Nicole C. Rust

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Nicole C. Rust
Alma mater University of Idaho
New York University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Known for Visual Perception,
Visual Recognition Memory
Awards Troland Research Award,
McKnight Scholar,
Sloan Fellow
Scientific career
Fields Neuroscience, Psychology
Institutions University of Pennsylvania
Academic advisors J. Anthony Movshon
Eero P. Simoncelli
James DiCarlo

Nicole C. Rust is an American neuroscientist, psychologist, and a Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies visual perception and visual recognition memory. She is recognized for significant advancements in experimental psychology and neuroscience. [1]


Rust was the recipient of the 2021 Troland Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences for her fundamental contributions to understanding how the cortex makes use of complex visual information to guide intelligent behavior. [2] She was named a McKnight Foundation Scholar (2013), [3] received an NSF CAREER Award (2013) [4] and was named an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2010). [5]

Education and early career

Rust received her bachelor's degree in from the University of Idaho in 1997. [6] She then went on to receive her PhD in Neuroscience from New York University in 2004 under the mentorship of J. Anthony Movshon, and Eero Simoncelli. [7] There, her work focused on how the primate brain processes information about visual motion, including in the primary visual cortex [8] and area MT. [9]

Career and research

Rust completed postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology between 2004 and 2006. There she worked under the mentorship of James DiCarlo, studying how the brain identifies the objects that are present in a visual scene. [10]

Rust joined the faculty in the Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2009. Her lab has focused on understanding how the brain uses visual information to solve different tasks, including finding sought objects [11] and remembering the images that have been encountered. [12]

Rust's group also creates machine learning algorithms that mimic neural circuits of memory. [13]

Related Research Articles

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  1. "Academy honors 20 for major contributions to science". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  2. "20210 Troland Research Award". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  3. "McKnight Scholar Awardees". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  4. "NSF CAREER Award Abstract #1265480". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  5. "Past Sloan Fellows". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  6. "Nicole Rust Biography". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  7. "Simons Foundation". Retrieved 2021-01-24.
  8. Rust, NC; Schwartz, O; Movshon, JA; Simoncelli, EP (2005). "Spatiotemporal Elements of Macaque V1 Receptive Fields". Neuron. 46 (6): 945–956. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2005.05.021 . PMID   15953422. S2CID   1616716.
  9. Rust, NC; Mante, V; Simoncelli, EP; Movshon, JA (2006). "How MT cells analyze the motion of visual patterns". Nat Neurosci. 9 (11): 1421–31. doi:10.1038/nn1786. PMID   17041595. S2CID   448010.
  10. DiCarlo, JJ; Zoccolan, D; Rust, NC (2012). "How does the brain solve visual object recognition?". Neuron. 73 (3): 415–434. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.01.010 . PMC   3306444 . PMID   22325196.
  11. Pagan, M; Urban, LS; Wohl, MP; Rust, NC (2013). "Signals in inferotemporal and perirhinal cortex suggest an untangling of visual target information". Nature Neuroscience. 16 (8): 1132–1139. doi:10.1038/nn.3433. PMC   3725208 . PMID   23792943.
  12. Meyer, T; Rust, NC (2013). "Single-exposure visual familiarity judgments are reflected in IT cortex". eLife. 7: e32259. doi: 10.7554/eLife.32259 . PMC   5843407 . PMID   29517485.
  13. Jaegle, Andrew; Mehrpour, Vahid; Mohsenzadeh, Yalda; Meyer, Travis; Oliva, Aude; Rust, Nicole (2019-08-29). "Population response magnitude variation in inferotemporal cortex predicts image memorability". eLife. 8: e47596. doi: 10.7554/eLife.47596 . ISSN   2050-084X. PMC   6715346 . PMID   31464687.