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Temporal range: L Ordovician - Recent
Scientific classification

Wade, 1988

The Nautilitoidea is a superorder within the subclass Nautiloidea, comprising the phylogenetically related Nautilida, Oncocerida, and Tarphycerida.

The superorder has its roots in the Bassleroceratidae, the ancestral family of the Tarphycerida, sometimes included in the Ellesmerocerida. The Bassleroceratidae also gave rise to the Granciloceratidae, the ancestral family of the Oncocerida, which in turn gave rise to the Nautilida, which includes the Nautilidae which includes the living Nautilus .

By having the ancestral Bassleroceratidae in the Tarphycerida, the Nautilitoidea becomes monophyletic. With the Bassleroceratidae in the Ellesmerocerida, the Tarphycerida becomes distinct from the oncocerid-nautilid lineage, making the Nautilitoidea polyphyletic.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Septum (cephalopod)</span> Thin partitions in the shell of mollusks

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The Ellesmerocerida is an order of primitive cephalopods belonging to the subclass Nautiloidea with a widespread distribution that lived during the Late Cambrian and Ordovician.


Trocholites is a tarphycerid genus in the family Trocholitidae from the Middle and Late Ordovician with a gradually expanding, weakly ribbed shell; whorls in contact, dorsum slightly impressed; cross section depressed, venter and sides rounded; siphuncle close to but not at the dorsal margin.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oncocerida</span> Extinct order of nautiloids

The Oncocerida comprise a diverse group of generally small nautiloid cephalopods known from the Middle Ordovician to the Mississippian, in which the connecting rings are thin and siphuncle segments are variably expanded. At present the order consists of some 16 families, a few of which, such as the Oncoceratidae, Brevicoceratidae, and Acleistoceratidae contain a fair number of genera each while others like the Trimeroceratidae and Archiacoceratidae are represented by only two or three.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tarphycerida</span> Extinct order of molluscs

The Tarphycerida were the first of the coiled cephalopods, found in marine sediments from the Lower Ordovician to the Middle Devonian. Some, such as Aphetoceras and Estonioceras, are loosely coiled and gyroconic; others, such as Campbelloceras, Tarphyceras, and Trocholites, are tightly coiled, but evolute with all whorls showing. The body chamber of tarphycerids is typically long and tubular, as much as half the length of the containing whorl in most, greater than in the Silurian Ophidioceratidae. The Tarphycerida evolved from the elongated, compressed, exogastric Bassleroceratidae, probably Bassleroceras, around the end of the Gasconadian through forms like Aphetoceras. Close coiling developed rather quickly, and both gyroconic and evolute forms are found in the early middle Canadian.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ellesmeroceratidae</span> Extinct family of molluscs

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The Graciloceratidae is a family of nautiloid cephalopods from the Middle and Upper Ordovician belonging to the Oncocerida, characterized by exogastric cyrtocones that expand slightly or moderately and have thin walled, orthochoanitic marginal or subventral, tubular siphuncles.

The Bassleroceratidae is a family of gradually expanding, smooth ellesmerocerids with a slight to moderate exogastric curvature, subcircular to strongly compressed cross section, and ventral orthochaonitc siphuncle. The ventral side is typically more sharply rounded than the dorsal side and septa are close spaced. Connecting rings are thick and slightly expanded into the siphuncle, making the segments slightly concave; characteristic of the Ellesmerocerida.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Rutoceratidae</span> Extinct family of nautiloids

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Bassleroceras is an elongate upwardly curved, exogastric, genus with the venter on the under side more sharply rounded than the dorsum on the upper. The siphuncle is ventral, composed of thick-walled tubular segments in which connection rings thicken in towardly as in both the Ellesmerocerida and primitive Tarphycerida.

Leonardoceras is a genus of nautiloid cephalopods from the lower Middle Ordovician of Nevada (USA), the shell a small slender exogastric cyrtocone with the venter more narrowly rounded than the dorsum, resembling in overall form a small Bassleroceras. Septa are close spaced, the living chamber short, the siphuncle close to the venter.

Lawrenceoceras is a genus of moderately curved, gently expanding bassleroceratids from the Lower Ordovician of eastern North America. Septa dividing the chambers are close spaced; sutures straight, transverse; the siphuncle narrow, submarginal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Multiceratoidea</span> Extinct subclass of cephalopods

Multiceratoidea is a major subclass or superorder of Paleozoic nautiloid cephalopods. Members of this group can be characterized by nautilosiphonate connecting rings, with an organic inner layer and outer layer of calcitic spherules and blades, similar to the modern nautilus. The earliest-diverging multiceratoids have oncomyarian muscle scars, though several orders trend towards a ventromyarian condition. Multiceratoid shells are generally short and curled, with a relatively small aperture (opening). Cameral deposits are never found among the multiceratoids, though several orders are known to bear endosiphuncular deposits within their siphuncles.


Memoir 44, pp 15–25; New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM

See also