National databases of United States persons

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Various national databases of United States persons, and their activities, have been compiled by government and private entities. Different data types are collected by different entities for different purposes, nominal or otherwise. These databases are some of the largest of their kind, [1] and even the largest ever. [2] Accessibility of government databases may be controlled by various means, such as requirement of a warrant, subpoena, or simple request from another branch of government. Commercial databases are generally established for profit. Some other databases are available for free usage with various states across the United States. Typical instances include Colorado Resident Directory [3] and many others out there on the internet. Data breaches may occur as a result of a vulnerability or publication in error.




Data typesProgramCollectorNominal purposeContainsAccessibilityKnown breaches
Contact and educational information [4] [5] Joint Advertising Marketing Research & Studies (JAMRS) Department of Defense Military recruitmentPublic school students 17 and older
Telephone call metadata MAINWAY National Security Agency Military national defense1.9 trillion call-detail records (estimated)Assessed internally as "51% confidence" of being foreign
Consumer transactions [6] [7] Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at least 10 million consumersdata at least partially anonymized
Usual residency Census Census assignment of federal representation all personsConfidentiality protected
Identity, citizenship, residency, income, employment, medical, incarceration, and contact information Federal Data Services Hub Internal Revenue Service and Health and Human Services administration of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act all persons
Exteriors of mail Mail Isolation Control and Tracking (MICT) United States Postal Service criminal surveillanceall mailRequest by law enforcement
Fingerprints [8] Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal and civilian monitoring104 million persons (including 34 million non-criminals)
Finger and palm prints, iris, and facial data (under development to replace the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Next Generation Identification (NGI) Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal and civilian monitoring
DNA Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal investigation10 million persons
Income and employment Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Internal Revenue Service Tax collectionFederal taxpayers10,000's of 527 organization data [9]


Data typesProgram or SubsidiaryCollectorNominal purposeContainsAccessibilityKnown breaches
Employment and salary records [10] The Work Number Equifax debt collection and consumer profiling190 million records covering more than one-third of U.S. adultsFor sale
Vehicle location data [11] Vigilant SolutionsDigital Recognition Networkconsumer profilingcontaining at least 700 million scansFor sale
Vehicle location data [11] MVTrac repossession "large majority" of registered vehicles [11] For sale
Vehicle location data [12] National Vehicle Location Serviceover 800 million records [12]
Firearm ownership National Rifle Association of America [13] Political campaigning"tens of millions of people" (estimated) [13]
Stolen personal dataSSNDOB [14] [15] [16] Larceny 4 million persons [16] For saleMarch 2013 [16]

See also

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