Mir-672 microRNA precursor family

Last updated
Rfam RF00911
miRBase family MIPF0000391
Other data
RNA type microRNA
Domain(s) Eukaryota;
PDB structures PDBe

In molecular biology mir-672 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms.


miR-672 is underexpressed in neuroblastoma cells and has been associated with cancer pathways. [1] It has further been identified as one of six miRNAs significantly downregulated in dorsal root ganglia following sciatic nerve entrapment. [2] Additionally, miR-672 has been found to be X-linked and to show preferential expression in testes and ovaries. [3]

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  1. Cleavage of the mRNA strand into two pieces,
  2. Destabilization of the mRNA by shortening its poly(A) tail, or
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  1. Liu DZ, Ander BP, Tian Y, Stamova B, Jickling GC, Davis RR, et al. (2012). "Integrated analysis of mRNA and microRNA expression in mature neurons, neural progenitor cells and neuroblastoma cells". Gene. 495 (2): 120–7. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2011.12.041. PMID   22244746.
  2. Rau CS, Jeng JC, Jeng SF, Lu TH, Chen YC, Liliang PC, et al. (2010). "Entrapment neuropathy results in different microRNA expression patterns from denervation injury in rats". BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 11: 181. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-11-181 . PMC   2927509 . PMID   20704709.
  3. Ahn HW, Morin RD, Zhao H, Harris RA, Coarfa C, Chen ZJ, et al. (2010). "MicroRNA transcriptome in the newborn mouse ovaries determined by massive parallel sequencing". Mol Hum Reprod. 16 (7): 463–71. doi:10.1093/molehr/gaq017. PMC   2882868 . PMID   20215419.