Nathaniel M. Griggs

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Griggs Nathaniel M. Griggs.jpg

Nathaniel M. Griggs (died June 5, 1919) was a state legislator in Virginia. [1] He served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1883 to 1884 and in the Senate of Virginia from 1887 to 1890 He moved to Washington, D.C., and worked at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing [2] and after a Democrat became president worked at various other jobs. He is buried at the Odd Fellows Cemetery (Farmville, Virginia) in Farmville, Virginia. [3]

See also


  1. "House History".
  2. "Virginia's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Commission".
  3. "Griggs, Nathaniel M. (d. 1919)".