Nahum ben Joseph Samuel Sokolow (Hebrew :נחוםט' סוקולובNachum ben Yosef Shmuel Soqolov,Yiddish :סאָקאָלאָוו;10 January 1859 –17 May 1936) was a Zionist leader,author,translator,and a pioneer of Hebrew journalism.
Nahum Sokolow was born in Wyszogród,in the Płock Governorate of Congress Poland in the Russian Empire. He began to attend heder at the age of three. When he was five,his parents moved to Płock. At the age of ten,he was already renowned as a Hebrew scholar. His father wanted him to study for the rabbinate but with the intervention of Baron Wrangel,the governor of Płock,he enrolled in a secular school. He married at eighteen and settled in Makov,where his father-in-law lived,and earned a living as a wool merchant. At the age of 20,he moved to Warsaw and became a regular contributor to the Hebrew daily HaTzefirah . Eventually he wrote his own column and went on to become editor and co-owner. [1] In 1914,after the outbreak of World War I,he moved to London to work with Chaim Weizmann. [2]
Sokolow died in London in 1936.
Sokolow was a prolific author and translator. His works include a three-volume history of Baruch Spinoza and his times,and various other biographies. He was the first to translate Theodor Herzl's novel Altneuland into Hebrew,giving it the name Tel Aviv (literally,"An Ancient Hill of Spring"). In 1909,the name was adopted for the first modern Hebrew-speaking city.
In 1931,Sokolow was elected President of the World Zionist Congress and served in that capacity until 1935,when he was succeeded by Chaim Weizmann. Sokolow also served as President of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (now called the Jewish Agency for Israel) between 1931 and 1933,when he was succeeded by Arthur Ruppin. In 1906,Sokolow was asked to become the secretary general of the World Zionist Congress. In the ensuing years,he crisscrossed Europe and North America to promote the Zionist cause. After moving to London,he was a leading advocate for the Balfour Declaration in which the British government declared its support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
On 6 February 1917,a meeting was held in Maida Vale with Weizmann to discuss the results of the Picot convention in Paris. Sokolow and Weizmann pressed on after they had seized leadership from Gaster;they were granted official recognition from the British government. [3] Historian Martin Kramer argues that securing the assent of Britain's French and American Allies and of the Vatican,which controlled many Christian Holy Sites in the Land of Israel,was a necessary precondition for the Balfour Declaration. Sokolow secured the support of Pope Benedict XV on 4 May 1917,who described the return of the Jews to Palestine as "providential;God has willed it". [4] Sokolow secured the assent of France in the Cambon letter of 4 June 1917,signed by Jules Cambon,the head of the political section of the French foreign ministry. [4]
Chaim Weizmann wrote to the Manchester Zionist,Harry Sacher,who became a focus for the view that Sokolow and Weizmann had capitulated and forfeited the right to lead by "preferring British Imperialism... to Zionism". [5] Sokolow acted as Weizmann's eyes and ears in Paris on a diplomatic mission with Sir Mark Sykes to negotiate with the French. The idea that the Jews would form a new kind of Triple Entente under the Ottoman Empire was unsettling to them. No,the delegation left for Paris on 31 March 1917. One purpose of the Entente was to strengthen the hand of Zionism in the US. "The Jews represented a powerful political and economic force... if subterranean influence". [6] Sokolow did not know of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and British-French understanding on Middle Eastern policy matters. He believed that he must report to Weizmann that what France really meant by a "Greater Syria",taking the whole of Palestine for themselves. In a series of letters in April and May 1917,Weizmann accused Sokolow of letting the Zionists down in negotiations with France. Sokolow countered by replying that he remained totally committed to a British Palestine.
The desiderata or things desired by the Jews for their new homeland were "facilities of colonization,communal autonomy,rights of language and establishment of a Jewish chartered company." [7] Sokolow's eventual diplomacy triumph for Zionism in Paris made them "accept in principle the recognition of Jewish nationality in the capacity of National Home,local autonomy etc. It is beyond my boldest expectations",he wrote. They expected a quid pro quo for support against Germany,which was further made urgent by the entry of the US on 6 April 1917 to the global conflict. They now associated an Allied victory with securing "Zionist aspirations",a phrase also used by Sykes in his despatches to Balfour. [8] On 9 April,the Paris conference ended,marking a high point in Sokolow's career. The Zionists were now open to all diplomatic rounds. Sokolov came to Rome to gain support for the plan of a Jewish state in Palestine and spoke to Monsignor Eugenio Pacelli,the future Pope Pius XII. That Pope Benedict XV had vehemently condemned anti-Semitism a year earlier was seen as a good omen.
In Rome,the Vatican City were considering accepting terms. Sokolow's letters asked advice from Weizmann;the amazed Sokolow met the Pope on 6 May. The Zionists began to feel more confident about their patriotism. Sokolow asked for "moral support",a philosophical equality,and immediately wrote Weizmann about the "expressing of favour",but Weizmann was not so emotional since he had a tough hard-headed businesslike character. He congratulated Sokolow on the success. Sokolow was called upon to stop at Paris by Jules Cambon and Prime Minister Alexandre Ribot. They were still concerned that Zionism would cause unlimited damage to world security if unleashed in Bolshevik Russia.
The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine,then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild,a leader of the British Jewish community,for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.
Chaim Azriel Weizmann was a Russian-born Israeli statesman,biochemist,and Zionist leader who served as president of the Zionist Organization and later as the first president of Israel. He was elected on 16 February 1949,and served until his death in 1952. Weizmann was instrumental in obtaining the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and convincing the United States government to recognize the newly formed State of Israel in 1948.
This is a partial timeline of Zionism since the start of the 16th century.
A homeland for the Jewish people is an idea rooted in Jewish history,religion,and culture. The Jewish aspiration to return to Zion,generally associated with divine redemption,has suffused Jewish religious thought since the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile.
The Faisal–Weizmann agreement was signed by Emir Faisal,the third son of Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi,King of the short-lived Kingdom of Hejaz,and Chaim Weizmann,President of the Zionist Organization on 3 January 1919. Signed two weeks before the start of the Paris Peace Conference,it was presented by the Zionist delegation alongside a March 1919 letter written by T. E. Lawrence in Faisal's name to American Zionist leader Felix Frankfurter as two documents to argue that the Zionist plans for Palestine had prior approval of Arabs.
The Biltmore Conference,also known by its resolution as the Biltmore Program,was a fundamental departure from traditional Zionist policy by its demand "that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth." The meeting was held in New York City,at the prestigious Biltmore Hotel,from May 9 to May 11,1942,with 600 delegates and Zionist leaders from 18 countries attending.
Yosef Sprinzak was a leading Zionist activist in the first half of the 20th century,an Israeli politician,and the first Speaker of the Knesset,a role he held from 1949 until his death in 1959.
Joseph Massel,born in Wjasin near Vilna,Russia,1850;d. Manchester,1912) was a Zionist activist,writer,Hebrew poet and translator.
Zionist Commission for Palestine was a commission chaired by Chaim Weizmann,president of the British Zionist Federation following British promulgation of the pro-Zionist,Balfour Declaration. The Commission was formed in March 1918 and went to Palestine to study conditions and submit recommendations to the British authorities.
As an organized nationalist movement,Zionism is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. However,the history of Zionism began earlier and is intertwined with Jewish history and Judaism. The organizations of Hovevei Zion,held as the forerunners of modern Zionist ideals,were responsible for the creation of 20 Jewish towns in Palestine between 1870 and 1897.
L. J. Greenberg,born Leopold Jacob Greenberg (1861–1931),was a British journalist. He had become an energetic propagandist of the new Zionism in England by the Third Zionist Congress in 1899,at which he and Jacob de Haas were elected as members of the ZO's Propaganda Committee. His frequent dialectical debates were conducted as editor of The Jewish Chronicle,the leading paper in Britain for the Jewish community. Greenberg called for decency and humanity towards World Jewry.
Colonel Sir Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes,6th Baronet was an English traveller,Conservative Party politician,and diplomatic advisor,particularly with regard to the Middle East at the time of the First World War.
The common definition of Zionism was principally the endorsement of the Jewish people to establish a Jewish national home in Palestine,secondarily the claim that due to a lack of self-determination,this territory must be re-established as a Jewish state. Historically,the establishment of a Jewish state has been understood in the Zionist mainstream as establishing and maintaining a Jewish majority. Zionism was produced by various philosophers representing different approaches concerning the objective and path that Zionism should follow. A "Zionist consensus" commonly refers to an ideological umbrella typically attributed to two main factors:a shared tragic history,and the common threat posed by Israel's neighboring enemies.
Harry Sacher was a British businessman,journalist,and Zionist leader. He was appointed director of Marks &Spencer in 1932.
The Mandate for Palestine was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan –which had been part of the Ottoman Empire for four centuries –following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. The mandate was assigned to Britain by the San Remo conference in April 1920,after France's concession in the 1918 Clemenceau–Lloyd George Agreement of the previously agreed "international administration" of Palestine under the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Transjordan was added to the mandate after the Arab Kingdom in Damascus was toppled by the French in the Franco-Syrian War. Civil administration began in Palestine and Transjordan in July 1920 and April 1921,respectively,and the mandate was in force from 29 September 1923 to 15 May 1948 and to 25 May 1946 respectively.
Sir Leon Simon was a leading British Zionist intellectual and civil servant who took part in the drafting of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and served on the Zionist Commission with Chaim Weizmann. An advocate of cultural Zionism and the revival of Hebrew language,Simon was a scholar and translator of Ahad Ha'am,and produced the first modern Hebrew translations of Plato. He served as the Chairman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Executive Council,and from 1949–50 as the university's President.
The Future of Palestine,also known as the Samuel memorandum,was a memorandum circulated by Herbert Samuel to the British Cabinet in January and March 1915,two months after the British declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire.
Dvorah Barzilay-Yegar is an Israeli historian,who has carried out many years of scholarly research into the life and political activities of Chaim Weizmann,the first President of Israel.
The Cambon letter was an unpublished letter by French diplomat Jules Cambon to Zionist diplomat Nahum Sokolow. It was issued by the French government in June 1917 during the First World War,announcing support for the Zionist project in Palestine,then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. It read:
You were good enough to present the project to which you are devoting your efforts,which has for its object the development of Jewish colonization in Palestine.You consider that,circumstances permitting,and the independence of the Holy Places being safeguarded on the other hand,it would be a deed of justice and of reparation to assist,by the protection of the Allied Powers,in the renaissance of the Jewish nationality in that Land from which the people of Israel were exiled so many centuries ago.
The French Government,which entered this present war to defend a people wrongfully attacked,and which continues the struggle to assure the victory of right over might,can but feel sympathy for your cause,the triumph of which is bound up with that of the Allies.I am happy to give you herewith such assurance.
Paul Goodman (1875–1949) was a British Zionist. He served in multiple positions in the London movement and wrote for multiple Jewish and Zionist publications.
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