Mir-671 microRNA precursor family

Last updated
Rfam RF00891
miRBase family MIPF0000358
Other data
RNA type microRNA
Domain(s) Eukaryota;
PDB structures PDBe

In molecular biology mir-671 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.


Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

miR-671 expression levels have been found to be vary significantly between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic forms of fatty liver disease. [1]

CDR1 regulation

miR-671 has been seen to negatively regulate the CDR1 (Cerebellar Degeneration-Related protein 1) gene, through the targeting and cleavage of a circular antisense transcript of the CDR1 locus. There is a partnered decrease in CDR1 mRNA levels with this downregulation. [2]

FN1 repression

miR-671 is able to bind to and repress fibronection type 1 (FN1) mRNA at its 3'untranslated region binding site. [3]

See also

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microRNA Small non-coding ribonucleic acid molecule

MicroRNA (miRNA) are small, single-stranded, non-coding RNA molecules containing 21 to 23 nucleotides. Found in plants, animals and some viruses, miRNAs are involved in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. miRNAs base-pair to complementary sequences in mRNA molecules, then silence said mRNA molecules by one or more of the following processes:

  1. Cleavage of the mRNA strand into two pieces,
  2. Destabilization of the mRNA by shortening its poly(A) tail, or
  3. Reducing translation of the mRNA into proteins.

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miR-27 Family of microRNA precursors found in animals

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Circular RNA</span> Type of RNA found in cells

In molecular biology, circular RNA is a type of single-stranded RNA which, unlike linear RNA, forms a covalently closed continuous loop. In circular RNA, the 3' and 5' ends normally present in an RNA molecule have been joined together. This feature confers numerous properties to circular RNA, many of which have only recently been identified.

NamiRNAs are a type of miRNAs present in the nucleus, which can activate gene expression by binding to the enhancer, and therefore were named nuclear activating miRNAs (NamiRNAs), such as miR-24-1 and miR-26. These miRNAs loci are enriched with epigenetic markers that display enhancer activity like histone H3K27ac, P300/CBP, and DNaseI high-sensitivity loci. These NamiRNAs are able to activate the related enhancers and co-work with them to up-regulate the expression of neighboring genes. NamiRNAs are able to promote global gene transcription by binding their targeted enhancers in whole genome level.


  1. Estep M, Armistead D, Hossain N, Elarainy H, Goodman Z, Baranova A, et al. (2010). "Differential expression of miRNAs in the visceral adipose tissue of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 32 (3): 487–97. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04366.x . PMID   20497147.
  2. Hansen TB, Wiklund ED, Bramsen JB, Villadsen SB, Statham AL, Clark SJ, et al. (2011). "miRNA-dependent gene silencing involving Ago2-mediated cleavage of a circular antisense RNA". EMBO J. 30 (21): 4414–22. doi:10.1038/emboj.2011.359. PMC   3230379 . PMID   21964070.
  3. Rutnam ZJ, Yang BB (2012). "The non-coding 3' UTR of CD44 induces metastasis by regulating extracellular matrix functions". J Cell Sci. 125 (Pt 8): 2075–85. doi: 10.1242/jcs100818 . PMID   22637644.

Further reading