New Zealand Sikh Games

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The New Zealand Sikh Games (NZ Sikh Games) are an annual sports event for the New Zealand Sikh community. [1] They were started in 2019 with the intention to highlight the Sikh community and the discrimination it faces. [2] Over 50,000 spectators were present at the 2023 edition, with some being from abroad. [3]

Many sports are played during the Games, including some traditional South Asian games such as kabaddi and kho kho. [2] [4] [5] Some Sikh martial arts are also demonstrated during the event. [6]

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  1. Kumar, Arvind. "NZ Sikh Games 2022: A bigger, better event to be held in November". Retrieved 2024-03-18.
  2. 1 2 "NZ's largest Indian sports extravaganza seeks to put spotlight on discrimination". RNZ. 2023-07-26. Retrieved 2024-03-18.
  3. "Auckland basks in Indian traditional tag sports extravaganza". RNZ. 2023-12-01. Retrieved 2024-03-18.
  4. Raman, Venkat (2023-07-27). "Annual Sikh Games highlight homegrown and overseas talent". Retrieved 2024-03-18.
  5. C, D. (2023-12-06). "M5TH NZ SIKH GAMES CAPTURE HEARTS, CHEERS". Asian Independent. Retrieved 2024-03-18.
  6. Nair, Abhijit (2020-12-14). "Sikh martial art Gatka enjoys huge popularity during the NZ Sikh Games". Retrieved 2024-03-18.