Nagnechiya Maa

Last updated
Nagnechiya Maa
Maa Nagneshwari Khakhrechi.JPG
The Goddess
Affiliation Hinduism
AbodeNagaana, India
Adherents Rathore Rajput,Sewad Rajpurohit and Sodha Rajpurohit community
Region India
TempleTemple at Nagaana

Nagnechiya Maa (Nagnechi Ma, Nagnechia Ma) is the kuldevi of the Rathore Rajput ,Sewad Rajourohit and Sodha Rajpurohit community along with Bhandari[Maheshwari] in India.

Rao Dhuhad or Rao Dhuhar brought sculpture of Nagnechi maa. He bought this sculpture from karnatka state of India between 1295-1305. A Temple was made at Nagaana for Nagnechi maa. Maa Nagnechi is Kuldevi of Rathore of Marwar.