National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership

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The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) is a leadership training institute, think tank, and resource center. It is an inter-disciplinary and inter-denominational movement, in which rabbis from all major Jewish denominations in North America participate. The organization is described by The Jewish Daily Forward as a "think-tank dedicated to questions of Jewish identity and religious its quest to expand the boundaries of Jewish communal life". [1]


Rabbi Brad Hirschfield presently serves as the president of CLAL. [2] [3]

Rabbi Elan Babchuck is the Executive Vice President.


CLAL is an acronym formed from the organization's English language name (Center for Leadership and Learning). It is also a transliteration of a Hebrew word that can mean community, as in the expression "Klal Yisrael" which refers to the Jewish people as a whole. It is intended to suggest the organization's stated mission to serve as a center of interdenominational cooperation in American Judaism. [4]


CLAL was founded in 1974 by Rabbi Irving Greenberg, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, and Rabbi Steven Shaw.


CLAL runs Rabbis without Borders. [5]

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  1. "'Rabbi Cool' and Rock Opera Draw Stars, Upscale Spiritualists". The Jewish Daily Forward . Retrieved 2009-07-30.
  2. "50 Influential Rabbis", Newsweek , April 30, 2009.
  3. "CLAL Faculty, Fellows and Associates" at CLAL website (accessed June 18, 2010).
  4. "Kabbalah-based course offers steps to fulfillment" . Retrieved 9 October 2014.
  5. Jaffe-Hoffman, Maayan (January 5, 2016). "'Off the Beaten Path:' Rabbis Increasingly Finding Roles Outside the Pulpit, Education". eJewish Philanthropy. Retrieved 6 September 2021.