Oxford Historical Monographs is a monographic series published by Oxford University Press. All books published in the series are derived from recent doctoral (D.Phil) theses submitted at the University of Oxford.
Since the series received its current name in 1965, over 250 titles have been published. Works are selected by a committee drawn from the university's History Faculty. About 10 percent of theses drawn to their attention are chosen for publication, resulting in 6 to 8 books being published per annum. [1]
The Oxford Historical Monographs Committee is the series' editorial board and is composed of postholders in the History Faculty at the University of Oxford. It meets four times each year to consider examiners' reports and conduct other business. The committee is intended to represent as wide a range of period and thematic interests as possible. [2] The current (2024) composition of the committee is: [3]
Below is a list of all Oxford Historical Monographs publications in the Oxford University Press catalogue. [3]
Year | Author | Title |
1972 | Colin Lucas | The Structure of Terror: The Example of Javogues and the Loire |
1974 | J. S. Morrill | Cheshire 1630-1660: County Government and Society During the 'English Revolution' |
1975 | Michael Angold | A Byzantine Government in Exile: Government and Society Under the Laskards of Nicaea (1204-1261) |
1975 | T. C. Barnard | Cromwellian Ireland: English Government and Reform in Ireland 1649-1660 |
1975 | Paul Langford | The Excise Crisis: Society and Politics in the Age of Walpole |
1977 | I. M. Green | The Re-establishment of the Church of England 1660-1663 |
1979 | D. M. Palliser | Tudor York |
1979 | Kevin Sharpe | Sir Robert Cotton 1586-1631: History and Politics in Early Modern England |
1981 | Felipe Fernández-Armesto | The Canary Islands After the Conquest: The Making of a Colonial Society in the Early Sixteenth Century |
1983 | Nigel Saul | St. Martin and His Hagiographer: History and Miracle in the Sulpicius Severus |
1984 | Euan Cameron | The Reformation of Heretics: The Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580 |
1984 | Anthony Howe | The Cotton Masters 1830-1860 |
1984 | Bryan Ward-Perkins | From Classical Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Urban Public Building in Northern and Central Italy, AD 300-850 |
1986 | Barry Collett | Italian Benedictine Scholars and the Reformation: The Congregation of Santa Giustina of Padua |
1986 | Andrew Pettegree | Foreign Protestant Communities in Sixteenth-Century London |
1987 | Richard Brent | Liberal Anglican Politics: Whiggery, Religion, and Reform 1830-1841 |
1988 | John Davis | Reforming London: The London Government Problem, 1855-1900 |
1988 | Linda Bryder | Below the Magic Mountain: A Social History of Tuberculosis in Twentieth-Century Britain |
1988 | Michael Witby | The Emperor Maurice and His Historian: Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan Warfare |
1988 | P. A. Johnson | Duke Richard of York 1411-1460 |
1989 | Michael John | Politics and the Law in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany |
1989 | Alvin Jackson | The Ulster Party: Irish Unionists in the House of Commons, 1884-1911 |
1989 | Ruth Harris | Murders and Madness: Medicine, Law, and Society in the Fin de Siècle |
1989 | Azar Gat | The Origins of Military Thought: From the Enlightenment to Clausewitz |
1990 | David Lemmings | Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar 1860-1730 |
1990 | Nicholas Tyacke | Anti-Calvinists: The Rise of English Arminianism c.1590-1640 |
1991 | Simon Payling | Political Society in Lancastrian England: The Greater Gentry of Nottinghamshire |
1991 | Guy Llewelyn Thompson | Paris and Its People Under English Rule: The Anglo-Burgundian Regime 1420-1436 |
1991 | John Wolffe | The Protestant Crusade in Great Britain 1829-1860 |
1991 | Mark Mazower | Greece and the Inter-War Economic Crisis |
1991 | J. D. Davies | Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Army |
1991 | Lucia Zedner | Women, Crime, and Custody in Victorian England |
1991 | Peter Heather | Goths and Romans 332-489 |
1992 | S. P. MacKenzie | Politics and Military Morale: Current Affairs and Citizenship Education in the British Army 1914-1950 |
1992 | M. W. Taylor | Men Versus the State: Herbert Spencer and Late Victorian Individualism |
1992 | Philippa C. Maddern | Violence and Social Order: East Anglia 1422-1442 |
1992 | Stephen Brooke | Labour's War: The Labour Party and the Second World War |
1992 | C. E. Moreton | The Townshends and Their World: Gentry, Law, and Land in Norfolk c.1450-1551 |
1992 | Julian Davies | The Caroline Captivity of the Church: Charles I and the Remoulding of Anglicanism 1625-1641 |
1992 | Teresa Webber | 'Scribes and Scholars at Salisbury Cathedral c.1075-1125 |
1992 | Nigel Aston | The End of an Élite: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution 1786-1790 |
1992 | Joseph McAleer | Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain 1914-1950 |
1993 | Huw Pryce | Native Law and the Church in Medieval Wales |
1993 | Robert Harris | A Patriot Press: National Politics and the London Press in the 1740s |
1993 | Andrew Adonis | Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain, 1884-1914 |
1993 | David Gary Shaw | The Creation of a Community: The City of Wells in the Middle Ages |
1993 | Randall Rogers | Latin Siege Warfare in the Twelfth Century |
1993 | Elizabeth Harvey | Youth and the Welfare State in Weimar Germany |
1993 | L. V. Scott | Conscription and the Attlee Governments: The Politics and Policy of National Service 1945-1951 |
1993 | Stephen Hpwe | Anticolonialism in British Politics: The Left and the End of Empire 1918-1964 |
1993 | Richard H. Trainor | Black Country Élites: The Exercise of Authority in an Industrialized Area, 1830-1900 |
1994 | Peter Marshall | The Catholic Priesthood and the English Reformation |
1994 | Peter A. Clarke | The English Nobility Under Edward the Confessor |
1994 | Lara V. Marks | Model Mothers: Jewish Mothers and Maternity Provision in East London 1870-1939 |
1994 | David Eastwood | Governing Rural England: Tradition and Transformation in Local Government 1780-1840 |
1994 | Jeremy Adelman | Frontier Development: Land, Labour, and Capital on the Wheatlands of Argentina and Canada 1890-1914 |
1994 | William G. Wagner | Marriage, Property, and Law in Late Imperial Russia |
1994 | Mariel Grant | Propaganda and the Role of the State in Inter-War Britain |
1994 | John Hudson | Land, Law, and Lordship in Anglo-Norman England |
1994 | Stefan Berger | The British Labour Party and the German Social Democrats 1900-1931 |
1995 | Philip Murphy | Party Politics and Decolonization: The Conservative Party and British Colonial Policy in Tropical Africa 1951-1964 |
1995 | V. Markham Lester | Victorian Insolvency: Bankruptcy, Imprisonment for Debt, and Company Winding-up in Nineteenth-Century England |
1995 | Fania Oz-Salzberger | Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Germany |
1995 | Marguerite W. Dupree | Family Structure in the Staffordshire Potteries 1840-1880 |
1995 | Andrew D. Brown | Popular Piety in Late Medieval England: The Diocese of Salisbury 1250-1550 |
1995 | Richard Gameson | The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon Church |
1995 | Howard G. Brown | War, Revolution, and the Bureaucratic State: Politics and Army Administration in France, 1791-1799 |
1995 | Mary Heimann | Catholic Devotion in Victorian England |
1995 | James Meadowcroft | Conceptualizing the State: Innovation and Dispute in British Political Thought 1880-1914 |
1996 | Perry Gauci | Politics and Society in Great Yarmouth 1660-1722 |
1996 | Eduardo Posada-Carbó | The Colombian Caribbean: A Regional History 1870-1950 |
1996 | Sandra M. den Otter | British Idealism and Social Explanation: A Study in Late Victorian Thought |
1996 | Matthew Cragoe | An Anglican Aristocracy: The Moral Economy of the Landed Estate in Carmarthenshire 1832-1895 |
1996 | Mary Vincent | The Second Spanish Republic: Religion and Politics in Salamanca 1930-1936 |
1996 | Paul Smith | Feminism and the Third Republic: Women's Political and Civil Rights in France, 1918-1945 |
1996 | Anthony Kauders | German Politics and the Jews: Düsseldorf and Nuremberg, 1910-1933 |
1996 | Christian Leitz | Economic Relations Between Nazi Germany and Franco's Spain 1936-1945 |
1997 | Andrzej Olechnowicz | Working-Class Housing in England Between the Wars: The Becontree Estate |
1997 | Christopher Trolley | Domestic Biography: The Legacy of Evangelicalism in Four Nineteenth-Century Families |
1997 | Ian Bostridge | Witchcraft and Its Transformations, c.1650-c.1750 |
1997 | C. Y. Ferdinand | Benjamin Collins and the Provincial Newspaper Trade in the Eighteenth Century |
1997 | Rosemary Sweet | The Writing of Urban Histories in Eighteenth-Century England |
1997 | Daniel Ritschel | The Politics of Planning: The Debate on Economic Planning in Britain in the 1930s |
1997 | Scott Smith-Bannister | Names and Naming Patterns in England 1538-1700 |
1997 | Arihiro Fukuda | Sovereignty and the Sword: Harrington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English Civil Wars |
1998 | Patrick Major | The Death of the KPD: Communism and Anti-Communism in West Germant, 1945-1956 |
1998 | Mathew Thomson | The Problem of Mental Deficiency: Eugenics, Democracy, and Social Policy in Britain, c.1870-1959 |
1998 | Richard Butterwick | Poland's Last King and English Culture: Stanislaw August Poniatowski, 1732-1798 |
1998 | K. D. Reynolds | Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain |
1998 | Colin Podmore | The Moravian Church in England, 1728-1760 |
1998 | Joseph Ziegler | Medicine and Religion c.1300: The Case of Arnau de Vilanova |
1998 | Rainer Liedtke | Jewish Welfare in Hamburg and Manchester, c.1850-1914 |
1998 | Hannah Barker | Newspapers, Politics, and Public Opinion in Late Eighteenth-Century England |
1998 | Kathleen G. Cushing | Papacy and Law in the Gregorian Revolution |
1999 | Ashley Jackson | Botswana 1939-1945: An African Country at War |
1999 | Alan Coates | English Medieval Books: The Reading Abbey Collections from Foundation to Dispersal |
1999 | Gábor Bátonyi | Britain and Central Europe, 1918-1933 |
1999 | Maria Misra | Business, Race, and Politics in British India, c.1850-1960 |
1999 | Jan Palmowski | Urban Liberalism in Imperial Germany: Frankfurt Am Main, 1866-1914 |
1999 | Heather Bell | Frontiers of Medicine in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899-1940 |
1999 | Carol E. Harrison | The Bourgeois Citizen in Nineteenth-Century France: Gender, Sociability, and the Uses of Emulation |
1999 | David Wartenweiler | Civic Society and Academic Debate in Russia 1905-1914 |
1999 | Arthur Burns | The Diocesan Revival in the Church of England c.1800-1870 |
1999 | Berenice M. Kerr | Religious Life for Women c.1100-c.1350 |
1999 | Owen White | Children of the French Empire: Miscegenation and Colonial Society in French West Africa 1895-1960 |
2000 | John Crook | The Architectural Setting of the Cult of Saints in the Early Christian West c.300-c.1200 |
2000 | Adrian Davies | The Quakers in English Society, 1655-1725 |
2000 | Howard Hotson | Johann Heinrich Alsted 1588-1638 |
2000 | Jeremy Gregory | Restoration, Reformation, and Reform, 1660-1828 |
2000 | Hugh E. L. Collins | The Order of the Garter 1348-1461: Chivalry and Politics in Late Medieval England |
2000 | Jane Whittle | The Development of Agrarian Capitalism: Land and Labour in Norfolk 1440-1580 |
2000 | Michael Haren | Sin and Society in Fourteenth-Century England: A Study of the Memoriale Presbiterorum |
2000 | Rosemary Mitchell | Picturing the Past: English History in Text and Image, 1830-1870 |
2000 | Sarah Stockwell | The Business of Decolonization: British Business Strategies in the Gold Coast |
2000 | Graeme Murdock | Calvinism on the Frontier, 1600-1660: International Calvinism and the Reformed Church in Hungary and Transylvania |
2000 | David S. Kerr | Caricature and French Political Culture 1830-1848: Charles Philipon and the Illustrated Press |
2000 | Mark Hewitson | National Identity and Political Thought in Germany: Whilhelmine Depictions of the French Third Republic, 1890-1914 |
2000 | Conrad Leyser | Authority and Asceticism from Augustine to Gregory the Great |
2000 | Rosalind Gray | Russian Genre Painting in the Nineteenth Century |
2000 | Lucy Wooding | Rethinking Catholicism in Reformation England |
2001 | Roy Hora | The Landowners of the Argentine Pampas: A Social and Political History 1860-1945 |
2001 | John Nightingale | Monasteries and Patrons in the Gorze Reform |
2001 | Regina Pörtner | The Counter-Reformation in Central Europe: Styria 1580-1630 |
2001 | Trevor Griffiths | The Lancashire Working Classes c.1880-1930 |
2001 | David Wright | Mental Disability in Victorian England |
2002 | Paul Laity | The British Peace Movement 1870-1914 |
2002 | Paul Robinson | The White Russian Army in Exile 1920-1941 |
2002 | Patricia Londoño-Vega | Religion, Society, and Culture in Colombia: Medellín and Antioquia, 1850-1930 |
2002 | Catherine Koveski Killerby | Samptuary Law in Italy 1200-1500 |
2002 | Suzanne F. Cawsey | Kingship and Propaganda: Royal Eloquence and the Crown of Aragon c.1200-1450 |
2002 | Melissa Fegan | Literature and the Irish Famine 1845-1919 |
2002 | James J. Nott | Music for the People: Popular Music and Dance in Interwar Britain |
2002 | Stephen Small | Political Thought in Ireland 1776-1798: Republicanism, Patriotism, and Radicalism |
2002 | Ben Levitas | The Theatre of Nation: Irish Drama and Cultural Nationalism 1890-1916 |
2003 | Patricia Lynch | The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910 |
2003 | Alastair Dunn | The Politics of Magnate Power: England and Wales 1389-1413 |
2003 | J. P. D. Cooper | Propaganda and the Tudor State: Political Culture in the West Country |
2003 | Julian Wright | The Regionalist Movement in France 1890-1914: Jean Charles-Brun and French Political Thought |
2003 | Austin Gee | The British Volunteer Movement 1794-1814 |
2003 | Simon J. Potter | News and the British World: The Emergence of an Imperial Press System |
2003 | Erik Grimmer-Solem | The Rise of Historical Economics and Social Reform in Germany 1864-1894 |
2003 | Holger Hoock | The King's Artists: The Royal Academy of Arts and the Politics of British Culture 1760-1840 |
2003 | Clare Kellar | Scotland, England, and the Reformation 1534-61 |
2003 | Patrick Nold | Pope John XXII and His Franciscan Cardinal |
2004 | Paul M. Hunneyball | Architecture and Image-Building in Seventeenth-Century Hertfordshire |
2004 | Cindy McCreery | The Satirical Gaze: Prints of Women in Late Eighteenth-Century England |
2004 | Till Wahnbaeck | Luxury and Public Happiness: Political Economy in the Italian Enlightenment |
2004 | Marc Brodie | The Politics of the Poor: The East End of London 1885-1914 |
2004 | Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo | Politics and Reform in Spain and Viceregal Mexico: The Life and Thought of Juan de Palafox 1600-1659 |
2004 | Matthew Grimley | Citizenship, Community, and the Church of England: Liberal Anglican Theories of the State Between the Wars |
2004 | Mark Curthoys | Governments, Labour, and the Law in Mid-Victorian Britain: The Trade Union Legislation of the 1870s |
2004 | Adrian Bingha, | Gender, Modernity, and the Popular Press in Inter-War Britain |
2004 | Arne Perras | Carl Peters and German Imperialism 1856-1918: A Political Biography |
2004 | Amy Ng | Nationalism and Political Liberty: Redlich, Namier, and the Crisis of Empire |
2004 | Chi-kwan Mark | Hong Kong and the Cold War: Anglo-American Relations 1949-1957 |
2004 | David Harrison | The Bridges of Medieval England: Transport and Society 400-1800 |
2004 | Josie McLellan | Anti-Fascism and Memory in East Germany |
2004 | S. A. Skinner | Tractarians and the 'Condition of England' |
2004 | James G. Clark | A Monastic Renaissance at St Albans: Thomas Walsingham and His Circle c.1350-1440 |
2004 | Alan McDougall | Youth Politics in East Germany: The Free German Youth Movement 1946-1968 |
2005 | Martin Mevius | Agents of Moscow: The Hungarian Communist Party and the Origins of Socialist Patriotism 1941-1953 |
2005 | Shirli Gilbert | Music in the Holocaust: Confronting Life in the Nazi Ghettos and Camps |
2005 | Lauren Kassell | Medicine and Magic in Elizabethan London |
2005 | Elaine Chalus | Elite Women in English Political Life c.1754-1790 |
2005 | Robert Gerwarth | The Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor |
2005 | Jay Sexton | Debtor Diplomacy: Finance and American Foreign Relations in the Civil War Era 1837-1873 |
2005 | Jens Hanssen | Fin de Siècle Beirut: The Making of an Ottoman Provincial Capital |
2005 | Julius Ruiz | Franco's Justice: Repression in Madrid After the Spanish Civil War |
2005 | Martin Porter | Windows of the Soul: Physiognomy in European Culture 1470-1780 |
2005 | Oliver Grant | Migration and Inequality in Germany 1870-1913 |
2005 | Ian Forrest | The Detection of Heresy in Late Medieval England |
2005 | Troy Bickham | Savages Within the Empire: Representations of American Indians in Eighteenth-Century Britain |
2006 | S. Ravi Rajan | Modernizing Nature: Forestry and Imperial Eco-Development 1800-1950 |
2006 | Simon Yarrow | Saints and Their Communities: Miracle Stories in Twelfth-Century England |
2006 | Elisabeth Kontogiorgi | Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia |
2006 | Dirk Spilker | The East German Leadership and the Division of Germany |
2006 | William Whyte | Oxford Jackson: Architecture, Education, Status, and Style 1835-1924 |
2006 | Zoe Vania Waxman | Writing the Holocaust: Identity, Testimony, Representation |
2007 | Kitty Hauser | Shadow Sites: Photography, Archaeology, and the British Landscape 1927-1955 |
2007 | Martin Bunton | Colonial Land Policies in Palestine 1917-1936 |
2007 | Clare V. J. Griffiths | Labour and the Countryside: The Politics of Rural Britain 1918-1939 |
2007 | Andrew Crawley | Somoza and Roosevelt: Good Neighbour Diplomacy in Nicaragua, 1933-1945 |
2007 | Nicholas Owen | The British Left and India: Metropolitan Anti-Imperialism, 1885-1947 |
2007 | James Onley | The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj: Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf |
2007 | Stephen Baxter | The Earls of Mercia: Lordship and Power in Late Anglo-Saxon England |
2008 | Julia von Dannenberg | The Foundations of Ostpolitik: The Making of the Moscow Treaty Between West Germany and the USSR |
2008 | Matthew Frank | Expelling the Germans: British Opinion and Post-1945 Population Transfer in Context |
2008 | Dimitris Livanios | The Macedonian Question: Britain and the Southern Balkans 1939-1949 |
2008 | Brock Holden | Lords of the Central Marches: English Aristocracy and Frontier Society, 1087-1265 |
2008 | Christopher Fletcher | Richard II: Manhood, Youth, and Politics 1377-99 |
2008 | Alexander Morrison | Russian Rule in Samarkand 1868-1910 |
2008 | Christopher Harding | Religious Transformation in South Asia: The Meanings of Conversion in Colonial Punjab |
2009 | Katrina Navickas | Loyalism and Radicalism in Lancashire, 1798-1815 |
2009 | Michael Clark | Albion and Jerusalem: The Anglo-Jewish Community in the Post-Emancipation Era 1858-1887 |
2009 | Nicholas Dew | Orientalism in Louis XIV's France |
2009 | P.R. Cavill | The English Parliaments of Henry VII 1485-1504 |
2009 | Anna von der Goltz | Hindenburg: Power, Myth, and the Rise of the Nazis |
2009 | Hester Barron | The 1926 Miners' Lockout: Meanings of Community in the Durham Coalfield |
2010 | P. L. Pham | Ending 'East of Suez': The British Decision to Withdraw from Malaysia and Singapore 1964-1968 |
2010 | Monika Baár | Historians and Nationalism: East-Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century |
2010 | Tracey A. Sowerby | Renaissance and Reform in Tudor England: The Careers of Sir Richard Morison c.1513-1556 |
2010 | T.K. Wilson | Frontiers of Violence: Conflict and Identity in Ulster and Upper Silesia 1918-1922 |
2011 | Stuart Eagles | After Ruskin: The Social and Political Legacies of a Victorian Prophet, 1870-1920 |
2011 | Damon Ieremia Salesa | Racial Crossings: Race, Intermarriage, and the Victorian British Empire |
2011 | Timothy Johnston | Being Soviet: Identity, Rumour, and Everyday Life Under Stalin 1939-1953 |
2011 | Satoshi Mizutani | The Meaning of White: Race, Class, and the 'Domiciled Community' in British India 1858-1930 |
2011 | Helen Jacobsen | Luxury and Power: The Material World of the Stuart Diplomat, 1660-1714 |
2011 | Stephan E. C. Wendehorst | British Jewry, Zionism, and the Jewish State, 1936-1956 |
2012 | Robert Tobin | The Minority Voice: Hubert Butler and Southern Irish Protestantism, 1900-1991 |
2012 | Alexandra Gajda | The Earl of Essex and Late Elizabethan Political Culture |
2012 | Eric Jabbari | Pierre Laroque and the Welfare State in Postwar France |
2012 | James Matthews | Reluctant Warriors: Republican Popular Army and Nationalist Army Conscripts in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 |
2012 | Avi Lifschitz | Language and Enlightenment: The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century |
2012 | Leigh A. Gardner | Taxing Colonial Africa: The Political Economy of British Imperialism |
2013 | Hannah Skoda | Medieval Violence: Physical Brutality in Northern France, 1270-1330 |
2013 | Miles Pattenden | Pius IV and the Fall of the Carafa: Nepotism and Papal Authority in Counter-Reformation Rome |
2013 | Joshua L. Cherniss | A Mind and Its Time: The Development of Isaiah Berlin's Political Thought |
2013 | Rebecca Clifford | Commemorating the Holocaust: The Dilemmas of Remembrance in France and Italy |
2013 | Erika Hanna | Modern Dublin: Urban Change and the Irish Past, 1957-1973 |
2013 | Abdel Razzaq Takriti | Monsoon Revolution: Republicans, Sultans, and Empires in Oman, 1965-1976 |
2013 | Michael P.M. Finch | A Progressive Occupation? The Gallieni-Lyautey Method and Colonial Pacification in Tonkin and Madagascar, 1885-1900 |
2013 | Holger Nehring | Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements and the Early Cold War, 1945-1970 |
2014 | Lucie Ryzova | The Age of the Efendiyya: Passages to Modernity in National-Colonial Egypt |
2014 | Stephen J. C. Andes | The Vatican and Catholic Activism in Mexico and Chile: The Politics of Transnational Catholicism, 1920-1940 |
2014 | Britta Schilling | Postcolonial Germany: Memories of Empire in a Decolonized Nation |
2014 | Simone Laqua-O'Donnell | Women and the Counter-Reformation in Early Modern Münster |
2014 | Daniel Lee | Pétain's Jewish Children: French Jewish Youth and the Vichy Regime, 1940-1942 |
2014 | Kathryne Beebe | Pilgrim & Preacher: The Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8-1502) |
2014 | Peter Sloman | The Liberal Party and the Economy, 1929-1964 |
2014 | Andrew D. M. Beaumont | Colonial America and the Earl of Halifax, 1748-1761 |
2015 | Robert S. G. Fletcher | British Imperialism and 'The Tribal Question' |
2015 | Robert D. Priest | The Gospel According to Renan: Reading, Writing, and Religion in Nineteenth-Century France |
2015 | Amalia Ribi Forclaz | Humanitarian Imperialism: The Politics of Anti-Slavery Activism, 1880-1940 |
2015 | Kat Hill | Baptism, Brotherhood, and Belief in Reformation Germany: Anabaptism and Lutheranism, 1525-1585 |
2015 | Benedict Wagner-Rundell | Common Wealth, Common Good: The Politics of Virtue in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania |
2015 | Patrick Lantschner | The Logic of Political Conflict in Medieval Cities: Italy and the Southern Low Countries, 1370-1440 |
2015 | Aaron Graham | Corruption, Party, and Government in Britain, 1702-1713 |
2015 | Frances Flanagan | Remembering the Revolution: Dissent, Culture, and Nationalism in the Irish Free State |
2015 | Thomas Marsden | The Crisis of Religious Toleration in Imperial Russia: Bibikov's System for the Old Believers, 1841-1855 |
2016 | James Kirby | Historians and the Church of England: Religion and Historical Scholarship, 1870-1920 |
2016 | Gerard Keown | First of the Small Nations: The Beginnings of Irish Foreign Policy in the Inter-War Years, 1919-1932 |
2016 | Mara van der Lugt | Bayle, Jurieu, and the Dictionnaire Historique et Critique |
2016 | Oren Margolis | The Politics of Culture in Quattrocento Europe: René of Anjou in Italy |
2016 | Andrew S. Tompkins | Better Active Than Radioactive! Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany |
2016 | Antoninus Samy | The Building Society Promise: Access, Risk, and Efficiency 1880-1939 |
2016 | Benjamin Mountford | Britain, China, and Colonial Australia |
2016 | Alistair Malcolm | Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640-1665 |
2017 | Emily Jones | Edmund Burke and the Invention of Modern Conservatism, 1830-1914 |
2017 | Aled Davies | The City of London and Social Democracy: The Political Economy of Finance in Britain, 1959-1979 |
2017 | G.E.M. Lippiatt | Simon V of Montfort and Baronial Government, 1195-1218 |
2017 | Britan FitzGerald | Inspiration and Authority in the Middle Ages: Prophets and Their Critics from Scholasticism to Humanism |
2017 | Emily A. Winkler | Royal Responsibility in Anglo-Norman Historical Writing |
2018 | Sam Brewitt-Taylor | Christian Radicalism in the Church of England and the Invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970: The Hope of a World Transformed |
2018 | Duncan Hardy | Associative Political Culture in the Holy Roman Empire: Upper Germany, 1346-1521 |
2018 | Kenneth Owen | Political Community in Revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1774-1800 |
2018 | Thomas Brodie | German Catholicism at War, 1939-1945 |
2019 | Joshua Bennett | God and Progress: Religion and History in British Intellectual Culture, 1845-1914 |
2019 | Mary Elisabeth Cox | Hunger in War and Peace: Women and Children in Germany, 1914-1924 |
2019 | Arthur Asseraf | Electric News in Colonial Algeria |
2019 | Eliza Hartrich | Politics and the Urban Sector in Fifteenth-Century England, 1413-1471 |
2019 | Anish Vanaik | Possessing the City: Property and Politics in Delhi, 1911-1947 |
2020 | Gabriela A. Frei | Great Britain, International Law, and the Evolution of Maritime Strategic Thought, 1856-1914 |
2020 | Yoni Furas | Educating Palestine: Teaching and Learning History Under the Mandate |
2020 | Floris Verhaart | Classical Learning in Britain, France, and the Dutch Republic, 1690-1750 |
2020 | Lise Butler | Michael Young, Social Science, and the British Left, 1945-1970 |
2021 | Lidia Luisa Zanetti Domingues | Confession and Criminal Justice in Late Medieval Italy: Siena, 1260-1330 |
2021 | Lyndsey Jenkins | Sisters and Sisterhood: The Kenney Family, Class, and Suffrage, 1890-1965 |
2022 | Ria Kapoor | Making Refugees in India |
2022 | R. J. C. Adams | Shadow of a Taxman: Who Funded the Irish Revolution? |
2022 | Neal Shashore | Designs on Democracy: Architecture and the Public in Interwar London |
2023 | Thomas Pert | The Palatine Family and the Thirty Years' War: Experiences of Exile in Early Modern Europe, 1632-1648 |
2023 | Aaron Clift | Anticommunism in French Society and Politics, 1945-1953 |
2023 | Graham Barrett | Text and Textuality in Early Medieval Iberia: The Written and the World, 711-1031 |
2023 | Luca Zenobi | Borders and the Politics of Space in Late Medieval Italy |
2023 | Benjamin Savill | England and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages: Papal Privileges in European Perspective, c.680-1073 |
2023 | Amar Sohal | The Muslim Secular: Parity and the Politics of India's Partition |
2023 | Lorenzo Tabarrini | Estate Management Around Florence and Lucca 1000-1250 |
2023 | Roshan Allpress | British Philanthropy in the Globalizing World: Entrepreneurs and Evangelicas, 1756-1840 |
2024 | Matthew Ward | Thomas Hobbes and Political Thought in Ireland c.1660-c.1730: The Leviathan Released |
2024 | Cynthia Aalders | The Spiritual Lives and Manuscript Cultures of Eighteenth-Century English Women: Writing Religious Communities |
2025 | Matt Myers | The Halted March of the European Left: The Working Class in Britain, France, and Italy, 1968-1989 |
The University of Oxford has 36 colleges, three societies, and four permanent private halls (PPHs) of religious foundation. The colleges and PPHs are autonomous self-governing corporations within the university.
Robert John Service is a post-revisionist British historian, academic, and author who has written extensively on the history of the Soviet Union, particularly the era from the October Revolution to Stalin's death. He was until 2013 a professor of Russian history at the University of Oxford, a Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford, and a senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He is best known for his biographies of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Leon Trotsky. He has been a fellow of the British Academy since 1998.
David L. Smith is a noted historian at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He specializes in Early Modern British history, particularly political, constitutional, legal and religious history within the Stuart period. He is the author or co-author of eight books, and the editor or co-editor of seven others, and he has also published more than seventy essays and articles.
The University of Chicago Press is the university press of the University of Chicago, a private research university in Chicago, Illinois. It is the largest and one of the oldest university presses in the United States. It publishes a wide range of academic titles, including The Chicago Manual of Style, numerous academic journals, and advanced monographs in the academic fields. The press is located just south of the Midway Plaisance on the University of Chicago campus.
The Survey of London is a research project to produce a comprehensive architectural survey of central London and its suburbs, or the area formerly administered by the London County Council. It was founded in 1894 by Charles Robert Ashbee, an Arts-and-Crafts designer, architect and social reformer and was motivated by a desire to record and preserve London's ancient monuments. The first volume was published in 1900, but the completion of the series remains far in the future.
Sir Howard Montagu Colvin was a British architectural historian who produced two of the most outstanding works of scholarship in his field: A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600–1840 and The History of the King's Works.
John Stephen Morrill is a British Roman Catholic Priest, historian and academic who specialises in the political, religious, social, and cultural history of early-modern Britain from 1500 to 1750, especially the English Civil War. He is best known for his scholarship on early modern politics and his unique county studies approach which he developed at Cambridge. Morrill was educated at Trinity College, Oxford, and became a fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge, in 1975.
Henry Colin Gray Matthew was a British historian and academic. He was an editor of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and editor of the diaries of William Ewart Gladstone.
A university press is an academic publishing house specializing in monographs and scholarly journals. They are often an integral component of a large research university. They publish work that has been reviewed by scholars in the field. They produce mainly academic works but also often have trade books for a lay audience. These trade books also get peer reviewed. Many but not all university presses are nonprofit organizations, including the 160 members of the Association of University Presses.
Paul Stuart Fiddes is an English Baptist theologian and novelist.
Richard Sharpe,, Hon. was a British historian and academic, who was Professor of Diplomatic at the University of Oxford and a fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. His broad interests were the history of medieval England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. He had a special concern with first-hand work on the primary sources of medieval history, including the practices of palaeography, diplomatic and the editorial process, as well as the historical and legal contexts of medieval documents. He was the general editor of the Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues, and editor of a forthcoming edition of the charters of King Henry I of England.
The Faculty of History at the University of Oxford organises that institution's teaching and research in medieval and modern history. Medieval and modern history has been taught at Oxford for longer than at virtually any other university, and the first Regius Professor of Modern History was appointed in 1724. The Faculty is part of the Humanities Division, and has been based at the former City of Oxford High School for Boys on George Street, Oxford since the summer of 2007, while the department's library relocated from the former Indian Institute on Catte Street to the Bodleian Library's Radcliffe Camera in August 2012.
Julia Margaret Bray is a British scholar of Oriental studies who specialises in Medieval to Early Modern Arabic literature. From 2012 to 2023, she was the Laudian Professor of Arabic at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of St John's College, Oxford. She previously taught Arabic and Arabic literature at the universities of Manchester, Edinburgh and St Andrews, and was Professeur de littérature arabe médiévale at the Paris 8 University from 2003 to 2012.
Wayne John Hankey was a Canadian religious philosopher. Hankey had a lengthy career in academia, holding the title of professor emeritus in the Classics department at Dalhousie University until charged with historic sexual assault in February 2021. Hankey died on February 5, 2022, before standing trial on sexual abuse charges.
Alexandra Marie Walsham is an English-Australian academic historian. She specialises in early modern Britain and in the impact of the Protestant and Catholic reformations. Since 2010, she has been Professor of Modern History at the University of Cambridge and is currently a fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. She is co-editor of Past & Present and vice-president of the Royal Historical Society.
Miriam Tamara Griffin was an American classical scholar and tutor of ancient history at Somerville College at the University of Oxford from 1967 to 2002. She was a scholar of Roman history and ancient thought, and wrote books on the Emperor Nero and his tutor, Seneca, encouraging an appreciation of the philosophical writings of the ancient Romans within their historical context.
Yasmin Cordery Khan is a British historian, novelist and broadcaster whose work focuses on the British Empire, Colonial India and the decolonisation of South Asia. She is a Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford and Professor of Modern History based in the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education.
Jane Ohlmeyer,, is a historian and academic, specialising in early modern Irish and British history. She is the Erasmus Smith's Professor of Modern History (1762) at Trinity College Dublin and Chair of the Irish Research Council, which funds frontier research across all disciplines.
Alexandra Mary Gajda is an English historian of political, religious and intellectual life in early modern Britain. She is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Oxford and John Walsh Fellow and Tutor in History at Jesus College.
Hannah Skoda is a British historian of Europe in the late medieval period. She is Associate Professor of Medieval History at the University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor in History at St John's College.