Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (Tanzania)

Last updated
Ministry of Health, Tanzania
Wizara ya Afya (Swahili)
Ministry overview
Superseding agency
Jurisdiction Government of Tanzania
Headquarters Dodoma
Minister responsible
Deputy Minister responsible
Ministry executive

The Ministry of Health is a government ministry of Tanzania. Its central offices are located in Dodoma. Its mission is to "facilitate the provision of basic health services that are good, quality, equitable, accessible, affordable, sustainable[,] and gender-sensitive". [1]


It was merged with the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elders and Children under John Magufuli's reforms.


The structure of the ministry is as follows: [2]

Office of the Chief Medical Officer

Preventive Services Division

  • Epidemiology and Diseases Control Section
  • Reproductive and Child Health Section
  • Environmental Health, Hygiene and Sanitation Section
  • Health Education and Promotion Section
  • Nutritional Services Section

Curative Services Division

  • Public and Private Health Services Section
  • Diagnostic and Health Care Technical Services Section
  • Traditional and Alternative Medicine Section
  • Oral Health Services Section
  • Non Communicable Diseases, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Section

Human Resources Development Division

  • Health Human Resources Planning Section
  • Allied Health Sciences Training Section
  • Nursing Services Training Section
  • Continue Education and Postgraduate Training Section
  • Social Welfare Staff Development Section

Health Quality Assurance Division

  • Pharmaceutical Services Section
  • Health Services Inspectorate and Quality Assurance Section
  • Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Section
  • Nursing Services Section

Social Welfare Division

Administration and Human Resources Management Division

Policy and Planning Division

Miscellaneous units

See also

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