Offset filtration

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The offset filtration at six scale parameters on a point cloud sampled from two circles of different sizes. Offset (union-of-balls) filtration.png
The offset filtration at six scale parameters on a point cloud sampled from two circles of different sizes.

The offset filtration (also called the "union-of-balls" [1] or "union-of-disks" [2] filtration) is a growing sequence of metric balls used to detect the size and scale of topological features of a data set. The offset filtration commonly arises in persistent homology and the field of topological data analysis. Utilizing a union of balls to approximate the shape of geometric objects was first suggested by Frosini in 1992 in the context of submanifolds of Euclidean space. [3] The construction was independently explored by Robins in 1998, and expanded to considering the collection of offsets indexed over a series of increasing scale parameters (i.e., a growing sequence of balls), in order to observe the stability of topological features with respect to attractors. [4] Homological persistence as introduced in these papers by Frosini and Robins was subsequently formalized by Edelsbrunner et al. in their seminal 2002 paper Topological Persistence and Simplification. [5] Since then, the offset filtration has become a primary example in the study of computational topology and data analysis.



Let be a finite set in a metric space , and for any let be the closed ball of radius centered at . Then the union is known as the offset of with respect to the parameter (or simply the -offset of ).

By considering the collection of offsets over all we get a family of spaces where whenever . So is a family of nested topological spaces indexed over , which defines a filtration known as the offset filtration on . [6]

Note that it is also possible to view the offset filtration as a functor from the poset category of non-negative real numbers to the category of topological spaces and continuous maps. [7] [8] There are some advantages to the categorical viewpoint, as explored by Bubenik and others. [9]


A standard application of the nerve theorem shows that the union of balls has the same homotopy type as its nerve, since closed balls are convex and the intersection of convex sets is convex. [10] The nerve of the union of balls is also known as the Čech complex, [11] which is a subcomplex of the Vietoris-Rips complex. [12] Therefore the offset filtration is weakly equivalent to the Čech filtration (defined as the nerve of each offset across all scale parameters), so their homology groups are isomorphic. [13]

Although the Vietoris-Rips filtration is not identical to the Čech filtration in general, it is an approximation in a sense. In particular, for a set we have a chain of inclusions between the Rips and Čech complexes on whenever . [14] In general metric spaces, we have that for all , implying that the Rips and Cech filtrations are 2-interleaved with respect to the interleaving distance as introduced by Chazal et al. in 2009. [15] [16]

It is a well-known result of Niyogi, Smale, and Weinberger that given a sufficiently dense random point cloud sample of a smooth submanifold in Euclidean space, the union of balls of a certain radius recovers the homology of the object via a deformation retraction of the Čech complex. [17]

The offset filtration is also known to be stable with respect to perturbations of the underlying data set. This follows from the fact that the offset filtration can be viewed as a sublevel-set filtration with respect to the distance function of the metric space. The stability of sublevel-set filtrations can be stated as follows: Given any two real-valued functions on a topological space such that for all , the -dimensional homology modules on the sublevel-set filtrations with respect to are point-wise finite dimensional, we have where and denote the bottleneck and sup-norm distances, respectively, and denotes the -dimensional persistent homology barcode. [18] While first stated in 2005, this sublevel stability result also follows directly from an algebraic stability property sometimes known as the "Isometry Theorem," [9] which was proved in one direction in 2009, [16] and the other direction in 2011. [19] [20]

A multiparameter extension of the offset filtration defined by considering points covered by multiple balls is given by the multicover bifiltration, and has also been an object of interest in persistent homology and computational geometry. [21] [22]

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In persistent homology, a persistent homology group is a multiscale analog of a homology group that captures information about the evolution of topological features across a filtration of spaces. While the ordinary homology group represents nontrivial homology classes of an individual topological space, the persistent homology group tracks only those classes that remain nontrivial across multiple parameters in the underlying filtration. Analogous to the ordinary Betti number, the ranks of the persistent homology groups are known as the persistent Betti numbers. Persistent homology groups were first introduced by Herbert Edelsbrunner, David Letscher, and Afra Zomorodian in a 2002 paper Topological Persistence and Simplification, one of the foundational papers in the fields of persistent homology and topological data analysis, based largely on the persistence barcodes and the persistence algorithm, that were first described by Serguei Barannikov in the 1994 paper. Since then, the study of persistent homology groups has led to applications in data science, machine learning, materials science, biology, and economics.

In topological data analysis, a persistence barcode, sometimes shortened to barcode, is an algebraic invariant of a persistence module that characterizes the stability of topological features throughout a growing family of spaces. Formally, a persistence barcode consists of a multiset of intervals in the extended real line, where the length of each interval corresponds to the lifetime of a topological feature in a filtration, usually built on a point cloud, a graph, a function, or, more generally, a simplicial complex or a chain complex. Generally, longer intervals in a barcode correspond to more robust features, whereas shorter intervals are more likely to be noise in the data. A persistence barcode is a complete invariant that captures all the topological information in a filtration. In algebraic topology, the persistence barcodes were first introduced by Sergey Barannikov in 1994 as the "canonical forms" invariants consisting of a multiset of line segments with ends on two parallel lines, and later, in geometry processing, by Gunnar Carlsson et al. in 2004.


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