The National Classification of Levels of Training (French: Nomenclature des niveaux de formation) is a system used in France for statistical purposes to measure an individual's training. Two classifications are commonly used: [1] The nomenclature des niveaux de formation (national classification of levels of training), [2] established in 1969 by the Commission statistique nationale (national statistical commission), and the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), validated by UNESCO in 1997 and used for international comparisons.
The first one is used by the Ministry of National Education, but also by the French employment agency, to classify jobseekers by education level, and by INSEE for the census, [3] ...
The issue of classification reform arises from European degrees harmonization, including the phasing of final diplomas of undergraduate higher education (level III). However, even after the phasing, there are still many graduates. Thus, although the Certificat d'études primaires was officially abolished in 1989, which does not prevent to find today, in the French population, individuals who had stopped at this level of training.[ clarification needed ]
It defines the levels of training in terms of duration. [4]
Staff with a job which not requires training beyond compulsory schooling.
Staff with a job assuming a specialized training for a maximum of one year beyond the first cycle of secondary education, level of the certificat de formation professionnelle (vocational training certificate).
Staff with a job normally requiring a level of training equivalent to the Brevet d'études professionnelles (BEP) (two years of education beyond the first cycle of secondary education) and to the Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (CPC ). Provisionally, the training of the National diploma acquired.
Staff with a job normally requiring a Baccalauréat, a brevet de technician (BT), a brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial (BSEC) (three years of education beyond the first cycle of secondary education) . Provisionally, a brevet d'enseignement industrial (EIB), a brevet d'enseignement commercial (BEC).
Staff holding a brevet professionnel or a brevet de maîtrise (two years of training minimum and professional practice after acquiring a level V degree).
Staff with a job normally requiring training a Brevet de technician supérieur (technician's diploma), a Diplôme universitaire de technologie, or end of the first cycle of higher education (three years of post-baccalaureat education since the reform aimed for a European harmonization of higher education)
Staff with a job normally requiring training of equal or higher than that of the grandes écoles or Bachelor.
Built in reference to the one of 1967, this classification refers to a skill level (responsibility in employment). [5]
Staff with a job normally requiring a level of training equivalent to the brevet d'études professionnelles (BEP) or the certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (CAP), and by equivalence, of the certificat de formation professionnelle des adultes (CFPA).
This level corresponds to a full qualification for the practice of a specific activity, with the ability to use instruments and techniques relating thereto. This activity involves chiefly the performance of a work which may be independently conduct within the limits of the techniques related thereto.
Staff with a jobs of control or highly skilled worker and can attest a level of training equivalent to that of the brevet professionel (BP), the brevet de technicien (BT), a Baccalauréat professionel or a Baccalauréat technologique.
A degree of level IV requires more theoretical knowledge than the previous level. This activity involves chiefly technical work which can be performed independently and/or entail executive coaching (control).
Staff with a jobs that normally requires a Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT) or a Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) or end of undergraduate higher education. A degree of Level III corresponds to the knowledge and skills level, though lacking the knowledge of the scientific basis of the areas concerned. Capabilities and knowledge required ensure to be able to work autonomously or independently responsibilities of design and/or coaching and/or management.
Staff with a middle management job that normally requires a training of a Bachelor's degree level or a first-year Master's degree level.
At this level, the practice of an employment contract or independent means knowing the scientific foundations of the job, generally leading to autonomy in carrying out this activity.
Staff with a middle management job that normally requires a training above the first-year Master's degree level.
In addition to strong knowledge of scientific basis of the job, a level I requires knowledge of process design and research.
An associate degree is an undergraduate degree awarded after a course of post-secondary study lasting two to three years. It is a level of qualification above a high school diploma, GED, or matriculation, and below a bachelor's degree.
In France, secondary education is in two stages:
Education in France is organized in a highly centralized manner, with many subdivisions. It is divided into the three stages of primary education, secondary education, and higher education. The main age that a child starts school in France is age 2. Two year olds do not start primary school, they start preschool. Then, by the age of six, a child in France starts primary school and soon moves onto higher and higher grade levels until they graduate.
The ENSTA Paris, also known as the École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées is a prestigious French graduate school of engineering. Founded in 1741, it is the oldest "grande école" in France. It is located in Palaiseau in the south of Paris, on the Paris-Saclay campus, and is a constituent faculty of the Polytechnic Institute of Paris. Every year some 180 engineers graduate from the school.
A College Diploma in Quebec for pre-university studies and technical studies is a degree issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education after a student has successfully completed an approved college education program. The Quebec education system is slightly different from the rest of North America. One aspect of its distinctness is that it is the only system that requires a college diploma before entering university.
Brevet d'Etat d'éducateur sportif" (BEES) is a French government certificate for sport coaches. Only holders of this certificate may be paid for sports coaching, according to the law of the 16 July 1984, and after that that in the Sport Code, second volume, article L. 212-1). It requires the applicant to be an adult and the holder of the diploma Prévention et secours civiques de niveau 1 (PSC1)
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is a French public university created in 1991, located in the department of Yvelines and, since 2002, in Hauts-de-Seine. It is a constituent university of the federal Paris-Saclay University.
Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) is a French public academic institution dedicated to Higher Education and Research for Innovation in the fields of engineering and digital technology, organized as a Collegiate University. Created in 1996, it was originally known as the "Groupe des écoles des télécommunications", or GET, followed by the "Institut Télécom". The Mines schools, which were placed under the administrative supervision of the Ministry of Industry, joined the Institut in March 2012 when it took on its current name and gained the status of Grand établissement. it combines high academic and scientific legitimacy with a practical proximity to business and a unique positioning in 3 major transformations of the 21st century: Digital Affairs, Energy and Ecology, and Industry. Its training and research for innovation are rolled out in the Mines and Télécom Graduate Schools. The Institut falls under the administrative aegis of the General Council for the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technologies.
Since gaining independence from France in 1956, the government of Tunisia has focused on developing an education system which produces a solid human capital base that could respond to the changing needs of a developing nation. Sustained structural reform efforts since the early 1990s, prudent macroeconomic policies, and deeper trade integration in the global economy have created an enabling environment for growth. This environment has been conducive to attain positive achievements in the education sector which placed Tunisia ahead of countries with similar income levels, and in a good position to achieve MDGs. According to the HDI 2007, Tunisia is ranked 90 out of 182 countries and is ranked 4th in MENA region just below Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan. Education is the number one priority of the government of Tunisia, with more than 20 percent of government’s budget allocated for education in 2005/06. As of 2006 the public education expenditure as a percentage of GDP stood at 7 percent.
IONIS Education Group is a private, for-profit, higher education group in France. It was created in 1980 and by 2021 had more than 30,000 students and 80,000 alumni. There are 26 further education colleges in the group.
The Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées (IPSA), is a French private grande école in aerospace engineering located at Ivry-sur-Seine, Lyon and Toulouse, recognized by the French state since 2010, whose diploma has been accredited by the French Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur since 2011. It was founded in 1961 and has been part of IONIS Education Group since 1998.
The Certificat d'aptitude à l'enseignement aéronautique (CAEA) is French for aeronautical teaching certificate. It is a French national degree created in 1999, delivered by French Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing.
Within France, Technicien aéronautique d'exploitation is a government occupational certification created in 2011. It is a title recognised by the Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle, and recorded as level IV in the National Classification of Levels of Training. Students graduate after completion of training at the École nationale de l'aviation civile.
The degree of Technicien supérieur de l'aviation is a certification created in 2010 from the Technicien supérieur des études et de l'exploitation de l'aviation civile certification. It is a title, recognized by CNCP, and recorder level III into the National Classification of Levels of Training. The degree is obtain after a training at the École nationale de l'aviation civile.
In France, the corps of Technicien supérieur des études et de l'exploitation de l'aviation civile of the Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) is a B-class job within the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing.
In France, the training of the Technicien supérieur de l'aviation (civilian) is performed by the École nationale de l'aviation civile.
The Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) senior technologist’s certificate is a national diploma of higher education in France, established in 1959.
Education in Luxembourg is multilingual and consists of fundamental education, secondary education and higher education.
The lycée Carcado-Saisseval is a Catholic private school in Paris
HESTIM Engineering and Business School is a private higher education institution located in the city of Casablanca, Morocco. It was born in 2006 as a school of engineering offering degrees in industrial management. In 2008 it added civil engineering to its academic offer. In 2015-16 the original school was renamed HESTIM Engineering and a new school was created, HESTIM Management, offering degrees in business-related fields. Both independently accredited schools, HESTIM Engineering and HESTIM Management, constitute the HESTIM group.