de Richelieu I
30 Lefevre (attribue a) - Victor de La Tour-Maubourg.jpg Victor de Faÿ
Marquis de La Tour-Maubourg
19 November 181914 December 18212 years, 25 days Decazes
de Richelieu II
31 Claude-Victor Perrin.jpg Claude Victor Perrin
Duc de Bellune
14 December 182123 March 18231 year, 99 days de Villèle [30]
Interim by Alexandre Elisabeth Michel, Vicomte Digeon, from 23 March to 15 April 1823. [31]
32 Claude-Victor Perrin.jpg Claude Victor Perrin
Duc de Bellune
15 April 182319 October 1823187 days de Villèle Louis XVIII
33 Ange Hyacinthe Maxence de Damas.jpg Ange Hyacinthe Maxence
Baron de Damas
19 October 18234 August 1824175 days [32]
34 Aime Marie Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre 2.jpg Aimé Marie Gaspard
Comte de Clermont-Tonnerre
4 August 18244 January 18283 years, 268 days [33]
Charles X
35 Louis-Victor de Caux de Blacquetot (1775-1845).jpg Louis Victor de Caux
Vicomte de Blacquetot
4 January 18288 August 18291 year, 216 days de Martignac [34]
36 Louis Auguste Victor de Ghaisne de Bourmont.jpg Louis Auguste Victor
Comte de Ghaisnes de Bourmont
8 August 182929 July 1830355 days de Polignac [35]
37 David Etienne Maurice Gerard.jpg Étienne Maurice
Comte Gérard
29 July 183017 November 1830115 days de Rochechouart de Mortemart
Paris Municipal Commission Cabinet
Provisional cabinet
First cabinet
Louis Philippe I
38 Jean-de-Dieu Soult, marechal duc de Dalmatie (1769-1851).jpg Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Duc de Dalmatie
17 November 183018 July 18343 years, 243 days Laffitte
Soult I
39 David Etienne Maurice Gerard.jpg Étienne Maurice
Comte Gérard
18 July 183410 November 1834115 days Gérard
40 Bernard, Simon.jpg Simon Bernard
10 November 183418 November 18348 days Maret
41 Dubufe - Marshal Mortier.jpg Édouard Mortier
Duc de Trévise
18 November 183412 March 1835114 days Mortier
Interim by Henri de Rigny, Minister without portfolio, from 12 March to 30 April 1835.
42 Cogniet - Nicolas-Joseph Maison (1771-1840) - MV 1168.jpg Nicolas Joseph
Marquis Maison
30 April 183519 September 18361 year, 142 days de Broglie
Thiers I
Louis Philippe I
Interim by Claude du Campe de Rosamel, Minister of Navy, from 6 September to 19 September 1836. [38]
43 Bernard, Simon.jpg Simon Bernard
19 September 183631 March 18392 years, 193 days Molé III Louis Philippe I [39]
44 Amedee Despans-Cubieres.png Amédée Despans-Cubières 31 March 183912 May 183942 days Transitional cabinet [40]
45 General Virgile Schneider (1779-1847).png Antoine Schneider 12 May 18391 March 1840294 days Soult II [41]
46 Amedee Despans-Cubieres.png Amédée Despans-Cubières 1 March 184029 October 1840242 days Thiers II [42]
47 Jean-de-Dieu Soult, marechal duc de Dalmatie (1769-1851).jpg Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Duc de Dalmatie
29 October 184010 November 18455 years, 12 days Soult III [43]
48 Moline-de-Saint-Yon.jpg Alexandre Moline de Saint-Yon 10 November 18459 May 18471 year, 180 days [44]
49 Trezel, Camille.jpg Camille Trézel 9 May 184724 February 1848291 days Soult III

Second Republic

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
50 Marie Alphonse Bedeau (1804 - 1863).jpg Alphonse Bedeau 24 February 184825 February 18481 day Provisional Government Provisional Government [46]
51 Subervie, ministre de la guerre.JPG Jacques Subervie 25 February 184819 March 184823 days [47]
Interim by François Arago, Minister of Navy, from 19 March to 20 March 1848. [48]
52 Louis Eugene Cavaignac MdesA 2014.jpg Louis-Eugène Cavaignac 20 March 18485 April 184816 days Provisional Government Provisional Government [49]
53 Arago Francois portrait.jpg François Arago 5 April 184811 May 184842 days Executive Commission Executive Commission [50]
Interim by Jean-Baptiste Charras, Under Secretary of State of War, from 11 May to 17 May 1848. [51]
54 Louis Eugene Cavaignac MdesA 2014.jpg Louis-Eugène Cavaignac 17 May 184828 June 184842 days Executive Commission Executive Commission [52]
55 General Lamoriciere - Vernet.jpg Louis Juchault de Lamoricière 28 June 184820 December 1848175 days Cavaignac Louis-Eugène Cavaignac [f] [53]
56 Rulliere, Joseph Marcellin.jpg Joseph Rullière 20 December 184831 October 1849315 days Barrot III Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
57 Alphonse Henri d'Hautpoul.jpg Alphonse d'Hautpoul 31 October 184922 October 1850356 days d'Hautpoul
58 Jean Paul Adam Schramm.JPG Jean-Paul de Schramm 22 October 18509 January 185179 days [54]
59 Regnault de Saint Jean d'Angely BNF Gallica.jpg Auguste Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély 9 January 185124 January 185115 days [55]
60 RANDON2.jpg Jacques Randon 24 January 185126 October 1851275 days Rouher
61 Leroy de Saint-Arnaud - photo Pierson.jpg Jacques Leroy de Saint-Arnaud 26 October 18512 December 18521 year, 37 days Last cabinet
Napoléon III

Second Empire

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet Emperor Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
61 Leroy de Saint-Arnaud - photo Pierson.jpg Jacques Leroy
de Saint-Arnaud
2 December 185211 March 18541 year, 99 days Napoléon III Napoleon III [d]
62 Jean-Baptiste Vaillant.jpg Jean-Baptiste Philibert
Comte Vaillant
11 March 18545 May 18595 years, 55 days [58]
63 RANDON2.jpg Jacques Louis César Alexandre
Comte Randon
5 May 185920 January 18677 years, 260 days [59]
64 Le marechal Niel.jpg Adolphe Niel 20 January 186713 August 1869†2 years, 205 days [60]
Interim by Charles Rigault de Genouilly, Minister of Navy, from 13 August to 21 August 1869.
65 Edmond Leboeuf.png Edmond Le Bœuf 21 August 186919 July 1870332 days Napoléon IV
Napoleon III [61]
Interim by Charles Dejean, Councillor of State, from 19 July to 9 August 1870. [62]
66 Palikao.jpg Charles Cousin-Montauban
Comte de Palikao
9 August 18704 September 187026 days Cousin-Montauban Napoleon III [63]

Third Republic

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
67 ADOLPHELEFLO2.jpg Adolphe Le Flô 4 September 18705 June 1871274 days National Defence
Dufaure I
Jules Trochu [g] [64]
Adolphe Thiers
68 Le general Ernest Louis Octave Courtot de Cissey (1810-1882).jpg Ernest de Cissey 5 June 187129 May 18731 year, 358 days Dufaure III [65]
69 Portrait of Francois Claude du Barail.jpg François du Barail 29 May 187322 May 1874358 days de Broglie III Patrice de MacMahon [66]
70 Le general Ernest Louis Octave Courtot de Cissey (1810-1882).jpg Ernest de Cissey 22 May 187415 August 18762 years, 85 daysde Cissey
Dufaure III – IV
71 Jean Auguste Berthaut 3100.JPG Jean Berthaut 15 August 187623 November 18771 year, 100 daysDufaure IV
de Broglie III
72 Rochebouet.jpg Gaëtan de Rochebouët 23 November 187713 December 187720 daysde Rochebouët [69]
73 Jean-Louis Borel - L'Illustration.jpg Jean-Louis Borel 13 December 187713 January 18791 year, 31 daysDufaure V [70]
74 Henri Gresley - photo Eugene Appert (cropped).jpg Henri Gresley 13 January 187928 December 1879349 daysDufaure V
Jules Grévy
75 General Farre.jpg Jean-Joseph Farre 28 December 187914 November 18811 year, 260 daysWaddington
de Freycinet I
Ferry I
76 Campenon, Jean Baptiste Marie Edouard.jpeg Jean-Baptiste Campenon 14 November 188130 January 188277 daysGambetta [73]
77 Jean-Baptiste Billot.jpg Jean-Baptiste Billot 30 January 188231 January 18831 year, 1 dayde Freycinet II
78 Thibaudin (Halle aux charges, 1883-10-08).jpg Jean Thibaudin 31 January 18839 October 1883251 daysFallières
Ferry II
79 Campenon, Jean Baptiste Marie Edouard.jpeg Jean-Baptiste Campenon 9 October 18833 January 18851 year, 86 daysFerry II [76]
80 Jules Louis Lewal.jpg Jules Lewal 3 January 18856 April 188536 days [77]
81 Campenon, Jean Baptiste Marie Edouard.jpeg Jean-Baptiste Campenon 6 April 18857 January 1886276 daysBrisson I [78]
82 Georges Ernest Boulanger by Atelier Nadar.jpg Georges Boulanger 7 January 188630 May 18871 year, 143 daysde Freycinet III
83 Theophile Ferron.jpg Théophile Ferron30 May 188712 December 1887196 daysRouvier I [80]
84 Francois Auguste LOGEROT.jpg François Logerot12 December 18873 April 1888113 daysTirard I Sadi Carnot [81]
85 Freycinet, de Saulces de, Charles, Nadar, Gallica.jpg Charles de Freycinet 3 April 188811 January 18934 years, 283 daysFloquet
Tirard II
de Freycinet IV
Ribot I
86 Julien Loizillon.jpg Julien Loizillon 11 January 18933 December 1893326 daysRibot II
Dupuy I
87 Auguste Mercier.jpg Auguste Mercier 3 December 189328 January 18951 year, 56 daysCasimir-Perier
Dupuy II – III
Jean Casimir-Perier
88 Zurlinden.jpg Émile Zurlinden 28 January 18951 November 1895277 daysRibot III [85]
89 Jacques Marie Eugene Godefroy Cavaignac.jpg Jacques Cavaignac 1 November 189529 April 1896180 daysBourgeois Félix Faure [86]
90 Jean-Baptiste Billot.jpg Jean-Baptiste Billot 29 April 189628 June 18982 years, 60 daysMéline [87]
91 Jacques Marie Eugene Godefroy Cavaignac.jpg Jacques Cavaignac 28 June 18985 September 189869 daysBrisson II [88]
92 Zurlinden.jpg Émile Zurlinden 5 September 189817 September 189812 days [89]
93 Chanoine.jpg Charles Chanoine 17 September 189825 October 189838 days [90]
Interim by Édouard Lockroy, Minister of Navy, from 25 October to 1 November 1898. [91]
94 Freycinet, de Saulces de, Charles, Nadar, Gallica.jpg Charles de Freycinet 1 November 18986 May 1899186 daysDupuy IV – V Félix Faure [92]
Émile Loubet
95 Krantz, Camille.jpg Camille Krantz6 May 189922 June 189947 daysDupuy V [93]
96 Galliffet, Gaston de.jpg Gaston de Galliffet 22 June 189929 May 1900341 daysWaldeck-Rousseau [94]
97 Chromo general Andre (cropped).jpg Louis André 29 May 190015 November 19044 years, 170 daysWaldeck-Rousseau
98 Maurice Berteaux.jpg Henri Berteaux 15 November 190412 November 1905362 daysCombes
Rouvier II
99 Eugene Etienne 1914.jpg Eugène Étienne 12 November 190525 October 1906347 daysRouvier II – III
Armand Fallières
100 Picquart.jpg Georges Picquart 25 October 190624 July 19092 years, 272 daysClemenceau I [98]
101 Jean Brun.jpg Jean Brun 24 July 190923 February 1911†1 year, 214 daysBriand I – II [99]
Interim by Aristide Briand, President of the Council of Ministers, from 23 February to 2 March 1911. [100]
102 Maurice Berteaux.jpg Henri Berteaux 2 March 191121 May 1911†80 daysMonis Armand Fallières [101]
Interim by Jean Cruppi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, from 21 May to 27 May 1911. [102]
103 Francois Goiran.jpg François Goiran 27 May 191127 June 191115 daysMonis Armand Fallières [103]
104 Adolphe Messimy 1914.jpg Adolphe Messimy 27 June 191114 January 1912201 daysCaillaux [104]
105 Alexandre Millerand 1914.jpg Alexandre Millerand 14 January 191212 January 1913364 daysPoincaré I [105]
106 Albert Lebrun 1932 (2).jpg Albert Lebrun 12 January 191321 January 19139 days [106]
107 Eugene Etienne 1914.jpg Eugène Étienne 21 January 19139 December 1913322 daysBriand III – IV
Raymond Poincaré
108 Joseph Noulens-1919.jpg Joseph Noulens 9 December 19139 June 1914182 daysDoumergue I [108]
109 Delcasse LCCN2014685739 (cropped).jpg Théophile Delcassé 9 June 191413 June 19144 daysRibot IV [109]
110 Adolphe Messimy 1914.jpg Adolphe Messimy 13 June 191426 August 191474 daysViviani I [110]
111 Alexandre Millerand 1914.jpg Alexandre Millerand 26 August 191429 October 19151 year, 64 daysViviani II [111]
112 Joseph Gallieni 01.jpg Joseph Gallieni 29 October 191516 March 1916139 daysBriand V [112]
113 Pierre Auguste Roques.jpg Pierre Roques 16 March 191612 December 1916271 days [113]
114 LYAUTEY PHOTO.jpg Hubert Lyautey 12 December 191615 March 191793 daysBriand VI [114]
Interim by Lucien Lacaze, Minister of Navy, from 15 March to 20 March 1917. [115]
115 Paul Painleve 1923.jpg Paul Painlevé 20 March 191716 November 1917241 daysRibot V
Painlevé I
Raymond Poincaré [116]
116 Georges Clemenceau par Nadar.jpg Georges Clemenceau 16 November 191720 January 19202 years, 65 daysClemenceau II [117]
117 Andre Lefevre (politician).jpg André Lefèvre 20 January 192016 December 1920331 daysMillerand I – II
Paul Deschanel
Alexandre Millerand
118 Flaminius Raiberti 1913.jpg Flaminius Raiberti 16 December 192016 January 192131 daysLeygues [119]
119 Louis Barthou 01.jpg Louis Barthou 16 January 192115 January 1922364 daysBriand VII [120]
120 Andre maginot loc.jpg André Maginot 15 January 192214 June 19242 years, 151 daysPoincaré II – III
121 Charles Nollet-1924.jpg Charles Nollet 14 June 192417 April 1925307 daysHerriot I Gaston Doumergue [122]
122 Paul Painleve 1923.jpg Paul Painlevé 17 April 192529 October 1925195 daysPainlevé II [123]
123 Edouard Daladier.jpg Édouard Daladier 29 October 192528 November 192531 daysPainlevé III [124]
124 Paul Painleve 1923.jpg Paul Painlevé 28 November 192523 June 1926207 daysBriand VIII – IX [125]
125 Adolphe Guillaumat 1921.jpg Adolphe Guillaumat 23 June 192619 July 1926207 daysBriand X [126]
126 Paul Painleve 1923.jpg Paul Painlevé 19 July 19263 November 19293 years, 107 daysHerriot II
Poincaré IV–V
Briand XI
127 Andre maginot loc.jpg André Maginot 3 November 192921 February 1930110 daysTardieu I [128]
128 Rene Besnard.jpg René Besnard 21 February 19302 March 19309 daysChautemps I [129]
129 Andre maginot loc.jpg André Maginot 2 March 193013 December 1930286 daysTardieu II [130]
130 Louis Barthou 01.jpg Louis Barthou 13 December 193027 January 193145 daysSteeg [131]
131 Andre maginot loc.jpg André Maginot 27 January 19317 January 1932†345 daysLaval I – II [132]
Paul Doumer
Interim by Charles Dumont, Minister of Navy, from 7 January to 14 January 1932.-
132 Andre Tardieu 1928.jpg André Tardieu 14 January 193220 February 193237 daysLaval III Paul Doumer [133]
133 Pietri-1929.jpg François Piétri [h] 20 February 19323 June 1932104 daysTardieu III [134]
134 Joseph Paul-Boncour 1923.jpg Joseph Paul-Boncour 3 June 193218 December 1932198 daysHerriot III Albert Lebrun [135]
135 Edouard Daladier.jpg Édouard Daladier 18 December 193230 January 19341 year, 43 daysPaul-Boncour
Daladier I
Sarraut I
Chautemps II
136 Jean Fabry.jpg Jean Fabry [i] 30 January 19344 February 19345 daysDaladier II [137]
137 Joseph Paul-Boncour 1923.jpg Joseph Paul-Boncour [i] 4 February 19349 February 19345 days [138]
138 Petain - Portrait photographique 1941.jpg Philippe Pétain 9 February 19348 November 1934272 daysDoumergue II [139]
139 Louis Maurin-1934.jpg Louis Maurin 8 November 19347 June 1935211 daysFlandin I
140 Jean Fabry.jpg Jean Fabry 7 June 193524 January 1936231 daysLaval IV [141]
141 Louis Maurin-1934.jpg Louis Maurin 24 January 19364 June 1936132 daysSarraut II [142]
142 Edouard Daladier.jpg Édouard Daladier [i] 4 June 193618 May 19403 years, 349 daysBlum I
Chautemps III – IV
Blum II
Daladier III – IV – V
143 Paul Reynaud 1940.jpg Paul Reynaud 18 May 194016 June 194029 daysReynaud [144]
144 Blanco portrait.svg Louis Colson 16 June 194010 July 194024 daysPétain [145]

Vichy France

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet Chief of State Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
- Blanco portrait.svg Louis Colson [j] 10 July 19406 September 194058 daysLaval V Philippe Pétain [146]
- General Charles Huntziger.jpg Charles Huntziger [j] 6 September 194011 November 1941†1 year, 66 daysLaval V
Flandin II
- Francois Darlan.jpg François Darlan [k] [j] 11 November 194118 April 1942158 daysDarlan
- Blanco portrait.svg Eugène Bridoux [j] 18 April 194220 August 19442 years, 124 daysLaval VI [148]

Free France

Took officeLeft officeTime in office
145 Blanco portrait.svg Paul Legentilhomme [l] 24 September 19419 November 19432 years, 46 days CNF Charles de Gaulle [149]
146 Andre Le Troquer.png André Le Troquer [l] 9 November 19434 April 1944147 days [150]
147 Andre Diethelm.jpg André Diethelm [l] 4 April 194410 September 1944159 days [151]

Provisional Government

No.PortraitNameTermCabinet President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
(147) Andre Diethelm.jpg André Diethelm 10 September 194421 November 19451 year, 72 daysde Gaulle I Charles de Gaulle [152]

Fourth Republic

No.PortraitNameTermGovernment President Ref.
Took officeLeft officeTime in office
148 Paul Coste-Floret.jpg Paul Coste-Floret
serving with
Defence Minister François Billoux
22 January 194722 October 1947273 daysRamadier I Vincent Auriol [153]
Ministry disestablished


  1. Secretary of State for War at the creation of the ministry.
  2. Dates in italic correspond to the French Republican calendar, used between 1793 (and retroactively 1792) and 1805.
  3. Remained in office at the proclamation of the Republic.
  4. 1 2 Remained in office at the proclamation of the Empire.
  5. Soult, as Minister of War, started countersigning the ordinance of Louis XVIII on 26 November 1814.
  6. As Chief of the Executive Power.
  7. President of the Government of National Defence.
  8. As Minister of National Defence.
  9. 1 2 3 As Minister of War and National Defence.
  10. 1 2 3 4 As Secretary of State of War.
  11. Ad interim initially, as Secretary of State of the Navy.
  12. 1 2 3 As Commissioner of War.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Henri Giraud</span> French military officer (1879–1949)

Henri Honoré Giraud was a French military officer who was a leader of the Free French Forces during the Second World War until he was forced to retire in 1944.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Minister of Police (France)</span>

The Minister of Police was the leader and most senior official of the French Ministry of Police. It was a position in the Government of France from 1796 to 1818 and briefly from 1852 to 1853.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Legislative Assembly (France)</span> Legislature from October 1791 to September 1792

The Legislative Assembly was the legislature of the Kingdom of France from 1 October 1791 to 20 September 1792 during the years of the French Revolution. It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making between the periods of the National Constituent Assembly and of the National Convention. Legislative Assembly saw an unprecedented turnover of four ministers of Justice, four ministers of Navy, six ministers of the interior, seven ministers of foreign affairs, and eight ministers of war.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Marie-Pierre Kœnig</span> French general (1898–1970)

Marie Joseph Pierre François Kœnig or Koenig was a French general during World War II during which he commanded a Free French Brigade at the Battle of Bir Hakeim in North Africa in 1942. He started a political career after the war and was posthumously elevated to the dignity of Marshal of France in 1984.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Minister of the Armed Forces (France)</span> Member of the Government of France

The Minister of the Armed Forces is the leader and most senior official of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, tasked with running the French Armed Forces. The minister is the third-highest civilian having authority over France's military, behind the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. Based on the governments, they may be assisted by a minister or state secretary for veterans' affairs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Minister of Information (France)</span>

The Minister of Information was the leader and most senior official of the French Ministry of Information. It was a position in the Government of France from 1938 to 1974 and no longer exists.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief of Staff of the French Army</span>

The Chief of the Army Staff is the military head of the French Army. The chief directs the army staff and acts as the principal advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff on subjects concerning the Army. As such, they ensure the operational preparedness of their service branch, express their need for military and civilian personnel, and are responsible for maintaining the discipline, morale and conduct of their troops. Special responsibilities can be assigned to them in relation to nuclear safety.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief of the Defence Staff (France)</span> Commander of French Armed Forces

The Chief of the Defence Staff is the military head of the Armed Forces of the French Republic, overseeing all military operations. They are responsible to the Minister of the Armed Forces and their deputy is the Major General of the Defence Staff. Since the 1950s, the office has been held only by four-star generals (OF–9), either from the Army, the Navy, or the Air and Space Force. The current Chief is General Thierry Burkhard, who took the position on 22 July 2021.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief of Staff of the French Air and Space Force</span> Head of the French Air and Space Force

The Chief of the Air and Space Force Staff is the military head of the French Air and Space Force. The chief directs the air and space force staff and acts as the principal advisor to the Chief of the Defence Staff on subjects concerning the Air and Space Force. As such, they ensure the operational preparedness of their service branch, express their need for military and civilian personnel, and are responsible for maintaining the discipline, morale and conduct of their troops. Special responsibilities can be assigned to them in relation to nuclear safety.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief of Staff of the French Navy</span>

The Chief of the Naval Staff is a French general officer, adviser to the Chief of the Defence Staff for the French Navy and responsible to the Minister of the Armed Forces for preparing the Navy for its engagement. Since 1 September 2023, the Chief of the Naval Staff has been Admiral Nicolas Vaujour.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Joseph Barès</span> French general

Joseph Édouard Barès was a French general and a pioneer of military aviation. A veteran of the First World War, he later served three time as Chief of Staff of the French Air Force.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Godefroy Calès</span> French physician and politician

Jean Marie Noël Godefroy Calès was a French physician and politician. He was born on 21 March 1799 in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) and died on 25 July 1868 in Villefranche-de-Lauragais (Haute-Garonne).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Major General of the Defence Staff (France)</span>

The Major General of the Defence Staff is a high ranking general officer of the French Armed Forces and the deputy to the Chief of the Defence Staff. As such, it is the second highest position in the armed forces. Major Generals are nominated by the Minister of the Armed Forces and appointed by the Commander-in-Chief, the President of the French Republic. The designation of Major General is not indicative of any rank but is rather a position, as the most recent office holders were all four star generals (OF-9).

The Ministry of War was the Government of France department responsible for the French Army, the National Gendarmerie and until 1934, the French Air Force. It existed from 25 May 1791 to 31 October 1947, date to which it was merged with the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of Air into the Ministry of Armed Forces. It was headed by the Minister of War, occasionally taking various titles.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cabinet Dufaure I (France)</span> 54th cabinet of France

The First cabinet of Jules Dufaure was the 54th cabinet of France and the second of the Third Republic, seating from 19 February 1871 to 18 May 1873, headed by Jules Dufaure as Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Justice, under the presidency of Adolphe Thiers.

The Second Cabinet of Jules Dufaure is the 55th cabinet of France and the third of the Third Republic, seating from 18 May 1873 to 25 May 1873, headed by Jules Dufaure as Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Justice, under the presidency of Adolphe Thiers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">First Cabinet of Albert de Broglie</span> 56th cabinet of France

The First Cabinet of Albert de Broglie is the 56th cabinet of France and the fourth of the Third Republic, seating from 25 May 1873 to 26 November 1873, headed by Albert de Broglie as vice-president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs, under the presidency of Patrice de MacMahon.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Second Cabinet of Albert de Broglie</span> 57th cabinet of France

The Second Cabinet of Albert de Broglie is the 57th cabinet of France and the fifth of the Third Republic, seating from 26 November 1873 to 22 May 1874, headed by Albert de Broglie as Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Interior, under the presidency of Patrice de MacMahon.


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