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In mathematics, specifically category theory, an overcategory (and undercategory) is a distinguished class of categories used in multiple contexts, such as with covering spaces (espace etale). They were introduced as a mechanism for keeping track of data surrounding a fixed object in some category . There is a dual notion of undercategory, which is defined similarly.



Let be a category and a fixed object of [1] pg 59. The overcategory (also called a slice category) is an associated category whose objects are pairs where is a morphism in . Then, a morphism between objects is given by a morphism in the category such that the following diagram commutes

There is a dual notion called the undercategory (also called a coslice category) whose objects are pairs where is a morphism in . Then, morphisms in are given by morphisms in such that the following diagram commutes

These two notions have generalizations in 2-category theory [2] and higher category theory [3] pg 43, with definitions either analogous or essentially the same.


Many categorical properties of are inherited by the associated over and undercategories for an object . For example, if has finite products and coproducts, it is immediate the categories and have these properties since the product and coproduct can be constructed in , and through universal properties, there exists a unique morphism either to or from . In addition, this applies to limits and colimits as well.


Overcategories on a site

Recall that a site is a categorical generalization of a topological space first introduced by Grothendieck. One of the canonical examples comes directly from topology, where the category whose objects are open subsets of some topological space , and the morphisms are given by inclusion maps. Then, for a fixed open subset , the overcategory is canonically equivalent to the category for the induced topology on . This is because every object in is an open subset contained in .

Category of algebras as an undercategory

The category of commutative -algebras is equivalent to the undercategory for the category of commutative rings. This is because the structure of an -algebra on a commutative ring is directly encoded by a ring morphism . If we consider the opposite category, it is an overcategory of affine schemes, , or just .

Overcategories of spaces

Another common overcategory considered in the literature are overcategories of spaces, such as schemes, smooth manifolds, or topological spaces. These categories encode objects relative to a fixed object, such as the category of schemes over , . Fiber products in these categories can be considered intersections, given the objects are subobjects of the fixed object.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Universal property</span> Characterizing property of mathematical constructions

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In commutative algebra, the prime spectrum of a ring R is the set of all prime ideals of R, and is usually denoted by ; in algebraic geometry it is simultaneously a topological space equipped with the sheaf of rings .

In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the abstract notion of a limit captures the essential properties of universal constructions such as products, pullbacks and inverse limits. The dual notion of a colimit generalizes constructions such as disjoint unions, direct sums, coproducts, pushouts and direct limits.

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In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking data attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them. For example, for each open set, the data could be the ring of continuous functions defined on that open set. Such data is well behaved in that it can be restricted to smaller open sets, and also the data assigned to an open set is equivalent to all collections of compatible data assigned to collections of smaller open sets covering the original open set.

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In mathematics, a gerbe is a construct in homological algebra and topology. Gerbes were introduced by Jean Giraud following ideas of Alexandre Grothendieck as a tool for non-commutative cohomology in degree 2. They can be seen as an analogue of fibre bundles where the fibre is the classifying stack of a group. Gerbes provide a convenient, if highly abstract, language for dealing with many types of deformation questions especially in modern algebraic geometry. In addition, special cases of gerbes have been used more recently in differential topology and differential geometry to give alternative descriptions to certain cohomology classes and additional structures attached to them.

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In algebraic geometry, a derived scheme is a pair consisting of a topological space X and a sheaf either of simplicial commutative rings or of commutative ring spectra on X such that (1) the pair is a scheme and (2) is a quasi-coherent -module. The notion gives a homotopy-theoretic generalization of a scheme.

In category theory, a branch of mathematics, an ∞-groupoid is an abstract homotopical model for topological spaces. One model uses Kan complexes which are fibrant objects in the category of simplicial sets. It is an ∞-category generalization of a groupoid, a category in which every morphism is an isomorphism.

In mathematics, compact objects, also referred to as finitely presented objects, or objects of finite presentation, are objects in a category satisfying a certain finiteness condition.


  1. Leinster, Tom (2016-12-29). "Basic Category Theory". arXiv: 1612.09375 [math.CT].
  2. "Section 4.32 (02XG): Categories over categories—The Stacks project". stacks.math.columbia.edu. Retrieved 2020-10-16.
  3. Lurie, Jacob (2008-07-31). "Higher Topos Theory". arXiv: math/0608040 .