The multiple subset sum problem is an optimization problem in computer science and operations research. It is a generalization of the subset sum problem. The input to the problem is a multiset of n integers and a positive integer m representing the number of subsets. The goal is to construct, from the input integers, some m subsets. The problem has several variants:
When m is variable (a part of the input), both problems are strongly NP-hard, by reduction from 3-partition. This means that they have no FPTAS unless P=NP.
Even when m=2, the problems do not have an FPTAS unless P=NP. This can be shown by a reduction from the equal-cardinality partition problem (EPART):
The following approximation algorithms are known: [1]
The fair subset sum problem [4] (FSSP) is a generalization of SSP in which, after the subset is selected, its items are allocated among two or more agents. The utility of each agent equals the sum of weights of the items allocated to him/her. The goal is that the utility profile satisfies some criterion of fairness, such as the egalitarian rule or the proportional-fair rule. Two variants of the problem are:
Both variants are NP-hard. However, there are pseudopolynomial time algorithms for enumerating all Pareto-optimal solutions when there are two agents: [5]
Nicosia, Pacifici and Pferschy study the price of fairness, that is, the ratio between the maximum sum of utilities, and the maximum sum of utilities in a fair solution:
In both cases, if the item value is bounded by some constant a, then the POF is bounded by a function of a. [5]
The multiple knapsack problem (MKP) is a generalization of both the max-sum MSSP and the knapsack problem. In this problem, there are m knapsacks and n items, where each item has both a value and a weight. The goal is to pack as much value as possible into the m bins, such that the total weight in each bin is at most its capacity.
The MKP has a Polynomial-time approximation scheme. [6]
The knapsack problem is the following problem in combinatorial optimization:
The subset sum problem (SSP) is a decision problem in computer science. In its most general formulation, there is a multiset of integers and a target-sum , and the question is to decide whether any subset of the integers sum to precisely . The problem is known to be NP-hard. Moreover, some restricted variants of it are NP-complete too, for example:
In computational complexity theory, the class APX is the set of NP optimization problems that allow polynomial-time approximation algorithms with approximation ratio bounded by a constant. In simple terms, problems in this class have efficient algorithms that can find an answer within some fixed multiplicative factor of the optimal answer.
A fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) is an algorithm for finding approximate solutions to function problems, especially optimization problems. An FPTAS takes as input an instance of the problem and a parameter ε > 0. It returns as output a value is at least times the correct value, and at most times the correct value.
Uniform machine scheduling is an optimization problem in computer science and operations research. It is a variant of optimal job scheduling. We are given n jobs J1, J2, ..., Jn of varying processing times, which need to be scheduled on m different machines. The goal is to minimize the makespan - the total time required to execute the schedule. The time that machine i needs in order to process job j is denoted by pi,j. In the general case, the times pi,j are unrelated, and any matrix of positive processing times is possible. In the specific variant called uniform machine scheduling, some machines are uniformly faster than others. This means that, for each machine i, there is a speed factor si, and the run-time of job j on machine i is pi,j = pj / si.
In applied mathematics, the maximum generalized assignment problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization. This problem is a generalization of the assignment problem in which both tasks and agents have a size. Moreover, the size of each task might vary from one agent to the other.
Exact division, also called consensus division, is a partition of a continuous resource ("cake") into some k pieces, such that each of n people with different tastes agree on the value of each of the pieces. For example, consider a cake which is half chocolate and half vanilla. Alice values only the chocolate and George values only the vanilla. The cake is divided into three pieces: one piece contains 20% of the chocolate and 20% of the vanilla, the second contains 50% of the chocolate and 50% of the vanilla, and the third contains the rest of the cake. This is an exact division (with k=3 and n=2), as both Alice and George value the three pieces as 20%, 50% and 30% respectively. Several common variants and special cases are known by different terms:
In computational complexity theory, a branch of computer science, the Max/min CSP/Ones classification theorems state necessary and sufficient conditions that determine the complexity classes of problems about satisfying a subset S of boolean relations. They are similar to Schaefer's dichotomy theorem, which classifies the complexity of satisfying finite sets of relations; however, the Max/min CSP/Ones classification theorems give information about the complexity of approximating an optimal solution to a problem defined by S.
Utilitarian cake-cutting is a rule for dividing a heterogeneous resource, such as a cake or a land-estate, among several partners with different cardinal utility functions, such that the sum of the utilities of the partners is as large as possible. It is a special case of the utilitarian social choice rule. Utilitarian cake-cutting is often not "fair"; hence, utilitarianism is often in conflict with fair cake-cutting.
Truthful job scheduling is a mechanism design variant of the job shop scheduling problem from operations research.
A random-sampling mechanism (RSM) is a truthful mechanism that uses sampling in order to achieve approximately-optimal gain in prior-free mechanisms and prior-independent mechanisms.
The quadratic knapsack problem (QKP), first introduced in 19th century, is an extension of knapsack problem that allows for quadratic terms in the objective function: Given a set of items, each with a weight, a value, and an extra profit that can be earned if two items are selected, determine the number of items to include in a collection without exceeding capacity of the knapsack, so as to maximize the overall profit. Usually, quadratic knapsack problems come with a restriction on the number of copies of each kind of item: either 0, or 1. This special type of QKP forms the 0-1 quadratic knapsack problem, which was first discussed by Gallo et al. The 0-1 quadratic knapsack problem is a variation of knapsack problems, combining the features of unbounded knapsack problem, 0-1 knapsack problem and quadratic knapsack problem.
Maximin share (MMS) is a criterion of fair item allocation. Given a set of items with different values, the 1-out-of-n maximin-share is the maximum value that can be gained by partitioning the items into n parts and taking the part with the minimum value.
In computer science, multiway number partitioning is the problem of partitioning a multiset of numbers into a fixed number of subsets, such that the sums of the subsets are as similar as possible. It was first presented by Ronald Graham in 1969 in the context of the Identical-machines scheduling problem. The problem is parametrized by a positive integer k, and called k-way number partitioning. The input to the problem is a multiset S of numbers, whose sum is k*T.
Egalitarian item allocation, also called max-min item allocation is a fair item allocation problem, in which the fairness criterion follows the egalitarian rule. The goal is to maximize the minimum value of an agent. That is, among all possible allocations, the goal is to find an allocation in which the smallest value of an agent is as large as possible. In case there are two or more allocations with the same smallest value, then the goal is to select, from among these allocations, the one in which the second-smallest value is as large as possible, and so on. Therefore, an egalitarian item allocation is sometimes called a leximin item allocation.
Identical-machines scheduling is an optimization problem in computer science and operations research. We are given n jobs J1, J2, ..., Jn of varying processing times, which need to be scheduled on m identical machines, such that a certain objective function is optimized, for example, the makespan is minimized.
Unrelated-machines scheduling is an optimization problem in computer science and operations research. It is a variant of optimal job scheduling. We need to schedule n jobs J1, J2, ..., Jn on m different machines, such that a certain objective function is optimized. The time that machine i needs in order to process job j is denoted by pi,j. The term unrelated emphasizes that there is no relation between values of pi,j for different i and j. This is in contrast to two special cases of this problem: uniform-machines scheduling - in which pi,j = pi / sj, and identical-machines scheduling - in which pi,j = pi.
Matroid-constrained number partitioning is a variant of the multiway number partitioning problem, in which the subsets in the partition should be independent sets of a matroid. The input to this problem is a set S of items, a positive integer m, and some m matroids over the same set S. The goal is to partition S into m subsets, such that each subset i is an independent set in matroid i. Subject to this constraint, some objective function should be minimized, for example, minimizing the largest sum item sizes in a subset. In a more general variant, each of the m matroids has a weight function, which assigns a weight to each element of the ground-set. Various objective functions have been considered. For each of the three operators max,min,sum, one can use this operator on the weights of items in each subset, and on the subsets themselves. All in all, there are 9 possible objective functions, each of which can be maximized or minimized.
The welfare maximization problem is an optimization problem studied in economics and computer science. Its goal is to partition a set of items among agents with different utility functions, such that the welfare – defined as the sum of the agents' utilities – is as high as possible. In other words, the goal is to find an item allocation satisfying the utilitarian rule.