North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

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The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is an organization of academics, government officials, policy makers, and industry stakeholders working towards pollinator conservation in North America.


NAPPC works in coordination with local, national, and international pollinator protection plans that focus on species, genera, families, or classes of animals. The campaign coordinates with existing projects that address pollinator habitats or migratory corridors. Such plans include Bat Conservation International’s Management Plan, the Plant Conservation Alliance’s Plan, and the São Paulo Declaration on Pollinators .

NAPPC complements these and other pollinator conservation efforts in that it focuses on pollinator protection in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and addresses species including invertebrates, birds, and mammals. NAPPC coordinates with existing pollinator protection plans to avoid duplication, use resources effectively and replicate proposals in new venues. The NAPPC Action Plan builds on scientific research concerning pollinators and pollinator habitats and promotes and supports pollinator research.

Pollinators in peril

Possible declines in the health and population of pollinators pose a threat to the integrity of biodiversity, to global food webs, and to human health. Factors which could contribute to declines include:

The importance of pollinator services to ecosystem and economic health is well documented. [1] Animal pollinators are needed for the reproduction of 90% of flowering plants and one third of human food crops [2] [3] [4] Domestic honeybees pollinate approximately $10 billion worth of crops in the U.S. each year. [5] Bee poisonings from pesticides result in annual losses of $14.3 million. [6] Pollinators support biodiversity, as there is a positive correlation between plant diversity and pollinator diversity. [7] [8] [9]

The elimination, replacement or reduction of a pollinator may result in the decline of a plant species, which in turn may affect plant abundance, and hence community dynamics [10] [11] [12] and impact wild animals and humans that depend on those plants. [13] [14]


The major goal of the alliance of pollinator researchers, conservation and environmental groups, private industry, and state and federal agencies, is to implement an action plan to:


In recognition of the significance of a stable pollinator population, the Pollinator Partnership (formerly the Coevolution Institute) collaborating with the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation established the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) in 1999.

Since its founding, the NAPPC has focused attention on the plight of pollinators and the need to protect them throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Two such efforts were the NAPPC Strategic Planning Conferences at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. These two conferences resulted in a blueprint for pollinator protection.


Pollinator awards

Each year, NAPPC and the Pollinator Partnership present awards to individuals whose actions have made them notable as pollinators in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Past awardees include:








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  1. Sobeich and Savignano, 2000
  2. Buchmann and Nabhan, 1996
  3. Free, 1970 in Tepedino 1979
  4. McGregor, 1976 in Tepedino, 1993
  5. Watanabe, 1994
  6. Pimental et al., 1992 in Ingram et al., 1996
  7. Heithaus, 1974 in Tepedino, 1979
  8. Moldenke, 1975 in Tepedino, 1979
  9. del Moral and Standley, 1979 in Tepedino, 1979
  10. Tepedino, 1979
  11. Buchmann and Nabhan, 1966
  12. USEPA, 1998
  13. Buchhmann and Nabhan, 1996
  14. Kevan, 1977 in Allen-Wardell et al., 1998